
Mindblast, Or, The Definitive Buddy, by Dambudzo Marechera

jacob_wren's review

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A few short passages from Mindblast:

Why does every revolution result in the alienation of its artists?

Were regrets basket chairs
we’d be condemned to sit for life,
to sit still passionately

I don’t have a knife but since when has the imagination wanted a knife to cut through the material of life.

The sky is overcast. Sort of malnutrition grey.

For Grace, this was the important point about Art; when it was genuine, it was suicidally altruistic. It was unreserved giving, all the more painful, exacting, when it was rejected, abused, silenced. And there was the futility, the feeling of shame when it was said that the third world did not want Art, it wanted food; it did not want poetry, it wanted drought relief; it did not want novels, it wanted education for all.