
Four in the Morning by Christi Goddard

bosicbyi's review

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First, I have to say a huge THANK YOU to Rebecca Hamilton (author of The Forever Girl) for offering Four In The Morning in exchange for a review. I am so glad she did because I absolutely LOVED Four In The Morning!!

When I read the blurb, I knew I had to read it because I have a weirdo cat named Rygel. What I didn't expect was how much I loved Kathleen. She is my new idol. Her snarky attitude was written perfectly. I also highly enjoyed Rigel and AKA, I loved what their characters brought to the story. The mystery aspect of the story was great and the book was well written. The ending was perfect, not a disappointing cliff hanger but it does leave you guessing that there will be a sequel...and I wish I had that in my hands right now! I want more!

Four In The Morning was enjoyably different, weird, dark, and hilarious- a breath of fresh air to my world.

recommended for mature YA and older

Once again, Special Thanks to Rebecca Hamilton for providing an e-book in exchange for an honest review.

michalice's review

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My Thoughts
We start Four In The Morning Kathleen the protagonist, as she is moaning about her Mum lying to Josh Colby. Josh want's Kathleen to write a letter to a girl for him, but to pretend it's off him. She initially refuses, but after her Mum hears Kathleen's nickname, Elchubba, she puts Kathleen on a strict diet. Kathleen now agrees to write the letter in return for payment. We soon learn who josh wanted a letter written to and why. As the story progresses we learn more about Kathleen and her friends, but we also get to see a different side to Josh. Soon people are dying or missing and it all leads back to Kathleen. She must find out what is happening before it's too late.

Before starting Four In The Morning I had not read or heard about the author beforehand, so I did not know what to expect in the book. When I began reading I was pleasantly surprised and found myself enjoying the book more than I thought I did. Although there were some small parts that didn't grip me as much as the others I still found myself wanting to know what happens next.

When Rigel the skunk was introduced I loved him, he just appeared and talked and was a general pain but in a funny way. Can I have one please...possibly one that doesn't stink the house out after finishing the book I think I'm quite happy with cats, dogs, hamsters, you know, the usual pets :)

Love the idea behind AKA's name and it made me chuckle. I may not like my middle name, but I am glad my parents decided on a sensible first name for me. During Four In The Morning Kathleen receives a shock during an argument with her mother, one that changes how she saw her entire life. It does explain a lot of things but I did feel sorry for her, having this discovery thrown at her in the heat of the moment rather than being sat down and told about it was not the best way to learn about it.

As the story progresses more things happen and while Kathleen was trying to discover what was going on, I was discovering along with her. As the story slowly comes to a conclusion we get to see the truth behind it all, and it was one I did not suspect.
I enjoyed reading about the world and characters Christi has created, and AKA will be stuck in my mind for a long time.

rayne's review

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I read this a part of the Pandora Collection.
The writing style is enjoyable. The characters developed nicely - then the story just fell flat. There was some promise and then part way through I felt that the story got lost and things were added in just to bring it to a conclusion.

emilyannk94's review

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I didn't really enjoy this. I liked the writing style and the main character Kathleen. But the story just didn't do it for me. The talking badger, Rigel, was when I said "what the f am I reading?" but I stuck with it. The end was a bit...rubbish. It could have had so much potential. However, I may venture into reading anything else by Christi Goddard as her writing style was nice and she created some nice characters.

malissac's review

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huh....I am not quite sure what to think. I didn't not like it, but I am not sure how to feel about it. It is a good book, just maybe a bit out there. I think I just need to sit on it a few days and roll it all around in my brain before I make a firm decision. Will there be a second? I am curious to know more.

farahhananii's review

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3.5 stars.

Review on blog: Four in the Morning Review

OK. First of all, the description wasn’t kidding when it said that Kathleen, the protagonist has a big mouth. Kathleen’s attitude, the words that comes out from mouth more specifically, was kind of annoying at first. But as you turn the page, you kind of get used to it and sometimes even laughed at what she said.

The night she was grounded by her mother, a talking skunk appeared in her room. When her mother was gone missing and Ryan found that, the police found a link and it revolves around Kathleen.
Kathleen is a really strong character. Kathleen has a big mouth, sure. But she has to survive on that as her mother always tried to find fault in her especially when she was younger and having a dad who doesn’t stick up for her is not helping at all.

Instead of Kathleen trying to find out where her mother was gone missing and who’s Ryan’s killer, things just began to unravel itself. There were clues along the way for readers to pick up the pieces of course, so I pretty much know where that is going. And if you think you pretty much know where that is going, think again. ‘Cause you’re WRONG.

And speaking of endings....

WTF? Really?! I can’t really explain this part ‘cause it will eventually lead to spoilers. But, seriously?! Whoa. It just seems SILLY! And weird. But pretty laughable.

But in the end, the book just leaves more questions instead of answers which leads me to think: “Is there a sequel to this book or something?” I mean, her business with Aka was definitely not done. She still needs to tell him something(and that something leads to spoiler if I say it here). And what about her mom?

Overall, there were some WTF moments but it was pretty enjoyable.

miztrebor's review

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A DNF book - I tried to get into this book, but I couldn't. The narrators voice was a big turnoff for me, especially getting more than a third into the book and her still annoying me. The book wasn't for me.