
Justice Buried, by Hilary Thompson

thepaperreels's review

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"I want to create my own destiny. But this is Asphodel, and that will never happen."

Hi! Sorry, I was too busy staring at one of the most gorgeous cover I’ve ever seen! Oh wow. What a unique concept. Justice Buried stands out from all of the dystopian books I’ve read this year so far. Dystopia novels are all over the place now. I actually find the genre too crowded. So it’s nice to read a book like Justice Buried. It’s a refreshing read!!

Me while reading: Fascinated and Confused.

I love the whole astrology and mythology mix up. I thinks it’s awesome that at every chapter, the reader were informed by Asphodels history with the help of the excerpts from their history books. BUT, it lacks of description and information. The excerpts aren’t enough. There’s a lot of questions here you see: How did it all happen? How can they possibly live underground for so loong? And uhmm, what exactly does the environment looks like?

But then I realized, this is a series. So yeah, hopefully I’ll get some answers by the second book.

You guys, this has a love triangle. I’ve said this a million times, I DON’T HANDLE LOVE TRIANGLES VERY WELL. The romance here is intense. I’m actually conflicted. Usually, when I’m introduced to the characters I already know who I want to end up together. But this one’s interesting because I actually liked both of the guys. So I don’t know okay.. I just don’t.

Overall: Justice Buried has a unique concept, a fascinating world and a brave main female lead. A must read!!

anabbesteves's review

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*The publisher provided this book in exchange for an honest review.*
Astrea is a sixteen-year-old girl living in the underground city of Asphodel, created to protect the community from the Great Sickness that attacked the human kind one hundred years before.
The citizens of Asphodel are waiting for a prophesied maiden to save them and to take back the outside world and unfortunately that maiden is Astrea. She has a great responsability and even her own home isn't a safe place for her when she has to decide to save everyone or herself.
This book takes you on a thrilling ride in a different world while Astrea learns what responsability and motivation really are and starts the path to find her true self.
I started this book with many doubts without knowing if I would like it or what it was really about, since I decided to request it on NetGalley after reading two lines of the description.
In the beginning it was difficult to immerse myself on the new reality that was Astrea's world but I kept reading and was not disappointed!
In this book you have distopian, futuristic and supernatural elements combined and fused into a great story with a great plot and great and marvellous characthers!
Just the feeling of living in a world where people's lives are contolled by the zodiac, they are controlled by things they have never seen! They pray to the sun, the moon and the stars and they don't know what those are!
When you can join a characther while he or she overcomes adversity is one of the best feelings ever! You're part of the group and you feel that you're there with them in that moment!
I loved this book and I know you'll like it to if you liked books like Divergent or Hunger Games, it has that special dystopian feel to it with a little hint of romance!

P.S: I neeed the next book because I want to see where this is going!

ginger_d's review

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It was...interesting. I really liked the concept a lot, but the execution left much to be desired.

chantal550's review

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3.5 stars
this was such a fun read. i love the society and world. it reminded me of the giver and matched by Ally Condie. but with a twist where the society revolves around astrology and is obsessed with the stars. This book intrigued me from the very first page and kept my attention throughout the book. There were some wonderful quotes sprinkled throughout.
overall I really enjoyed this book. the world is unique and the writing was good. While it did have some tropes and cliches the set up and world was very unique. if you are looking for a fun entertaining book to pass the time definitely check this one out.

booksofkings's review

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3.5 stars. review to come when I'm less likely to bitch out/about the main charcter and her stupid choices.

Alright, let's see if I can write a good review without gettin super annoyed at Astrea aka our main Character.

FIrst off I want to say if you like Greek Mythology in any way shape or form, run don't walk to this book because it is DEFINITELY for you. This book combines amazing references to Greek mythology with hints of zodiac (Stars not Chinese) and just a very slight touch to Christianity Religion. THree cities have been made after a "sickness/plague/'forced population reduction'" no idea what actually killed most of the population but 3 Cities were made by the 3 sisters and they are named after the 3 areas of the Underworld, Elysium, Tartarus, & Asphodel.

Astrea & Lexan, our two main characters and prophesied star-crossed lovers (aka fated to be, which shocker they both don't like) live in Asphodel and are just weeks before Choosing Day where they will 'choose' each other and begin the prophesy that could lead Asphodel to finally leave underground.

Well our special little MC, Astrea doesn't like this and as an Aries born on the Spring Equinox, she has quite the stubborn & strong temper. And she let's basically the whole of Asphodel know she hates Lexan. Of course though, she has a special secret meditation room where she can calm herself and not actually blow a whole in the cave roof.

So fast forward, a person from "Above/outside" has arrived in her Secret room and pushed Astrea to truly think she can have a choice in her life and not end up with LExan or as First Leader as it is prophesied with her birth. Which is also the arrival of OBNOXIOUS LOVE TRIANGLE TROPE

I'm sorry but this book really didnt need a love Triangle and it really does it poorly in my opinion. SHe strings a long both guys for practically the majority of the story. She can't trust/like Lexan bc he had originally represented her lack of choice but yet they can be friends but then Stian shows up and she is gaga for this guy. LIterally she finds out he played her and could possibly have a GF back home and has all but kidnapped her AND SHE GOES BACK/CHOOSES HIM!!
Literally, i wanted to shake this girl and scream at her to stop being stupid. Fine you want to dick you can't trust, FINE. Lexan doesnt' deserve you then anyway.

Plot 5/5
World Building 5/5
Romance 2/5
Astrea 3/5
Lexa 4.5/5 (he grows on you so much)
Stian .5/5 i want to punt him off a cliff
Kierna 4/5 She is making a great Antagonist.

Overall, I loved the plot and the story in general but the stupid decisions to be with Stian and just her kind of stupid decisions in general really brough it down. I will evevtually read the rest. i love the world building and how it combines Zodiac & Greek Mythology so beautifully. I really like the author's writing style just not this particularly Main Character.

celenabean's review

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shay23's review

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My Rating: 3.5 - I'm Conflicted!

Review - Seriously, conflicted. This was a really good book and I could have loved it except for a couple big things. This book has a lot going for it, it's dystopian-ish, it has some great mythology and astrology which I found very interesting and kinda awesome because it's not something I see a lot in books. I loved the plot and the world building, which reminded me in parts of Divergent not just the setting underground in a cave system that reminded me of Dauntless, but of the main character, she's feisty and makes some stupid reckless decisions in a true Tris way, yet she wasn't a total rip off of Tris at the same time.
In this book a massive disease of some kind destroyed and killed most of the world separating it into three cities, Tartarus, Asphodel, and Elysium, one thing that I thought was interesting was the names of these cities but I was a little disappointed that that didn't play a bigger part in the story. It's generations after this disease ruined the world that the story takes place, Astrea lives in Asphodel and is destined to become the next leader and lead them back to the surface, and she hates it because she has no choices and the current leader wants to kill her so she can keep her potion and the story kinda progresses from there. Let's talk likes and dislikes, shall we?

Likes -
- Lexan - Lexan has his own destiny, he has to marry(partner with) Astrea who has never given him a chance, and help her lead Asphodel and there's this whole thing with his family and some kind of promise he made, it's all very interesting. I loved Lexan, he was my favorite character and I hated how Astrea treated him. He's kind and protective and sweet and nothing like she thinks he is, he does nothing to deserve the way she treats him. I just loved him and I wanted him to end up with Astrea even when she doesn't deserve him and I want to know more about what is going on with him and I just want him to be happy!
- The World Building - While I would have liked a little more info on the other cities I assume that will be covered in the next book and I just loved the world in this book. It was interesting and original.
-The Astrology - In Asphodel they base everything off of what sign you were born under, it dictates who you can marry, your job, even your personality. And I thought it was awesome. I have always been big into astrology and I just loved how it tied into these characters and the story, it was highly original and just awesome.
Undetermined -
- Astrea - I loved her in the beginning, I loved her all the way up to the part where Stian came into it. She is a hard character to like, she's a little b****y and she tries to rebel because she doesn't want all these choices made for her and she does it in a very immature and infuriating way and then she's surprised when bad things happen because of it, despite this I actually managed to like her, I started to love her when she started to accept Lexan and then in came Stian, who was...I don't know but I didn't like it. First not only does this start a very confusing love triangle, confusing because at times it seems as if she had no feelings at all for Lexan and he says that he just hoped something could be born between them and then at times she says and does things that make you think that she does like him, but then she doesn't? Maybe? But it also has a horrible case of insta-love made worse by the fact that personally I don't think Stian is a very likable character, their "love" is too fast and sloppy for it to feel even a little bit real and it made me hate both characters. For instance at one point over basically nothing Astrea decides she can't trust Lexan and then Stian does something really bad and she basically shrugs it off because part of trust is just being there for the person and knowing they will just lay with you when you can't get out of bed or something like that but that person isn't Stian it's Lexan! I just want to slap her, I swear!
Dislikes -
-Stian - I just hated him. He is a bland and fairly pointless character, I mean there is a reason for him but he doesn't do it well. He's the outsider and what not and needed but he needed to be a better character. There is no reason for Astrea to "love" him he is not lovable. In the end I know nothing about him, I don't understand him at all, he is nothing more than his purpose, he is nothing! Even Astrea admits more than once that she might only like him because he's new and different and a new way to rebel and oh my god I did not like him. It's not a case of I chose sides in the love triangle but of he is not a good character, he is not developed enough to make a good impact on the story. I didn't feel that he liked her or why either of them would like each other, he's very territorial, "oh me big scary man, you leave my girl, who I have known for all of five pages and kissed once, alone even though you've known her longer, she likes you more, oh and you know there's that whole you're going to marry her thing." I just did not like the way he's character was done.
- The Love Triangle - I hate love triangles in general, just like insta love, but this triangle wasn't even done well, first of all I don't understand why either of the guys likes her, or why she likes Stian and she is constantly acting like she likes Lexan but it's like she doesn't even realize that's what she's doing. She seeks Lexan for comfort and when anything is wrong and it seems like all she wants Stian for is kisses though honestly she seems to like Lexans more!

Overall - I did like the book don't get me wrong it's just I couldn't get over the problems because they were big ones. I have to like a main character and some people will probably love Astrea and they might love Stian too but I hated them and honestly I think the only reason I finished this book was because of Lexan and because I wanted to like Astrea but I couldn't like her when she was with Stian because I didn't feel that there was anything between those two characters. I will probably read the next book just to see where it goes and out of the hope that Astrea becomes a better person and of course for Lexan.

Would I recommend this book? Yes. If it sounds interesting to you I urge you to pick it up it's worth the read and I think that a lot of people will love it.

lpcoolgirl's review

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Great book, was a bit iffy at first, but yeah, just really sucked me in and was addicting! Now to read more!

apacheco1993's review

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Asphodel is an underground city in a dystopian world, our world. How the city ended up underground? Well, you will have to read the book to find out the specifics, but basically the people of Asphodel hid underground to survive a disease that would kill everyone on earth.

The heroine is Astrea and she is a vital part of a prophesy that the people of Asphodel believe in. Lexan is also a huge part of the prophesy and for it to come true, these two must come together as one; due to Asphodel's believes, these 17 year olds are to be married by the time they turn 18. Of course, Astrea is all against this. This was the problem I had with her character. I understand that the marriage would be against her wishes, but the way she constantly whines about her situation and was always pushing Lexan away did not sit well with me. Lexan I completely adored even though I'm not quite sure what to make of him. There is also Stian (yes, there is a love triangle *sigh*). I was not a fan of his and he honestly annoyed me throughout the book.

The plot was interesting and definitely was what kept me flipping pages as fast as I could. The author's writing style was one that I enjoyed. The story kept me on the edge of my seat and I could't wait to uncover the mystery.

Overall, this has been one of the most interesting dystopian I have read. I am definitely reading the second in the series as soon as I'm finished writing this review :D

*Copy given in exchange for an honest review

starsprite's review

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I disliked many aspects of this book - for example, the infinite number of tropes Thompson has somehow squeezed into under 300 pages, and the fact that over 30 pages of the book weren't actually part of the story. You really only need perhaps 10-15 pages for acknowledgements, about the authors, and the other generic post-story pages. The reason for my 3-star review is the quotations at the beginnings of the chapters. They were really the only Asphodel worldbuilding, but that was kind of exciting, as someone who loves mysteries and solving them.