
The Special by James Newman, Mark Steensland

rock_n_reads's review

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The Special is a great collaboration between James Newman and Mark Steensland! As a fan of Newman's writing, I felt confident that I was in for a treat when I picked up this novella.

I typically don't include a synopsis in my reviews, and I'm sticking with that in this scenario. Especially since this story is only 84 pages. Here's what I can tell you about The Special: it's a cautionary tale, and it has the best elements of a well-written story. Relatable characters, excellent plot and pacing, and cringe-worthy moments. There's humor at the appropriate moments, and I also found myself using the wide-eyed emoji in my reading updates a time or two. This is a wild ride for the reader, as we experience what happens when Jerry encounters too much of a "good thing" in his life.

This novella is currently being made into a film, and I'm definitely here for it. Also, I give bonus points to any story that mentions one of my favorite Led Zeppelin songs.

5hadow_girl's review

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When I was little, I had a Treble - a stuffed animal like the little guys on Star Trek. It purred when you petted it! The Special reminds me of my little Treble... more so if I'd cut it's hair off like my Cher Barbie!
My original Amazon and Goodreads reviews are missing, and sadly I can't remember a lot of the post. I can just tell you that I laughed - heartily. And, no...I wasn't crying at that one part. You can't prove anything.

theboldbookworm's review

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This is a unique story and I loved it! I read it in about an hour. It's gross and great!

maxstark's review

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There’s no easy way to describe this novella. And there’s no easy way to review it without giving any spoilers, which I won’t do ‘cause I need you to go “Ewwwww” when you read it.

It starts with three quotes but the last one really hit the spot.

“Whether you sniff it, smoke it, eat it or shove it up your ass, the result is the same: addiction.” William S. Burroughs

I believe that everyone is addicted to something. Wether it is cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, sodas, make up, food, clothing, books... you got the point. So, why does anyone become addict to anything? That is the main question here and the central point of the story. No one intends to become and addict. I guess you don’t wake up and say “Hum, today I’m going to became addict to heroin.” It has to become an habit, and for something to become an habit you need to repeat it at least 3 or 4 months. And if you let it take control of you, it will control your life. It’ll become a huge monkey in your back almost impossible to shake off. It becomes a part of you. I know what I’m talking about. Believe me.
So, Jerry is having drinks with his very good friend Mike. He thinks his wife Lisa has cheated on him. And Mike has a terrific idea that will send Jerry downward an spiral of urging madness.
James Newman and Mark Steensland story is frantic and you want to know what “The special” is, and how the story is going to end. You definitively need to read this.
The only thing I have to add is that Thunderstorm Books made a special edition for this title, and the cover is gorgeous. It is spot on. If you can get it. Do it! It’s worth any penny.

I’ll just leave you with another quote that I think it’s accurate as hell.

“An over-indulgence of anything, even something as pure as water, can intoxicate.” Criss Jami