
The Christmas Calendar Girls by Samantha Tonge

nickimags's review

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not for me!

managedbybooks's review

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Christmas is meant to be a time of giving, so with Chesterwood food bank under risk of closure Fern knows just what to do to save it. She's going to get the town to create a living advent calendar.

bookmadjo's review

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When I was told about the book I did think for a minute that it would be a Christmas themed book about girls making a nude calendar, like the movie ‘The Calendar Girls’ but I couldn’t have been more wrong. It turned out to be an incredible fund-raising idea of people hosting a living Advent calendar, taking turns to have a display in their front windows throughout December. I really loved the concept, and if I lived in a more sociable location it sounded like something I would have loved to have done myself.

I loved the relationship between the three women, Fern, Cara and Davina, it was so completely supportive and non-competitive. Fern, in particular, was a strong female character, finding her own strength after the death of her husband. I loved Cara’s storyline, and the way in which it was resolved.

As leading men go, Kit was just about perfect book boyfriend material, with a sexy viking vibe, and a mysterious troubled past. His kindness shone from the page every time he was present.

Samantha Tonge deals with some serious subjects within this novel, each handled with sensitivity and empathy. I appreciated the subject of food banks being raised, and the storyline left me feeling that I really need to plan some donations to make to my local food bank particularly for the Christmas season. I hope other readers feel the same way that I do.

I thought this was a charmingly festive story, and is absolutely perfect reading for a cosy winter evening, curled up on the sofa with a steaming hot drink and a fluffy throw.

vikkiew87's review

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. This book has the most gorgeous cover. As soon as I saw it, I became excited to read. This is a book, I didn’t want to put down- I loved it. Samantha engaged me from the very beginning and I felt quite invested in the characters. This is my first read by Samantha and I have loved it. It definitely won’t be the last. This is a fantastic read.
I cannot wait to read more by Samantha Tonge

amandamagdic's review

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Christmas Calendar Girls follows widowed Fern and her 2 best friends Cara and Davina as they try and save their local food bank at Christmas. As a journalist who had done a story on homelessness the food bank holds a special place in Fern's heart. For Davina as well who volunteers there once a week.

The girls set out on organizing an ambitious plan of a living advent calendar, with a different house in the neighbourhood doing a display each night in December leading up to Christmas. Ever changing deadlines and changes to the funds required continue to cause stress and complications. Not to mention personal issues that keep cropping up. Like steadfast and dependable Cara's recurring forgetfulness as she fears a medical illness. And Fern's growing feelings for the school care taker Kit, who she first met through her article on homeless and who quickly became one of her closest friends after moving to Chesterwood.

This was a heartwarming story about the power of community spirit, giving back and finding forgiveness. Both for others and yourself. I did find it to be a bit slow at times, but enjoyed watching the characters interact and grow. The diversity of the characters was well done and Tonge did a great job delicately and compassionately showcasing the plight of homelessness. Overall a 3 star read for me.