
Immortal Craving by Kendra Leigh Castle

lisa_me's review

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Rating: 4.5♥s
Sensuality: Hot
Audience: Adult
Length: Novel
Cover: 4.5♥s
Genre: Paranormal Romance

My recap:

After sleeping for four hundred years, Tasmin Singh awakens to find that he's the last of his kind. The last Rakshasa, a lion-shifting vampire. But he realizes that he's not alone in his body. There is a malevolence inside him that causes black-outs that have terrible consequences. He seeks out Lily MacGilliivray ([b:Dark Awakening|9996331|Dark Awakening (Dark Dynasties #1)|Kendra Leigh Castle||14891196] and series), the queen of the cat-shifting vampires of the Lilim, in order to find answers.

When he arrives at the Lilim stronghold, he encounters Lily's mortal best friend, Bay Harper. They discover a mutual attraction and passion that neither thought they'd ever feel. Bay's compassion helps to tame the darkness inside him, but Tasmin knows that ultimately the malignancy will overcome him. When a bloody war starts and their lives are on the line, will the darkness win?

My thoughts:

Tasmin is a tortured, honorable, self-sacrificing hero. He starts out arrogant, but on his journey he learns about compassion, passion, and love from Bay. He's a hero you'll fall in love with, right along with Bay.

Bay is tenderhearted towards animals, friends, and those in need. Yet she also has a core of titanium. She's strong-willed and never gives up on anyone or any cause that she believes in. And that includes Tasmin. She finds the strength to do what is necessary, no matter how difficult it may be. She's a strong, admirable heroine you'll pull for.

Mystery, suspense, passion, and danger will keep you turning the pages. Lives are at stake, and a successful resolution seems impossible. There's a dark moment or two that might make you tear up. The book is a game-changer for the series.

Although Immortal Craving can be read as a standalone book, it's best enjoyed if you start at the beginning of the series. The characters and background will make more sense that way, and you'll have the pleasure of reading the series.

Please see my full review at Paranormal Romance with Lisa Annesley.

heabooknerd's review

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I was sad to have this series come to an end, but I certainly enjoyed it. Tasmin’s story was heartbreaking because you could tell how much he was bothered by losing control. Tasmin’s story was so interesting, being the last Rakshasa alive and his struggle with his possession was written so well. Tasmin was such an honorable man and it was heartbreaking to watch him lose control of himself and know that he was a threat to everyone he cared about.

Bailey knew that she didn’t fit into the world of vampires but was desperately trying to hold onto her friendship with Lily and then Tasmin shows up and she’s drawn even deeper into their world. There was one thing I didn’t like which concerns Bailey and is a pretty big spoiler so be warned:
At one point in the book, Bailey is thinking about her friendship with Lily and her growing feelings for Tasmin and how as a human she is vulnerable. Bay comes to the realization that she "belongs in the light" and if given the choice she would stay human. Shortly after this, Bay, Lily, Ty and others are being transported and are attacked by Ptolemy. Bay is bitten so that she will be changed into a Ptolemy as a way to hurt Lily. Tasmin kills the vampire before he can give Bay his blood but she's been so drained that the only way to save her is to turn her, so Tasmin turns her into a Rakshasa. When Bay realizes what happened she admits she wasn't ready to die and she doesn't blame Tasmin for turning her but it just made the situation a bit uncomfortable since the reader knows that Bay had already thought about this and decided to stay human.

The overall conflict with Arsinoe felt a bit rushed and seemed like it was quickly wrapped up. There was also another enemy that wasn’t found and conquered and that was just left open ended. I think I read somewhere that the author hasn’t always been able to finish her books the way she wants due to publisher contracting so that might be why it feels like there were other books planned for this series.

ameretet's review

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Cute book. I liked the hero. The epicness was lacking, though.

sk24's review

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Just more of the same, but with different characters. I guess I'm just sick of this story.

rclz's review

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This was the best so far. I really like her characters and plotting. I really hope there is another in this series.

peppamint's review

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This is the fourth book int he Dark Dynasties series and I haven't read any of the other ones. Going in blind, I really enjoyed the world. She allotted a lot of information without it being all heavy and and frontloady. You got a really good feel for the way things were supposed to be and the way things were.

I really love her twist on vampires and their culture.

I also really liked how the characters were written. They were a lot of fun to read and well-rounded. They had and acknowledged their faults, which was nice. They were nice compliments to each other.

Bay, the heroine of the story, isn't annoying, which is nice. I actually really like her and love her dog Grimm. Tasmin isn't just some hot hunk of ethereal creature, but reads like a normal guy that just happens to be able to turn into a lion.,..and you know, cast illusions with his brain.

I also liked the lesser characters, which read like obvious stars of the past few books. And, I would actually like to read the first three books to get a more fleshed out view of their relationships along with the world she's created and the dynasties in them!

The steam scenes were good too. :3