
Into Darkness: The Children of D'Hara, Episode 5, by Terry Goodkind

storyphoria's review against another edition

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When it comes down to it, this book is largely about Richard and Kahlan and their fears of becoming parents as they get set to welcome their first children into the world. Will they be good parents? How can they keep their kids safe? All of the usual fears new parents to be will have. Of course there IS the threat of these reptilian Glee monsters trying to take over the world as well as what seems to be some nasty faces from their past trying to wrest control from Richard and Kahlan. But ultimately, it’s one giant action filled, new parent drama set in a fantasy setting.

We are treated to a decent magic system, even though half the time no one knows how their own power works or that they could even do what they just did.

The action sequences, while not AMAZING amazing, are fun and well done.

But the pacing of this omnibus edition is a slog. It’s a roller coaster of speed up, slow down nonsense that made me wish I was reading the stand-alone novels instead. Not to mention that Goodkind falls into the Stephen King territory for me at times, where he’s spending pages upon pages just describing the world around our characters or some menial task they are doing that didn’t need to explained to move the story forward.

Overall, it’s an ok fantasy story that feels a bit bloated and full of miraculous moments when the characters unlock an ability or find an item that they previously weren’t aware of so they can get out of the predicament they find themselves in. A little TOO lucky to not feel forced or contrived.

If you want to check this one out, I’d recommend finding the individual novels as I think it would be a more enjoyable experience and largely eliminate the issues with pacing.

I didn’t hate it, enjoyed large parts of it, but was let down by the predictable ending.

itsannann's review against another edition

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Good story, bad writing.

eva_gavilli's review against another edition

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Mah...avevo aspettative molto alte per la fine di una saga epica come La spada della verità, speravo che dopo le débacle degli ultimi libri, con questa raccolta di racconti si tornasse alle origini e la storia si concludesse in modo degno della Prima regola del mago. Mi sbagliavo completamente, una grande delusione.
I must admit I had very high expectations for the final novel of an epic saga like The Sword of Truth, I hoped that after the débacle of the last books, with this collection of short novels we would return to the origins and the story would end in a way worthy of Wizard's First Rule. I was completely wrong, I'm very disappointed.