
Inappropriate Men by Stacey Ballis

rakishabpl's review

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AWFUL!!!! Don't get it.

havebookswilltravel's review

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I really liked this story. Although the main character is involved in a situation of questionable morality, I found her very sympathetic and identifiable. I have a lot in common with her, as far as her interests go (I almost died when she quoted Nigella Lawson). What I especially like about the book is that the fat girl is really fat, not just fatter than she'd like to be (see: Bridget Jones' Diary) and she doesn't have to lose the weight to get the guy (see: Jemima J and Good In Bed). Also, the book and its characters are intelligent. It's chick lit, but it's chick lit with a brain. The author knows about life and literature and art, has a vocabluary with words over three syllables, and isn't obsessed with Prada shoes. Brava, Ms. Ballis.

bookteaful's review

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Kind of disappointed :/

scarf_walking_chaos's review

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This book is awful. The premise is amazing and I looked forward to seeing a strong woman, divorced, go through the perils of dating but I never got past the first 30 pages because awful poetry, mediocre writing and the sidebars weren't doing it for me. I get that your fat, good for you. I highly doubt any reader is going to put the book down just because you are size 24. Jeez.

betania's review

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There are things I really liked about this book, and a few things I didn't so much. A few of the poems were a bit long for my attention span, and a few parts were a bit tedious to get through. But I enjoyed parts of Stacey's writing style - it is a bit different from mainstream chicklit, which is refreshing. I also thoroughly enjoyed the fact that this book demonstrates that chicklit and a decently large vocabulary are not mutually exclusive.

As for the storyline, well, I'm not usually into books where the main character has an affair for the heck of it. Usually because the entire time the protagonist spends her time all whiny and completely surprised that, of course, they never leave their wives, and spends her time trying to justify her actions ([b:Having It and Eating It|794701|Having It and Eating It|Sabine Durrant||780680], anyone?!). The story from Sidney's perspective seemed to exhibit a lot less of all that, and she was pretty up front and honest about the realities of the situation she got herself into.

I don't know, maybe I need a bit more time to digest this. There were several parts that I really just enjoyed reading, that made me laugh. This is one of those "you'll have to try it for yourself" books. Although be warned, as one of the other commenters suggested, the sex parts really are a bit TMI.

writerrhiannon's review

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fun bathtub read. (I like paperbacks for the bathtub)
I liked that Sidney isn't afraid to go after what she wants when it comes to men.
I didn't like that she writes long poems every chapter or so (not my thing)

xallroyx21's review

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It took me forever to read this! I don';t know what is up with my reading lately. I just seemed to read it 20 pages at a time. IT was OK, but maybe chick lit just does not do it much for me anymore.

allbookedup4's review

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I am glad I read other Stacey Ballis books before this one. It wasn't her best book and was weighted down by far too many, lengthy poems that I skipped over after the first one.