
Unbreakable by Elizabeth Norris

sonshinelibrarian's review against another edition

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I liked this even better than the first one. I thought the writing was tighter, the adventure obviously much bigger and more intense, and the characters more interesting. I did think the ending
Spoilerwas a little too wish fulfillment - I mean, nothing really changed between when they left each other and when Ben came back. His parents and brother are still recovering and he's going to feel guilt for leaving them. I understand why it happened, but it just felt like they didn't actually solve the problems, just determined "love would be enough."
However, overall this was a solid sophomore novel and a great ending to this duology.

jlove731's review against another edition

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When I first read Unraveling, it instantly became one of my favorite books. I completely fell in love with the world and the concepts and the brilliant characters. Unbreakable absolutely in every way stood up to any expectations I had for the book. There were new factors I absolutely adored, parts where my heart completed ached, and overall yet another amazingly weaved, mind-blowing book from Elizabeth Norris.

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novelheartbeat's review against another edition

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Wowza! Unraveling blew my mind, and I shouldn’t have expected anything less from the sequel. It’s fast paced and will have you on the edge of your seat! I couldn’t get enough of this book – even when I wasn’t reading it, I was thinking about it.

You can always count on Elizabeth Norris to yank the rug out from under you. There were a few times where I gasped out loud or just stared at the pages agape because I could hardly believe what I was reading! The shock factor is high, the stakes are high, and time is running out. That’s something that is still present in this one that I loved about Unraveling: Each chapter is a countdown, adding a sense of desperation and anticipation to the story.

The characterization in this book is fabulous. Each character has his/her own individual personality, and they’re so realistic you feel like you know them. Which, in turn, makes you even more attached to them. And you know who I really loved, that caught me by surprise? Barclay. I didn’t care about him in the first book and he came off as a bit of an asshat. But I found myself loving him more and more as the story went along, because even though he was a pain in the arse, deep down he was a good man and he protected Janelle no matter what. And insanely enough, there were certain scenes when I actually almost shipped him with Janelle. Crazy, right?! Not that I don’t love Ben anymore. Because I still do. But he did something that really disappointed me, and I felt the hurt right along with Janelle.

I still adored Janelle! I mentioned in my review of Unraveling that she reminds me of myself. She’s a bit more badass in the sequel than I could probably ever be, but I could still relate to her and I felt a connection to her and her feelings. I still loved Ben even though the two of them had some issues and distance between them, even though he wasn’t perfect by far (but who is?) and made mistakes. He was still a sweetheart with good intentions.

The world building is fabulous as well! The idea of interverse travel is absolutely fascinating! And the way everything was done was so convincing. It was cinematic! Very easy to picture, very realistic. This would make an AWESOME movie.

Something that did kind of annoy me was Elijah’s cursing. I mean, I actually know people who use that kind of language that frequently (even I curse like a sailor sometimes), so it was realistic. But in YA I don’t think the F word should be used that much. A few times in the whole book, fine. Like I said, it’s realistic. It’s nothing that a teenager wouldn’t hear from their peers. But once a chapter gets to be a bit much, and Elijah grated on my nerves. But that’s the only complaint I have.

I love a book that is engaging to the point that I’m 100% emotionally invested. The ending ripped my heart out! I cried. I did. It was like Spell Bound [Rachel Hawkins] all over again! Gahhhh, I love you dude. Seriously, seriously love you. *hugs book to chest while sobbing* If you’ve read it, you know what I’m talking about!

Even though things were tied up pretty neatly at the end, I’m still kind of hoping there’s another book. Or that Elizabeth Norris will write something else. Please? *puppy eyes at Elizabeth*

Favorite character: Barclay, surprisingly enough!

Favorite quotes:
“Giving up on something is like admitting you never wanted it in the first place.”

“I’ve thought of you every single day since I left, about the way you look up and pinch the bridge of your nose when you’re thinking really hard, the way your lips curl into this tiny smile when you’ve figured something out, even the way you roll your eyes. I remembered every moment we spent together. I replayed them over and over in my mind. Every morning when I woke up, I would forget that we weren’t together, that you were a world away. [...] Even though I wasn’t there, you were always with me. Always.”

Plot: 5/5
Writing style: 5/5
Characters: 5/5
World-building: 5/5
Pace: 5/5
Cover: 5/5

catpingu's review against another edition

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As is the first book, this book is also TOTALLY EPICLY AMAZING. I probably only skimmed the different worlds parts, but only because I was EXCITED to see Janelle reunite with Ben! And their reuniting scene was just so...Argh! *smiles*
SpoilerNEVER in my LIFE would I have thought that Ben would have rescued Janelle's doppelganger, and that the doppelganger would be so...weird, weak, and just...broken!

There's also some death in this book as well, thought not as painful as the first book's. Also, there's betrayal; the same as the first, but in a more surprising way.

Blurps! My reviews are getting shorter, since I'm in the middle of exam week.

cupcakegirly's review against another edition

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heasemom's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this series and this book. It kept me on the edge of my seat and I didn't want to put it down.

There were however a few missed opportunities. Like do Cecily and Elijah get together? Why doesn't Ben bring his family or at least him mom and brother to Janelle's world? His mom can help them with their discovery of multiverse traveling. They can be with Ben and Ben can be with Janelle. Also, what happened to her mother? Was she killed, was she an unwilling?

There seems to be more to the story and we were all just left hanging. An epilogue something would have been nice!

rishvergara's review against another edition

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3.5 stars: I found a line in this book that pretty much sums up my feelings about it.

" I don't know how to feel about this - or, more accurately, I feel too many different things that don't really mesh with one another, and I don't know which one is right. "

nykare's review against another edition

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I wish the end was a little bit longer, nonetheless, it was a great book.

writeronherway's review against another edition

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I loved Unravelling and I don't know how but Unbreakable was even better. Elizabeth Norris isn't afraid to think big. You know; travelling between universes, meeting your doubles sort of big. All whilst being caught in a corrupt organisations trap, trying to maintain a cross-universe relations, save the day and get back to your family. Damn! I wish I'd thought of this and written it! So many of my favourite things in one.

pixelski's review against another edition

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I have mixed emotions. On one hand, what a ride - it really picked up 1/3 of the way through. On the other hand, mopey Janelle constantly drowning in self-pity about Ben drove me up the wall. I guess the ending was ok. Barclay though, what a star.