
Steel by Cari Silverwood

rihoward's review

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Do you ever wonder sometimes how an author comes up with certain ideas? Especially, the most obscure and "think outside the box" type of ideas and then turns it into literary prose? Those are questions that I ask myself every time I read a book by this author. I think that there is no way that she can outdo herself. This is especially true as she takes it in a whole new direction with everything that she writes.

In this case, she is expanding on the Dark Monster fantasy series only this time instead of a stonehifter we get a monster mé·nage à trois with a Princess, an Orc/shag, and a cyborg. Might seem out of this world, which it is both literally and figuratively in this case, but don't let that discourage you from trying it out and seeing for yourself that this book/series is everything. It blends science fiction with fantasy, erotica with witty tongue in cheek humor. She creates a world that if you close your eyes you can picture it as if you had visited before. That in itself is pretty amazing considering it a futuristic location in Space. As always, her books have STEAM and an eggplant or two. Nothing like a couple of big eggplants to fulfill your hunger.

Even with the humor, this author always gives another meaning. In this case, she seems to want to give the lesson the importance of being true to one's self and not to the dictates of those around you. In the long run, material things and appearances do not matter if you aren't truly happy.

I cannot want to see what the next utterly wicked and out of world idea, this author has up her sleeve for her audience next. Regardless of what it is, I will be waiting with baited breath!

lifeinthebooklane's review

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A perfectly fun, crazy, entertaining and super steamy read, with a touch of dubious-consent

A cyborg with a massive, multi-faceted appendage, a literally horny half orc-half shag in rut and a princess torn between being a good girl and following her heart. OK, perhaps not her heart, it was much more likely her libido she was listening to. Well when you see that as a cast of characters in a Cari Silverwood book only a fool would not be jumping up and down begging for it, *double entendre intended*.

Part machine, part man, part lost soul. Part spacejunker captain with a mortgage on his dick.

Oh my, this didn't disappoint. We had both the complicated 'romance' between Hoss, Baz and Ember, with all it's dubious consent, pheromones and sneaky programming. We also had political cyber manoeuvrings and underhand manipulations based on prophesies. This isn't your usual 'throw away' shagged-by-the-alien romance. There are hidden depths and convoluted plot twists that take what could otherwise be an alien porn read, and make it into something so much more.

Part of me would love to spend a little time inside the author's head, it must be a real Alice-in-Wonderland style world in there, full of curious happenings and strange creatures. The rest of me knows it would be a very dangerous and better to avoid 'adventure' - you'd never emerge the same from it. I just love how her characters are somewhat whimsical yet are also incredibly complex. Her world building is second to none and I feel as though I can reach into the book and touch what she describes. OMG I so do NOT mean a certain part of Hoss or Baz's anatomy either - get your mind out of the gutter.

Have I mentioned yet just how much FUN this book is? Every part of the story is underpinned with wit and humour. The musings of each character not only allow us to understand them but also made me snigger like an adolescent. Particularly at the 'dirty' parts of the book. Talking of which, in many ways this was almost 'tame' compared to the authors usual work. Though whether a cyborg member that can change colour, grow spikes and split into two separate cocks can be considered tame is up for debate.

That told him the tube had run out of cuntspace. Cuntspace. If it wasn't a real word before, it was now.

There were some really sweet little touches in this book too. Ig was totally adorable and when Hoss purred for Ember, oh my a part of me melted. I didn't want to finish this book quite simply because I could never have too much of this amazing trio. Its like a kinky version of The Hitchhikers Guide, so very clever in its complexity that masquerades as artlessness. I so need more of this series.

Note: Next time I'm about to be kidnapped, pack essentials first.

tj_darkreads's review

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Oh my lord Cari has done it again this book was sooo damn good I'm sad it's over.

Ember who is a Data specialist and by all means a princess in trouble literally and it's up to Hoss her guard who is half orc and half shag to save her and they both end up needing rescuing from the Xatar who are after something Ember has & their holed up in a hidey hole hopefully waiting on someone to hear her SOS message before they are killed and just so happens Baz shows up in his ship he's just your typical half cyborg half man mercenary or bounty hunter saver of princesses needing help.

These 3 omg are just amazing you can't help but laugh at some of the stuff they say or do and did I mention some menage going on up in this story oh yeh that s*** was hot as f*** damn this book was soo hot, dirty and good I feel like I'm just talking about the dirty parts and there's plenty of them lol.
Ember finds out something that she's not happy about and plots revenge for the one's nope can't say that'd be spoiling it you'll just have to get the book and find out for yourself.
Once I started reading it I didn't want it to stop I kept wanting more & more I couldn't get enough. I most definitely recommend this book. Oh and she has a little invisible dragon to.

solaana's review

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I want a probability dragon

triciacoker's review

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Yet again Cari has built a diverse and fantastical world that is filled with adventure, intrigue and so much sensuality. Its one of the things I really enjoy about her books, the deep and interesting worlds she builds around the events, the hints of history and lore that make me want to dig deeper, go further and never want the story to end. the fact that exploration comes rolled up in humorous and exciting characters, filled with imagination only makes it all better.

Ember is a unique sort of princess. Baz is an engaging scoundrel of a cyborg. Hoss makes me want to meet a half-orc. The three together drew me in and left me wanting more. Trying not to spoil too much here, but this space adventure is hot and filled to the brim with excitement of all kinds. If you have adventurous tastes in your books, you'll enjoy this newest foray from Cari Silverwood.

ingypingy2000's review

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Sexy, fun ride!

A sexy orc-mix, cyborg, and a human... what could go wrong? Filled with fun action and adventure and tons of steaminess, this book was awesome! I felt at times like certain things were so glossed over that I really never connected with the characters which what somewhat disappointing, but I loved the book overall and can't wait to read the next!

beckiebookworm1974's review

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Release Date-30/6/18

"Hey. Cyborg Man. Is this a good day for rescuing princesses?"

So I bloody adored "Steel" like just so much; it was such a mish-mash of carnal, sci-fi delight with a dash of slapstick humour and a big glug of ridiculousness to accompany its also surprisingly emotive trio.
I am such a mega nerd for weird-ass shenanigans and this book had it going on in absolute spades.
Enough to satisfy even the most ardent of fornication outside the species zealots.
And here to quote the cyber-monks themselves we get treated to a big fat dollop of down and dirty Orc/Human/Cyborg porn and is it wrong that whilst also curling my toes with totally salacious delight my heart itself was also doing a pitter patter of pure bliss whenever that big sexy and did I mention big; yep I did; ( brain kinda short-circuiting here folks ) Orc/Shag up and purred for his potential mate.
Not gonna lie here; I'm such a sucker for any throaty deep purr of the feline sort, so totally suggestive and seductive in its purpose and intent.
Cross that with a crabby but amped up Cyborg and I'm in heaven; like a kid in a sweetshop with an overabundance of goodies, that's me.
"Steel" was a raunchy romp totally worthy of its slapstick label and I mean that as a total compliment here people.
The main protagonist's of this story here are one; Ember, Human of unknown origin, PRINCESS of CESS Industries.
A Principle Data extractor extraordinaire in fact with a weird invisible friend and a self-assigned quest to discover her past Ancestry.
Two; Hoss A mixed breed of Orc/Shag parentage employed by CESS as Embers guard and protector; a huge sexy beast with a massive penchant for his luscious charge and a very real desire to make her his mate no matter how much their particular union would be frowned upon.
And finally Three Baz; a grumpy disgruntled Cyborg who along with his crew is trawling the dead-space in his junk bucket of a ship; just looking to rescue a Princess for the Cyber-monks in return for an upgrade of the intimate variety.
So that's the main gist here really and when these three misfits destinies collide its a non-stop race of classic one-liners, ridiculous plotlines and some seriously filthy hook-ups that as well as being pure smut was also so much fun to kick back and just revel in..
It's almost like a carry on film of the sci-fi steampunk variety and I myself inhaled the cockamamie Narrative like it was oxygen and the more farcical and absurd events played out; the more I devoured like the whole nine yards and more.
So "Steel" is like seriously knicker dripping or dropping fine.
Everything wrong about this also makes it so right.
I had a mega hard-on (If I had a dick that Is) for Hoss; such a delicious Orc/Shag, I adored his furry ass like a whole bloody lot.
He for me was hands down my favourite thing in this whole Zany pantomime; with Maybe Baz's Monster mechanical appendage coming in a very close second.
What can I say; I am a female after all and Baz's cyborg enhancements well let's just say Anne summers eat your heart out.
Hoss was the one ultimately in charge of this threeway here and for me, that worked you know with me being like his own personal fan club and all.
I was all for the Hoss.
So I think its safe to say from my above noise I really was digging the whole entire she-bang here.
This isn't really going to be for everyone of course, but if you like something a bit out of the box and way outside the traditional and mainstream then this one is for you.
Maybe take a chance on this, you might even surprise yourself somewhat.
On a side-note, the Orc featured here Hoss is way up on the attractive scale despite his monobrow; and not at all like the minging ORCS from Tolkien; just saying; being The official Spokeswoman for the Hoss fan-club and all; just wanted to put that out there.
Don't Diss the Hoss he's a total Orc babe
Oh and while I'm here a warning; HUGE APPENDAGE ALERT!!!
There's some huge apparatus locked and loaded and ready to roll within these pages; you have been pre-warned.
Thank You to the Author for providing me with an ARC copy of "Steel (Dark Monster Fantasy, #2)" of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own
Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm

pleasureinatrocities's review

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Maybe more like a 2.5....even for an escapist book, it lacked a lot of substance.

jaypeg's review

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This book is such a ridiculous guilty pleasure. It really cheered me up. I guess this is a monster big cock romance. Not sure I have that genre.

So we have Ember, a data specialist spy kind of girl who is stranded on a mission with her big, grizzly orc bodyguard. They’re going to die. The enemy is closing in. What can you do? Indulge your one off, forbidden orc giant cock fantasy obvs.

Luckily they get rescued by a big, bitter cyborg called Baz who will exchange Ember for a new giant cyborg cock because that’s what he needs to complete him.

They all hoy off to the cybermonks planet where Baz gets a giant robot cock that comes with lots of ‘settings’ and they all get slipped an aphrodisiac drug to help their giant cock romance along.

You can also turn down sensitivity, or turn it up, on command. There is a taste selective. Power lube. And various special modes, such as party mode, unicorn horn simulator, tentacles, and perhaps best of all, the demon cock mode.

It’s ridiculous. It really is. The thing splits in two and has rivets for pete’s sake. I mean really. You’re gonna throw the book down and read something proper aren’t you? You’re not going to hang around to find out what ‘demon cock’ mode is are you?


It was just excellent. There was a bit of wincing at some of the many sex scenes but it was all quite lighthearted and joyful. I will probably now go and read everything this author has ever written.

mousegoddess's review

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I honestly expected darker after the last one, not that I'm complaining. I'm not into the dark side of romance and erotica as a general rule (no judgement, just personal reasons) but this author almost makes me wish I was because she's pretty good.