
Daddy's Girl by Paul W. T. Ballard, Deborah Watling

lokster71's review

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This isn't a bad little memoir of Deborah Watling's life and career. It does feature a lot of stories featuring strange and creepy men - often other actors - trying it on at inappropriate times. Watling seems to shrug most of it off, but it does seem to reflect the era in which she did most of her work. Also, Watling isn't afraid to name names and talk about people she had run-ins with, which a lot of memoirs avoid.

There are some interesting stories here not just about her but her whole family. Obviously, the book puts a lot of time into her Doctor Who work and the way you can never escape it. She talks about conventions and - briefly - on her Big Finish work.

Despite being a Doctor Who fan I actually found the stories of her career and life outside of Doctor Who more interesting. I think the problem being that she has talked about Doctor Who a lot so it was less fresh, although it was interesting to get her account of how she got to be Victoria.

It's reasonably well-written and there's a nice tribute to her Dad at the end.

Worth a read both as a tale of an actor's life both on and off stage and screen.