
Requiem by Lauren Oliver

auroara's review against another edition

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2,5 Sterne!

Nachdem mir Pandemonium so gut gefallen hat, habe ich mich sehr auf Requiem gefreut. Ich habe vor allem eine spannende Handlung und ein actionreiches Ende erwartet. Doch das war leider kaum vorhanden. Vor allem vom Ende hätte ich sehr viel mehr erwartet.

Die ganze Zeit habe ich darauf gewartet, dass endlich etwas passiert und die Handlung richtig anfängt. Vergeblich. Die Invaliden laufen und laufen und fliehen und kämpfen hier und da ein bisschen und das war's. Alex, der nun wieder da ist, verhält sich die ganze Zeit wie ein Arschloch und ignoriert Lena. Die wiederrum wird eifersüchtig und behandelt Julian wie den letzten Dreck, weil sie noch etwas für Alex empfindet. Mir hat Julian leid getan. Er hat sich die größte Mühe gegeben, um sich in die Gruppe zu integrieren und wird von jedem nur umhergeschoben und nicht ernst genommen. Durch das Liebesdrama wirkt Lena auch wieder viel schwacher und abhängiger. Im letzten Band hat sie sich zu einer starken und sympathischen Protagonistin entwickelt, nichts davon ist übrig geblieben. Ich hatte eher das Gefühl, dass sie sich zurückentwickelt hat.
Die Handlung, die aus Hanas Sicht geschrieben ist, war teilweise spannender als die aus Lenas Sicht. Diese ist mittlerweile geheilt, hat aber das Gefühl, dass ihre Operation nicht ganz glatt verlaufen ist, da sie z.B.noch träumt. Auch wird schnell klar, dass ihr zugeteilter Ehemann und Nachfolger des ermodeten Bürgermeisters, Fred, anders ist, als jeder zu denken scheint. Bei ihren Nachforschungen stößt sie auf einige schockierende Neuigkeiten, die Fred in ein ganz anderes Licht stellen.

Zum Ende hin wird es dann endlich etwas spannender, da die Invaliden den richtigen Aufstand durchführen. Davon bekommt man aber auch wieder nur den Anfang mit, weil Lena sich dann alleine auf die Suche nahc ihrer Cousine Gracie macht. Nach einigen Zwischenfällen kommt das völlig abrupte Ende. In meinen Augen hat dieser Band in keinster Weise irgendwelche Fragen geklärt, noch ist irgendetwas bedeutsames passiert. Kein dramatischer Kampf zwischen Invaliden und Geheilten, nein, einfach Schluss.
Ich habe nichts gegen offene Enden, aber Requiem endet mittendrin. So viele Fragen, die offen bleiben. Was ist mit Julian? (Ohh und ach Gott, plötzlich liebt Alex Lena und sie vergibt ihn natürlich. Wofür war diese Dreiecksbeziehung gut? Wofür? Wieso kriegen Autoren es nicht hin, sowas vernünftig zu lösen? Wieso schreiben sie überhaupt Dreiecksbeziehungen?) Was wird aus Gracie und Lenas Mutter? Werden die Invaliden siegen? Wie wird die Welt danach aussehen? (auf die Antwort dieser Frage habe ich eigentlich am meisten gewartet) Wird Fred sterben? Wie wird Hana weiterleben?

Leider konnte mich Requiem nicht begeistern. Ich hatte Hoffnung, dass das Buch mit der Seitenzahl besser werden würde, und in einigen Momenten war es auch spannend. Jedoch wurde Lena unsympathischer undes gab viele Dinge, die mich genervt haben. Zudem hat mich das Ende unglaublich enttäuscht.

ninnie89's review against another edition

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You can read my full review here.

mkhalaf's review against another edition

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adventurous emotional sad tense fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


photogcourt's review against another edition

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I could probably go with 3.5, but I didn't feel as if I enjoyed it quite as much as Delirium, and even Pandemonium. For me a lot of this had to do with the POV switching between Hana and Lena. I felt that Hana would best be suited in a novella or a companion. I mean, it did make sense, especially towards the end with the
Spoiler bomb and everything.
Still, since Hana was never a POV in either of the books, I didn't have that connection with Hana that I had with Lena and found a lot of her sections to be a little underwhelming.

I also felt that the Alex, Julian, Lena triangle was kind of underwhelming. A lot of this for me had to do with the interaction between Alex and Lena because frankly
Spoiler there really wasn't any. They had like one emotionally charged conversation, if you could even call it that, then they never even spoke and hardly looked at each other for days. To me it didn't make a lot of sense because after all this time wouldn't Alex want to KNOW what had happened to her. At least want to know what the deal was with her and Julian... like hello.
It felt very disconnected and unlike them, and I really did not understand why she wrote it this way because obviously her feelings for Julian aren't overpowering like they are for Alex.

My last complaint was the end. It didn't feel finished. Requiem could have easily been split into two books, the first being the group being together, her tangled feelings between Alex and Julian, time spent plotting and dodging forces. But that's not how it was- I felt like there was a lot of action and it was always fast moving, which is good, but when the end goal was achieved it just like stopped and left a lot of questions.
Spoiler Like okay yeah she finds Gracie and her mother which is AWESOME, and her and Alex say they love eachother... but it doesn't give us how they will overcome the whole country's government, not just Portland's. It also doesn't tell us where the rest of Lena's family is. It doesn't give Lena and Alex a chance to actually have a long conversation (something they so desperately need) and then there is Julian, who is basically being left in the dust... and I really do like Julian, and I don't want him treated as such. And just to add in, the fact that Raven died was not okay. Out of anyone I think she should have been allowed to live.

Since Oliver didn't have the end in mind when she started this trilogy, I think it kind of worked against her a little bit at the end of this. It felt hanging and unfinished, and perhaps that's the point, but when you're writing in dystopian and a revolution is going on, readers like to know the results. You go on this journey with the characters, you live the uprising with them, but when you don't get to know how it will eventually play out long term, it is kind of unfair and cruel....
Spoiler I'm glad they got Portland, at least.

jodiesbookishposts's review against another edition

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Pandemonium and Requiem (Delirum book two and three) by Lauren Oliver. I rated Pandemonium a Low 4 Stars and Requiem as a Solid 3 Stars.

It seems logical to combine these two books together considering they finished the series and I read them both back to back. First off I want to say, I was really disappointed with how this series turned out. I enjoyed Pandemonium but Requiem was no where near as good as I expected it to be. Because it is book two and three I’m not going to say any spoilers. They follow on from Delirium.

I think I can sum up why I was disappointed in a few sentences. Basically, it broke the main rule of speculative YA fiction. The romance took over. There was way too much focus on the romantic plot. In a world like this where there are life and death situations and major drama going off, the last thing I want to be doing is reading page after page of boy problems. Also, the final conclusion was a little too neat and nice.

What I suppose was most disappointing was that I really enjoyed Delirium, I classed it highly. I gave it five stars. I reread my Delirium review and what is clear is I had high expectations at the rest of the series. But it became a little predictable. I spent the whole of Pandemonium knowing what would happen at the very end and Requiem as I said spent way too much time of the romance.

It seemed to miss the mark of a great YA series because Lena didn’t really change much for me. We are told that she is different because of her experiences but I didn’t really see it. Her emotions didn’t seem to mature. She didn’t seem to mature. There was a lot left to explore.

It’s a shame because like I said, I was so thrilled by the first book. That being said, I will read Lauren Oliver’s other work because I enjoyed her prose. I think I may just read the stand alone novels in future.

craftylibrarian10's review against another edition

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I wasn't happy with the alternating POVs in this book. I don't think it was totally necessary to tell Hanna's story, but I do understand the decision to include it. I felt the ending left too many things open and unfinished, which was really annoying. Lena's romantic entangles could go either way for me really. I can shift from Team Alex to Team Julian very quickly, and I was disappointed that I was never pushed in one direction firmly. Or, that there was no true resolution there. Overall, I really enjoyed this series a lot. I think the second book was my favorite of the trilogy. I can see myself reading this one again.

jscibby's review against another edition

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Wasn't impressed. The story line wasn't great and then it just ended, nothing is really resolved. Very disappointing

nicoleb48's review against another edition

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The last of this series was super good! It is captivating until the end. I didn't like that the ending left so many things hanging, and I expected more to happen with Alex-Julian, kinda fell a little short there. Other than that it was a great book :)

cbattle521's review against another edition

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This is the language of the world BEFORE- a world of chaos, confusion, happiness and despair- before the blitz turned streets to grids, cities to prison, and hearts to dust.

Rarely do I like a third book as much as the others. However I like this one much better than the second one. It kept me enthralled and I'm happy with the ending. I wish there was going to be a third book because The ending seemed like a cliffhanger to me! Loved the ethics in this book. Yes without emotions u don't feel guilt,anger, jealousy etc but u also can't feel love. Love is worth it regardless of the negative emotions that can come along with it.

mandikaye's review against another edition

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I'm really very disappointed. The end felt like Oliver just gave up. Like she'd lost the story and just threw something quick and easy together to end it.

When I'm in a world for the long haul - and anyone who reads trilogies or series are - I want to know what happens to the characters. I want to know *something* about their futures so I can picture a happy ending at least. This ending didn't give me that. What happened to Hana? Did Fred find her and kill her? I can't imagine he would actually stay in the house just because he told her he would. Did Lena get a chance to settle down with her family?

NOT ENOUGH ANSWER. And not enough details to let my imagination wander. Instead, we hit a wall very abruptly (hey, that wall needs to come down).