
The Avery Shaw Experiment by Kelly Oram

brendaguilarb's review

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La historia me gusto, Avery me parecio un poco irritante en algunos momentos pero bueno también entiendo que para ella no era facil y en cierto modo tenia un problema pero nunca me han gustado los personajes debiles y en este caso Avery lloraba muy seguido y mucho para mi gusto.
Grayson me gusto mucho, era un personaje con mucho estilo y me gustaba la forma en la que contaba las cosas y como actuaba en cada situación.


También estaba el otro hermano Aiden el me gusto y la verdad es que nunca me senti enojada con el por lo que le hizo a Avery, creo que porque el personaje en si me gusto pero lo sentia incompleto, como que de alguna manera me hubiera gustado conocer un poco mas de lo que el pensaba y como es que las cosas fueron para el.
Bueno ya para no hablar tanto, pues la verdad es que la historia me gustó mucho y logro con mi objetivo que era distraerme un rato y leer una historia que fuera sencilla sin todo esto de lo sobrenatural o con un tema muy pesado y sin dudas este libro lo logro porque la historia entretiene y gusta, haciendote pasar un buen rato de lectura.


Sin duda otra historia de Kelly Oram que me deja una buena impresión.

kippins's review

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I loved this story.

It was quite a short read and I read it in one sitting, mainly because I was enjoying it so much I just couldn't put it down.

I think if it had just been from Avery's POV I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much cause she is very down in the dumps for a lot of the book, and understandably so, she had her heart stabbed, crushed, stamped on & then handed back to her!

But praise the lord because we had the AWESOME Grayson Kennedy and his funny, cocky & adorable POV to lighten the mood. He gets 2 whole stars to himself.

Aiden was a complete & total

Even the side characters like Libby & Owen (I would love them to get their own story) were so well developed and in such a short tale this is quite a feat!

I am really looking forward to reading more by this author & really hope they live up to this book.

ravenleegracey's review

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review incoming.

mehsi's review against another edition

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Avery Shaw, a girl who loves (as in real love) her best friend. He breaks her heart, and asks for more space.

SpoilerShe totally breaks down, and in her panic attack goes in the shower, were Grayson (ah Grayson, how great he is) is showering. In her panic she hugs and holds her to him, as soon as she regains her senses she notices he is naked (and has a hard-on, yes, details I didn't want to know).

That is the beginning of a new relationship between them. Avery is mostly denying it for a big part of the book. :)

I loved the science fair project. Science fair sounds like fun (wish we had that here). Using the 7 stages of grief, to get through her heartbreak and be totally fixed at the end. And who is going to help her? Well ofcourse our lovely, handsome Grayson. He will be making the tests/experiments, or as he calls them, dates.

The book is written in both Grayson's and Avery's perspective, switching every chapter. I at first didn't like Grayson that much, he seemed like a pervert and dirty, but in the end, I really liked him, he was cute, and funny and he tried everything he could to make Avery happy, to get her through the 7 stages.

Avery, was a really cute, geeky and quite innocent (maybe naive) girl. I really liked how she grew, first she only loved Aiden, only wanted him and felt guilty every time Grayson did something, but in the end, she got over Aiden and went for Grayson all the way. I was cheering for Grayson a lot in the book. Hoping Avery would just understand it, would just dump that rotten boy named Aiden (yes, I don't like Aiden, even after they made up).

This book had everything. Geeks, Science, Love, more Love, and 2 people who are just made for eachother. :)

Just would like to say this: I would recommend this book to everyone, it is a wonderful, sweet story.

smutty_librarian's review

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3.5 stars

dontgrumble's review

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I became soo additcted to this book i finished it in just a few hours. Unfortunately it was 4.30am on a work night when i finished it, so i didnt get much sleep last night, but it was soo worth it!

The book is written in a the style or a science experiment/journal with chapters from both Avery's and Grayson's POV. From the very first page it had me smilling and soon i was laughing out loud. Grayson is such a sweetheart to Avery and the interaction between the two is just written perfectly.

This is a really sweet story, written in a slightly different way that will leave you with a permanent smile and feeling happy. :)

bluebeereads's review

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Istyria book blog ~ B's world of enchanted books

Okay fine, I'll do it already! You're now on my autobuy-list Kelly. In the next few days I'll probably devour all your other books because I just know I'll love them. This is the second book of yours I've read and the second to take a place among my all-time-favorites. Happy now? Yeah? Me too!

The Avery Shaw Experiment about, duh, Avery Shaw. Avery's heart is shattered into a million pieces by her life-long best friend Aiden and she plans on dealing with this the only way she knows how: scientifically. Since Aiden has now ditched her for the science fair too, she comes up with a theory that a broken heart can be cured by going through the seven stages of grief. She even finds a new partner for this experiment in Grayson, Aiden's older brother. But she doesn't know that Grayson has an experiment of his own with Avery.

This is like one of those live action Disney Channel Original movies but better. Is it a bit predictable? Absolutely! Is the romance a bit cheesy? Yes! Are the characters stereotypes? Of course! Did I care about any of this? No way! I loved this book to bits. I loved the friendships, I loved the characters, I loved the romance and I loved the humor. I was laughing out loud a lot! Especially when the science club is helping Avery with tutoring Grayson in Physics. It's hilarious! I adore this book. I really do.

Oh my god there are so many characters I need to mention because I love them so much! There is Libby, Avery's awesome best friend. I loved her so much. She's very straight-forward and isn't afraid to let everyone know what she thinks. I loved the other 'science-geeks' too, but Libby the most. I loved the parents. I totally believed Avery and Aiden's moms being best friends. They're not in the book that much, but I did love them when they were. I loved Grayson's friends too! Can't forget those. Yeah in the end I did love Aiden too, even though he was a bit of an ass. I did get his bond with Avery though. Their moms met when they were pregnant, gave birth to both of them on the same day and they raised them together. You know birthday parties and everything. Avery and Aiden became best friends and while I do think that's cool, it was unhealthy too. So I actually was grateful for Aiden's stupidness because it was exactly what they both needed.

I love Avery so much. She grows a lot in this book and I'm so proud of her! I felt all the emotions as she went through the seven stages of grief and yes, Anger was the most fun to read. I loved her loyalty to Aiden even though he broke her heart. I loved her chemistry with Grayson and how he was the one to get her out of her shell and open her up to the world. Grayson is my new book boyfriend. For sure. I love him and I rooted for him and I want him.

The Avery Shaw experiment is another home run for Kelly Oram. Highly recommended to anyone looking for a fun, adorable and romantic read. I finished this one in one epic sitting and yes, my butt hurt in the end.

beautifullybookish25's review

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First Read 05/03/14
This was another reading slump reread for me and definitely a good choice. I needed something quick, sweet and romantic to read and this was perfect for that. This book is a fluffy light read but there is definite character development and a relationship which progresses and builds at a nice (not instalove) pace. I really like that social anxiety was involved although I think slightly more could have been done with it.
I loved the secondary characters in this book.
SpoilerI loved Libby, she was hilarious and quirky. Her and Owen were so great, I really wanted to see more of them or even their own book

The one issue I have with this book isn't something that isn't also present in most other romance books but is something I wish wouldn't happen.
Everyone who is 'popular' in this book is described as physically 'perfect'. The girls are skinny, muscular and are described as having 'perfect bodies'(aside from one of the girls 'lack of chest') by Grayson.
He does admire Avery's softer figure (she is still relatively thin though) but says 'she's not perfect'. Perfect is a real focus when he's describing these girls which annoyed me to no end.

I got a little more annoyed though that the reason Avery's friend doesn't have many friends even though she is funny and outgoing is because she 'isn't as thin as the majority of girls in our school'.Grayson also says that you couldn't call Avery 'chubby, like Libby - who really didn't look too bad in the tasteful tankini she wore'. I hate that this had to bring the book down for me and it may not bother most people but it just annoys me that this is the message being sent out to girls who read this, that guys only like skinny girls.
SpoilerIt also doesn't escape my notice that Owen and Libby have a secret relationship after the book ends which (although she might be okay with it)seems to say that 'gorgeous' Owen doesn't want people to know he's dating (probably sleeping with) the chubby girl, he won't even tell his best friend.

This whole thing is something I hate to see in books, especially in one I like as much as this one, because it really does give the impression that 'skinny' is vitally important or somehow better than 'chubby'. This books is admirable for the way the story mixes cliques and crossing social boundaries but why must there be the fat/skinny divide.
(Sorry that this got a little ranty)

julezreadsss's review against another edition

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Dieses Buch war kurzweilig und super unterhaltsam. Innerhalb von 2 Tagen konnte ich es dank des leichten, humorvollen Schreibstils durchsuchten. Die Handlung fand ich auch extrem cute, wenn auch an und an etwas unrealistisch. Mein Hauptkritikpunkt ist, dass es zu kurz und deshalb nicht 100%ig rund war. 100 Seiten mehr und einige Entwicklungen wären eventuell nachvollziehbarer gewesen und die Charaktere hätten mehr Tiefe gehabt. Außerdem waren mir einige Themen (Angststörung etc.) nicht gut genug aufgearbeitet und thematisiert.
Insgesamt bin ich trotzdem positiv überrascht

gingatazar's review

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I've been doing a lot of light reading this year, so don't be shocked If you noticed that I reached my goal for this year already. A bunch of them are short novellas actually and I'm planning to read some more of it. (What a cheater.)

Amongst those books, so far this has been my most favorite.

I almost gave this one 5-stars but I had to stop myself because I feel like I am betraying my other books. Who am I kidding? This is just not on the same level as those in my 5-star shelf but I immensely enjoyed this just the same.

Super funny. If I wasn't laughing, I was grinning. Mind you, I had this goofy grin the entire time (even while I was writing this). Really cute and totally swoon-worthy.