
Honeytrap by Crystal Green

mandy_pandy's review

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I really enjoyed this story. I had no idea what a honeytrap was before reading this but the title makes perfect sense. Shelby was cheated on by her boyfriend, a football hometown hero. She embarrassed him and you just don't do that to Rex so going back to their hometown for the summer is a bit of a problem for Shelby. A lot of people are rude to her and gossip about her. Then, she meets the newcomer Micah Wyatt who bets that he can get her in bed by the end of summer. Shelby just can't stay away from Micah and I have to say, I don't blame her one bit. Micah is sexy and I loved him. This story was interesting and I really liked the supporting characters, I can't wait for Jadyn's book next! My only complaint about this book is that at times, it did seem to drag out a little bit in the beginning and it took a little bit of time for me to get into the story. One of the most positive things about the book was the writing. There was a sexy scene in this book that was so beautifully written, it wasn't overly graphic or dirty, it was just descriptive in the emotions and really beautiful. Overall, I really enjoyed this book and recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good romance.

**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**

mylastromancenovel's review

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My Rating: 3 out of 5 stars.

Disclaimers: I received an e-galley of this novel from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not obligated to write a good review nor did I receive any compensation for writing this review.

The Characters: I'm not sure what I thought about the characters to be honest. I thought they were interesting, and I loved watching the growth the characters made. Shelby is the town pariah after she treated the small-town football star like crap. Nobody wants anything to do with her except for Micah Wyatt--the town bad boy, who made a bet he could get her to sleep with him. Not exactly, the right type of attention to be attracting. I neither liked nor disliked Shelby.

She was an interesting character to read about, but I was apathetic about her.

Micah was a character that I thought could have been better developed. Toward the end of the novel, you start getting to know more about him, but you never really got to dive into his thought process. That's probably because the novel was told in Shelby's perspective. Micah is the typical badboy who's really not all that bad. But all in all, I liked the characters.

The secondary characters were intriguing and enjoyable to read about as well.

My Overall Thoughts/Impressions: I enjoyed the novel. It was a quick enjoyable read for me. I read it in one sitting in the space of just a couple of hours. The novel was well written and definitely dramatic.

I didn't love the novel, but I found it to be an interesting read. The plot line just wasn't one that drew me in as much as I would have liked. However, I think that fans of the new adult genre in general will like this novel.

So why 3 stars? I enjoyed it, but it didn't really stand out.

Warnings/Side-notes: Fairly tame as far as New Adult novels go. There are some sexual references/scenes, and there are some cases of strong language.

The Wrap-up: An enjoyable, quick read.

authorheatherw's review

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This was a strange little book for me. I liked the premise, but I just didn’t care for the characters. Although I kept reading to the end, I never felt a connection with anyone in the story. The heroine seemed too weak-willed and the hero came off as a jerk. I love bad boy love interests, but I couldn’t decide if I liked Micah or not. He was too hot and cold and it made me doubt his feelings were ever genuine. Plus, I felt like Shelby could be a bit of a doormat with him. However, I liked the author’s writing style and I did like the subplot about Shelby being bullied. I felt like the bullying portions of the novel were probably the most realistic and heart wrenching for me. The conclusion wrapped everything up nicely and the book can be read as a standalone.

Rating: 3/5 Stars

Thanks to the publisher for a copy for review!