
Tofu, Tempeh & Soy P) by Camille Cusumano

skorned's review

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"Tofu, Tempeh, and Other Soy Delights" is a semi-dated (it's from the mid-80's) book about all sorts of soy products, from tofu to tempeh to soy milk to okara to soy flour. Each section begins with a brief overview of the ingredient, and usually includes a recipe on how to make it from scratch, then gives recipes using it. What I thought was cool about the recipes is that they weren't just veg*an recipes, they incorporated meat, eggs, dairy, etc; which I wish was more common. Soy foods aren't just for veg-heads! They can be used in all sorts of meals, and lend themselves to many, many diets. There were also little bios and short writeups about different soy producers around the country, which was really cool to see. Some of the places are still in existence, which I was happy to see.

Overall, recommend for a good overview of different ways to use these products, but more up-to-date recipes are available in more modern cookbooks and blogs. Glad I read it, but I wouldn't buy it.