
Got It Bad, by Christi Barth

meegzreads's review

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*5 Stars*

ARC kindly received in exchange for an honest review.

Kellan was always the brother that I was most curious and excited to read about in this series. Since I started that first book, I couldn’t wait to read all about the cocky, flirty youngest Maguire brother.

Ladies and gents, he did not disappoint! I loved getting to know Kellan and Delaney in this one, and theirs was the story I was hoping would come about. Whilst Kellan is the “good” one out of the three boys, he and Delaney and their relationship could cause so many problems and so he’s essentially going a “bad” thing.

I love love loved Kellan, he would have to be my favourite Maguire brother, and I really loved seeing him step up in this one and start coming out of shell, and taking charge of his life in their new town on Bandon.

Delaney was pretty awesome too, and I could totally understand her reasoning and insecurities. Seeing them grow together was awesome and I really wondered how Christi would be able to pull of the happy ending for them.

The ending though? Hot damn. So. Perfect. There were a few things left a little bit too open and skimmed over for me, without too much detail about how they got closed out, but otherwise it was all fantastic.

Having the other Maguire brothers of course, and their significant others and some of the townsfolk was a great addition to the book and I must say that I have really loved this series. Definitely recommend. A great way to finish it off.

Review also on my blog - Got It Bad - Christi Barth

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becsa's review

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Kieran Mullaney is attending Northwestern University Law School when his life is changed in an instant when he learns that due to his brothers involvement with the mob he is being forced into the Witness Protection Program. Now Kieran must become Kellan Maguire and begin his life again.

Delaney Evans is a US Marshall and is in charge of keeping Frank and Ryan Mullaney safe from Chicago mob boss Danny McGirity. What she doesn't expect is to fall for Kellan, the younger innocent brother who got caught in the middle.

As Kellan and Delaney both realize they have feelings for each other what will they be willing to risk for the other? Will Delaney give up her career and will she be able to focus on keeping the other brothers safe if she has feelings for Kellan?

This is the first book I have read in the series so I think parts of the book seemed to skip over things with the presumption that I have read the other books.

I liked Kellan and I felt bad about how is life was turned upside down with the revelation that his brothers were involved in the mob. He was really struggling with what he wanted to do with his life and he knew he didn't want to work in a cranberry plant forever.

Delaney was dedicated to her job but she also knew she was developing feelings for Kellan but was torn between dating him and the consequences of her job. You knew that something would happen to put everything to the test. Delaney had her own issues from her past and it was brought up but then it didn't seem to get touched on again which I found odd.

I did really like Kellan and Delaney together and I loved the scene from the car!

I liked the career change that Kellan chose and how he really wanted to do something useful and meaningful.

I wasn't sure what was going to happen with the past coming for a visit but I found even though it was briefly tense everything seemed to get dissipated quickly but unfortunately not everyone escaped unhurt.

I also found it odd that there was not much on the trial after the whole book leading up to it. Maybe it was in a different one of the books but I found it was mentioned and then everyone lives happily ever after.

A good story but had some holes in it.

kindlelovingmom's review

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This is the third and final book in this series. I really enjoyed these stories, especially the 3 brothers and their strong bond.

Kellan Maguire was ALMOST a lawyer. Though he had a different name then. He was thisclose to finishing law school in Chicago, when his life was ripped away from him, due to the actions and choices of his 2 older brothers. They were in the Chicago Irish mob, and his older brother agreed to testify against his boss, in exchange for the 3 of them being placed in WITSEC, together. Not only did Kellan get no say in the matter, he didn't even know his brothers worked for the mob! He was hurt and angry to discover that all the rules and morals they imposed on him growing up, after the loss of their parents, were ones they weren't even following themselves. But he loves them, and knew his life was in danger, so here he is in the middle of nowhere, Oregon. Working in a cranberry plant while he feels his brain rotting away. WITSEC promises you a life and a job. They don't promise you'll like it. The only real bright spot, besides his strong, though strained, bond with his brothers, is their US Marshal handler, Delaney Evans. He wants her, bad. He knows it's against the rules, but he's always been the GOOD brother. Isn't it time for him to be a little bad?!

Delaney Evans learned the hard way as a young girl to never let love, relationships, or especially a man, derail your path in life. She watched her mother take her father back time, and time again, even though he was a criminal, an addict, a liar, and a cheat. Her mother felt her life would be nothing without Delaney's father in it. Delaney might as well have hardly existed at all. Eventually that constant forgiving and gullibility cost her mother her life. Delaney refuses to venture down that road. So, she chose a job where she can help people every day to make up for what her father did. But, it also keeps her on the move a lot and doesn't lend itself to making long-lasting relationships, of any kind. Her one real friend is her college roommate, who also travels a lot internationally on business, so they talk on the phone constantly. When Delaney makes a real connection with Kellan, before he knows who she is, she can't shake it. It could cost her her career to get involved with him, so she treats him with sarcasm, and gives him grief, as a way to keep him at arm's length. But she has no idea how much longer she can do it.

Delaney and Kellan's chemistry has been evident throughout all 3 books, and I've been dying for their story since book 1. I loved their sniping, and their constant jokes and sarcasm endeared them each to me, in their own ways. I really felt for Kellan and how his life was completely out of his control. And now, the simple choice of the woman he wants to be with is out of his control too?? It wasn't fair, and he railed against it with everything he had, trying to get Delaney to see him, as more than her protectee. When they finally give in, it was sweet, and sexy, and long overdue, and I loved watching them fall into each other.

I adore the bond between the 3 brothers. Even though Rafe and Flynn made impossible choices, and bad decisions, and kept Kellan in the dark, they also raised him, and loved him, and taught him to be a good person. He can't discount everything he learned from them, even though apparently it was a "do as I say, not as I do" situation. He's got a lot of anger about their new lives, and he feels he can't let it out, because both his brothers feel bad enough about what happened, and all their lives are at risk once they testify against their old boss. Kellan really needed someone he could talk to honestly about his feelings, without having to lie or withhold certain facts, and Delaney was that perfect person for him.

My issues with the story were mostly that I wanted a little more of a suspense plot than there was, and additionally, after 3 books of build-up, I really would have liked to see more about the actual trial and the brothers testifying. I know this story wasn't meant to be a courtroom drama, but I felt like the trial and results could have been touched on a LOT more, and still not been too much. There was mostly a bunch of hurry up and wait happening with all that. Though, I really loved finally seeing the oft mentioned Cranberry Festival take place, and to see how the town itself grew on all 3 men by the end. Also, though the epilogue was great, I wish it would've shown a little further into the future.

I enjoyed this whole series, and I would recommend it as very "light" romantic suspense. I enjoyed these brothers, and their journey.

ARC provided by Publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Reviewed by Megan from Alpha Book Club
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beckymmoe's review

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Reviewed on my blog, Becky on Books, on 9/27/18.

What an ending to this series!

Many aspects were nicely tied up--all the "bad boys'" HEAs were solidified, Kellan and Delaney's relationship that we were teased about for Two. Whole. Books. finally came to fruition (I really can't re-read their meet cute too many times!), and Kellan managed to overcome his youngest-brother hangups/insecurities and both stand up to his brothers and figure out a life path for himself. All pure awesomeness.


Conflict-wise, the story isn't terribly strong. Kellan and Delaney appear to have some real, solid reasons why they can't be together for a good chunk of the book that get "fixed" pretty quickly and painlessly. Not wholly unbelievably, but it just seems a bit anti-climactic. Also somewhat anti-climactic? That after three books of waiting for the big trial--the reason why they're all in the witness protection program--it happens off page. All of it. That was a bit of a letdown.

Still, relationship-wise, for all three brothers together as well as the three of them with their significant others, this was a highly satisfying story and a great ending to the series. I wouldn't suggest starting here--yeah, you probably get all the details you need for Kellan and Delaney's story within these pages, but I think you'd miss out on the relationships between the brothers if you did so. (Plus, chances are what you see of Sierra and Mollie will really make you want to see their stories too...don't say I didn't warn you!)

Rating: 4 stars / B+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.