
The Wedding Game by Amy Matayo

onlyjessica's review

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eesh25's review

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If you're ever in the mood for a headache, I recommend this book to you. It worked for me, maybe it will for you as well...

If I had to sum this book up in one word, the word I'd use would be "awkward".

Almost every single aspect of this book was awkward. The plot was kinda ridiculous. The game show, voting, other people, the whole shebang was ridiculous. I probably wouldn't even have read the book if I hadn't misinterpreted th synopsis and if it wasn't part of a reading challenge.

The pace, to begin with, was not good at all. Not in the sense that it moved slow or fast but more that the scenes ended when something important might be about to happen and in the next scene, it's two days later. It happened so many times that I began to doubt if we would ever get something that wasn't trivial.

The characters I didn't like at all. Cannon was underdeveloped and so deliberately shallow about the Arkansas thing that his dislike for the place seemed fake and exaggerrated.

Also, at the risk of sounding incredibly insensitive, I think that the effect his sister's death had on him was also overplayed. He was only nine at the time and he knew the girl for three weeks, I couldn't buy it. If the book had paid more attention to his relationship with his father growing up, that might have given the character more substance.

Ellie, I hated. She was annoying, stupid, whiny, ill-tempered and so fucking rude! She spent the entire book crying over the fact that she enetered the show, yelling and getting mad for no reason and never, even once, listening to anyone! She was constantly walking away or interrupting whenever someone tried to talk to her. I wanted to stab her in the neck.

Actually, I wanted some masked stranger to stab her in the neck then run away so that the rest of the book could be spend finding the murderer.

The relationship between Ellie and Connon was awful. They had no chemistry and most of the conversations between them were just pointless, random arguments that contributed nothing to the story. I didn't buy it for a second.

What's left? Oh yeah, why I didn't give this book one star. There are two reasons:

1. I have this rule about not giving a book one star unless everything about the book was terrible. Here the writing was not terrible. It was okay. It was what the writing was about that didn't work.

2. There were some things in the book that were kinda okay. I only remember one of them and it's a spoiler so I can't say. Just that there were the rare moments that made you feel as if the book could be saved. It wasn't, though.

I've already said to whom I recommend this book in the beginning and expressed my dislike for the book so that a warp. On to another, and hopefully better, book...

hannahnana73's review

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A bit rushed at times but yeah was a relaxing + fun read at 2 am

mandey1's review

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Interesting premise

I wasn't sure I would like book when I started reading it, but as Cannon and Ellie started warming up to each other, I started liking the book more too. I'm excited to read the next book in the series. Hopefully it's just as good!

I received a free copy of this book. I was not required to leave a positive review.

sparksofember's review

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Sooo much fighting. She wasn't even *trying* to pretend to get along. And the antagonist at the end was very much a one-note stereotype.

ryankasey15's review

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loved it!

valeriew's review

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This book was just ok for me. I did like how it ended.

csheehan72's review

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Cute, fun story. For a romance it's pretty good. I liked that it's not too smarmy and there's a lot of witty, sarcastic banter. Normally I don't read romances, but because I know the author I wanted to give it a shot. :)

ghumpherys's review

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A fun take on the reality TV show theme! I liked the religious aspect as well (which wasn't too preachy).

cctblog's review

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As a long-time fan of the Bachelor/ette franchise, I was eager to read a book that takes place behind the scenes of a similar show. And it incorporates something I've long thought should be a part of the franchise (because we all know it's pretty fake, anyway!): the viewer vote.

When the viewers pick Ellie to be Cannon's bride instead the woman the producers wanted, the producers change the game. Now Ellie and Cannon have to convince the world they're truly in love if they want to win the money.

While The Wedding Game is ostensibly a look at reality TV, it's basically just the story of two people falling in love. And it's a pretty entertaining story at that! It does suffer from the same problem that's found in many romance novels: the conflict between the hero and heroine could be cleared up with a simple conversation—yet it's a conversation that doesn't happen until the end of the book. If Ellie and Cannon had just been honest with each other about their motives for marriage, their lives would have been easier ... and the book would have been much shorter!

That said, The Wedding Game is highly entertaining, and I stayed up far too late reading it. I will definitely be watching for Matayo's next book!