
Midnight Burning by Karissa Laurel

lindawesome's review against another edition

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If you're going to try out just one new author this year, pick this one!
"Without the bakery, without Mani, I was a dandelion seed in the wind, subject to the currents of fate."

 Solina is out on a mission, trying to figure out how and why her brother was murdered. Of the two, Mani was the "wild one", following his dreams and desires. Solina followed the path directed by others. On her own, a long way from home, she has a hard time figuring out who she really is, who she can trust, and how all that is happening fits in the big picture.
Mystery, myhtology, paranormal and just a little pinch of romance - perfect! And, of course, just to make it better: the occasional snarky reply -

"Gathering information from this bunch was like prying a dinosaur fossil from the ground with a toothpick."

Often, when it comes to debut novels, the author hits some bumps and holes along the way. This however, is about as good as it gets. I loved it! I need the next book. Like, now.
I recieved a free copy of the book courtesy of Red Adept Publishing and the author via NetGalley, in exhange for an honest review.

karen_the_baroness's review against another edition

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Wow. Midnight Burning was just wow. It was so wonderfully written and each time I had to leave that world to do my chores, tend to my cat, or even just to do normal things I was wishing I was back in the book learning more about what is happening to poor Solina.

The whole book is written in Solina’s point-of-view which is really cool as it gives us insight into her character and allows us to see the world through a baker’s eyes as she is thrust into doing things that she normally never does and leaves that to her twin brother who unfortunately has died about four months prior to the book starting. There was so much stuff going on in this book that I felt bad for poor Solina as she was basically pushed into this world because of her brother’s death and the whole thing that she was the one that lead him to Alaska from a dream that she had of him using powers that Mani probably thought he could learn about there in Alaska. The whole reason with why Solina wanted to go to Alaska, or at least the reason she told her parents, was so that she could pack up his things and send them home, closure. She never really told them that she wanted to do something about her brother’s murder.

We met a whole lot of different characters and sees each of them showing more of their personality throughout the whole book and when they interact with Solina. The one that we truly see a transformation in for personality is Solina. She goes from this timid goodie goodie girl to one that will keep the ones that she loves at arm’s length to not let them get hurt after she figures out who she is and what that means for her to do. I was happy and glad to see her transformation throughout the book as it made her a better person for this whole new world that she was just dumped into unwillingly.

Another person that took a 360 to me was Val Wotan. He was first shown as both Mani’s best friend and co-worker who cared for Solina and Mani. After that though he started to show that he was jealous of the time she spent with Thorin but that he was possessive of her as well. My first impression of this guy was wow this guy is hot and I don’t blame Solina for liking him and then we started to see more of his personality that seemed to lean toward this jealousy and possessiveness of him that no one would ever think was in him. I liked him but then I wasn’t sure what to think of Val. I was thinking that maybe Val did love Solina and doesn’t want to lose her like he did Mani but why would he be jealous of Thorin then? I just don’t know what to think of Val and I hope in the next book that Val isn’t so possessive of Solina but then who knows especially with what happened at the end of this book.

The person that Mani and Val worked for is M. Aleksander Thorin who is the owner of Thorin’s Adventure Outfitter’s in Siniqui, Alaska. Of course Thorin kept Solina at arm’s length throughout the whole book but at certain times he would show his true self. That is a caring person that wanted to be with Solina but didn’t want his feelings get in the way and take a hold of him if something did happen to Solina. My first impression of Thorin was that he didn’t like Solina, as he tried many times to get her to go back to North Carolina before what happened to her brother happened to her, but with Solina being stubborn it never happened and Thorin just never really lets down his guard around her. Well that is until she learns the truth of him and Val then he kind of does but not really. Now I’m starting to think that maybe Solina might end up with Thorin one day once this threat over Solina’s life is done.

Another person that I loved from the first moment she was introduced would be Skyla Ramirez. Skyla has this tough girl exterior which is really true as she has tattoos and piercings. However, once she and Solina gets a friendship going Skyla is more than that. Sure she still acts all tough but she is also sarcastic and stubborn and would fight for someone that she loves which is always a good thing. Especially since it is the “fight for someone that she loves” which is what drove her and Solina, two unlikely friends, to become best friends while trying to figure out who murdered Mani since the police isn’t doing anything. Skyla is also the one that connected everything that is happening to Norse mythology as it so happens that a lot of those gods are kind of still around.

While Solina and Skyla where being detectives, like Holmes and Dr Watson or Nancy Drew and Stephanie Plum, they find out a lot of interesting things and the two of them have come up with two likely culprits for Solina’s brother’s murder. Harold Hati and Adam Skoll. Adam Skoll because of what Skyla saw Adam do in the parking lot at some bar. Harold Hati because no one liked him when he was working at Thorin’s business. Harold got what was coming for him when he and Adam tried to make their move on Solina, Skyla, and two Valkyries that were helping Solina out. Adam and Harold didn’t do this on their own and with the help of Thorin, and a little bit of Val, Solina finds out that it was by someone else.

Another character that I didn’t like would be Helen Locke. Just her name makes me dislike her. She is someone that knows Thorin because of some business interactions that they had with each other. Helen looks like a sexier Cruella de Vil according to Solina but unlike Cruella she has two different eye colors one blue and one brown. She is also someone that can act sweet for one person while acting like a bitch to another at the same time. Helen also doesn’t like Solina and I hope that in furture books that Solina is able to do something to Helen.

Everything about this book was so good and I am happy that I was asked to read it. I can’t wait to see what Solina does in the next books. I give this book five butterflies and totally would tell anyone that ask me which book I loved the most this year (so far anyway) would be this one and I would recommend it to them to read.

Anyways until the next time enjoy this book review brought to you by

Baroness’ Book Trove.


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mmelibertine's review against another edition

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What do I even say about Midnight Burning, except I WANT THE NEXT BOOK NOW PLEASE. It's a page-turner from start to finish: well-paced, clever (but not smug about it), and unique in its choice of settings and characters. Every chapter flips tired tropes on their heads. Gone is the whitewashed world, the formulaic romance, the knight in shining armor. Midnight Burning dares to put a flawed woman in the hero's spot and it pays off in spades.

One of my favorite things about the book is that in between the fighting and politicking and maneuvering, it even explores the fragility of masculinity and resultant social expectations. This is addressed consistently throughout the book, and Solina never minces words about it. She tolerates none of what we've come to expect as standard when romance is even remotely involved, but Midnight Burning doesn't shove her into the ice princess/cold bitch corner along with so many other leading ladies. She's allowed dignity and independence as well as sexuality and longing. It's really a beautiful balance to see.

triciab04's review against another edition

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   Wow! Admittedly I had read a few early reviews of this from my buddies and I already had a good feeling about this book, but I still always go in to something like this with certain doubts that it will end up being as good as everyone says. Fear not, friends, I can say this truly lived up to all the hype!

I really wasn’t quite sure how big the fantasy element was going to be here, especially throughout the first third of the book. It was a slower paced accession into that fantasy element, which I was actually grateful for. It enabled the mystery to build to peak height, and then crest with a glorious turn of events that I didn’t quite see coming. Maybe those better versed in that specific area might grab the clues earlier on, but even if you’re like me and you didn’t, it was the perfect pacing to be eased into it along with the main character, who was just as naïve. I was so invested in the mystery of Sol’s brother’s death already, so when the world started to open up I was even more amped to continue!

The characters were just as alluring and mysterious as the plot. I couldn’t get enough of them. Sol was the best! I loved how down to Earth she was. She seemed to this average young woman who was kind of thrust into this awful situation, being so far away from home for the first time, and on a mission to find out what exactly happened to her poor brother. I really respected how assertive she was, even though she was scared and completely out of her element, and surrounded by a bunch of people who clearly knew more than they were letting on, she still managed to keep pushing for answers with her head held high. I liked that she was such a strong character, but she also knew her limitations, she pushed limits but still used her head in situations. She was smart enough to know when she was in over her head, or when to not be a smartass, and those qualities are not to be undervalued! I especially loved it when she ultimately decided to become more self sufficient too. It’s always nice to see a damsel in distress start to tale the reins and fight for herself too, rather than sit back and wait for a prince to save the day.
All the other characters we learned more and more about as the story progressed, and boy were they all incredible too! And I know we only have just begun to really get to know them! I seriously couldn’t get enough, the more I learned the more I wanted to know.
This wasn’t really a cliffhanger ending, but it was apparent that this story is not finished, now I just need to survive the torturous wait until book 2!!!

Jen’s ( thoughts:
For the most part, I agree with everything that Tricia said. After the first 40% things most definitely picked up, but it was that 40% that had me questioning if I had the patience to keep on going. I even took a few days off from reading Midnight Burning, I text Tricia who assured me that I needed to stick it out, that all of the beginning stuff that I called “nonsensical crap” was worth my time.
It was so hard not to blab what I knew was coming, because I KNEW it was right up your alley! Brownie points for me, yay! lol
AND… she was right

Although Midnight Burning was slow at the beginning, once I finished I realized that it didn’t take anything away from the book. It just made it that much better and also made me realize I have the attention span of a freaking gnat.
I went into this with absolutely no idea what it was about, I had a conversation with Tricia where she fangirled to me about getting a request to review it (yeah, I totally did the fangirl happy dance when we got the email, not even going to lie). Never once did I expect that Midnight Burning would encompass one of my absolute favorite things in the world.
And no, you get no spoilers here!

I cannot wait for book 2, I mean there has to be a book 2…right??
P.S. I don’t like Val, something is way up with him. He’s got my spidey senses in overdrive!
Jen, I totally agree something seemed shady with him!

We received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

melsbookshelf's review

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Sometimes you just need to get out of reality for a while and read a good paranormal fantasy. It is not my most favourite genre, but I really enjoyed this fun mythological/paranormal fantasy Midnight Burning by Karissa Laurel.

Solina travels to Alaska following the death of her brother, to organise his belongings and his apartment. While she is there she spends time with her late brothers best friend Val and his friends, and their employer Thorin. It soon becomes apparent that whomever killed her brother is now after her. She has dreams of wolf-like creatures and discovers that her brother was killed by being torn to shreds by a wolf. Soon she is on a quest to discover who she really is and who she can trust, and is running for her life.

First of all I had to comment on the cover. I love it! I'm not sure why it grabbed me so much when I saw it, but it suits the book perfectly and is absolutely gorgeous!

I really enjoyed this book. It was well written, REALLY well written. The book grabbed me from the start!

I loved all the characters and it was great to watch them and their relationship with Solina develop. I loved Skyla, I found her to be one of my favourite characters. And I enjoyed Solina's character. Even though she did a few things that annoyed me.

I am not a big fan of love triangles in books. They make me cringe. A lot. But Laurel is clever here, she makes it a love triangle without having any of the characters actually commit. So its not a love triangle exactly.... Its hard to explain, It just works. I love the tension between the characters, especially Solina and Thorin. I was hoping that a bit more would happen between them, but she is obviously saving that for subsequent books!

I enjoyed the first half of the book more than the second half. I was actually expecting it to be a werewolf story, but it most certainly isn't. It is so much more than that. Once the truth came out and Solina discovered who she was, it started to get a bit too mythological for my liking. Its just not stuff I'm particularly interested in and a lot of the characters and mythology was over my head. However it wasn't all about that and still had an awesome story line, so I still enjoyed reading till the end!

Speaking of the end! Loved the ending! I will absolutely read the next one as I want to know what happens!!

Would I recommend it?

Yup! For fans of paranormal fantasy. It was a fabulous story, a great escape from reality for a while and was really well written. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Thanks to the author Karissa Laurel for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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avoraciousreader68's review

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*Book source ~ A review copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

25-yr-old Solina Mundy has never been far away from her small North Carolina home, but when her twin brother Mani is murdered in Alaska she heads there to settle his affairs. Since she had a nightmare (or was it a vision?) the night of Mani’s murder, she’s also hoping to find answers as to who and why someone would kill him, something the police have had zero luck accomplishing. Meeting his friends and co-workers leaves her with more questions than answers and now someone is gunning for her. Pieces slowly fall into place and Solina learns things aren’t what they seem. Not by a long shot. One thing is certain though; she needs to get up to speed and fast because her life, the lives of her friends and, in fact, the whole world are depending on her.

Ok, seriously? This is Karissa Laurel’s debut novel? Because…damn! Before I dive into the review let me say that I came so very close to turning away the tour for this book. Not because it didn’t interest me because it did, but because I’ve been limiting the tours I do this year due to burn out. I didn’t think I’d have the time or energy to deal with a deadline, but I couldn’t make myself delete the tour invite from my inbox. Finally, I told myself to make a final decision. And now here I sit, finished book in hand, slack jawed, suffering from book hangover and wishing for some hair of the dog. Or maybe wolf. I needs the next book! Gimme!

Wonderfully written, I was drawn into the story from the very first page. The plot grabbed my attention and didn’t let go. So many questions! And the author doles out tiny bits of information as if she is imitating Scrooge himself. I wanted to peek at the end so badly! And that is a sign that I’m hooked well and good. The higher my need to peek the better the book is and my Peek-O’Meter was going off full tilt. Brimming with mystery and suspense this story is steeped in Norse mythology. With kickass characters and some romantic possibilities there’s a bit of something for everyone. But that ending? Ho-ly shit! That ending! You’re killing me Mizz Laurel. Killing. Me!

jamiebooksandladders's review

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Actual rating: 3.5/5 | Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

See the full review on Books and Ladders

I went into this thinking it was going to be a werewolf/urban fantasy novel. Because she literally dreams about a wolf eating her brother. And to an extent it was, but there was so much more happening here. And it all related to Norse Mythology. Which was great, love me some Norse Mythology, but at times it seemed a little too forced.

I am not a fan of stories or scenarios where everyone is interconnected and everyone has to be something because it feels a little cheesy and hokey (which is why I stopped watching OuaT) and I think that this one is boardline there. I am a fan of big casts but not if it is just so that you can wink and nudge to everyone in a certain story; at times it sort of felt like that.

I thought the training was a little much and that there was too much of a lull period between the excitement of being with Val and Thorin and the battle scene at the end. I did like that the Valkyrie wanted to teach her instead of just protect her, but I thought they were a little too much at some points. The clearest example for me was when they were saying how Solina basically takes women a step backward because she doesn't know any fighting techniques. Like no, just no.

I am really excited to see where this is going. I love mythology so I am definitely going to pick up the next one. I hope we get to see more of both Thorin and Val too! I also hope that Solina says "I don't need any of these guys" and ends up with Skyla. That would make me love this series.

audiobookingwithleah's review

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Sorry, I'm confused by all the 5-Star Reviews for this...

Narration: Jennifer Fournier
Publisher: Red Adept Publishing, LLC
Setting: Mostly Alaska
Source: I received audiobook via Audiobook Boom in exchange for an honest review

⇝Ratings Breakdown⇜

Plot: 3/5
Main Characters: 2/5
Secondary Characters: 2/5
The Feels: 1/5
Addictiveness: 2/5
Theme or Tone: 3/5
Flow (Writing Style): 3/5
Backdrop (World Building): 3.7/5
Originality: 4/5
Book Cover: 5/5
Narration: 2/5
Ending: 3/5 Cliffhanger: Yup!
Steam Factor 0-5: 2

Total: 2.5/5 STARS - GRADE=D+

⇝My Thoughts⇜

This felt like a lot longer than 278 pages on audio. This was over 10 hours long…10 hours of unlikable characters, lines delivered in the wrong context and an annoyingly done love triangle (or square).

I don't usually get this upset with love triangle's, but this one really irked me. Solina flip-flopped almost the entire book between Val and Thorin and ran hot and cold in her interactions with each, throughout. She pushed away then pulled them in and pushed away again. So much so, that I'm thinking she really likes Skyla instead. Skyla accused her of having a girl crush, even. I think the narrator is at fault for how cheesy the lines were delivered, she was not on her game at all. This could have been a really good story, otherwise, because the Nordic element was an interesting one. I just couldn't get past my dislike for these characters and the narrator to really listen to it.

Will I continue this series?⇜ Nah…I'll pass.
