
Bad Appetites by Jon Athan

5hadow_girl's review

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First let me say that I owe Jon Athan a ton of reviews for 2016.
I go on binges for one reason or another, then I get backed up on that author's reviews, and it's this whole big vicious circle (Just ask Kimberly A. Bettes about my #BettesBinge(s)!). So - for this, I am truly sorry. I hate to say that THIS TIME there is a valid excuse for starting off my year already owing another review for Bad Appetites, but I'm about to make a quick blog post to fill everyone in on 2017 - The Year of Suck, so if you're interested... pop over and look in about an hour.

As for Bad Appetites - a few quick words until I can get a proper review posted...
I gotta tell ya... I was pleasantly surprised at Jon Athan's new body horror novel :) No, it's not that I expected anything bad, but I thought I knew exactly where the story was going to go, and stay, until the last page. I was wrong. Sure - you can't have a book like this without going there at all, but this isn't a story based upon eating up mankind. Give it a go - it has a little something 'new' for us, and I think that Jon Athan is going to become a better known name among our circles this year! Like I said... proper review to come very soon.

NOT a spoiler here, just a note to the author that you probably don't care to read...
SpoilerOMG, the name is STILL killing me! I know I asked you about it once, but remind me to ask you WHY :) IDK why I didn't ask before.
I wanted to let you know that I'd love to read a full story about Krokodil, and I don't know how I've missed the short story you've already written. What is the title of that one? I have a rarely seen, (and rarely spoken of), W.I.P. that I was going to use Krokodil as the main culprit behind some random shenanigans going on in the story, but I decided to take it to a much lighter place and go the horror/comedy route, so I am excited to read what you've done with it. Seriously - that's some sick shit, I really can't wait to read how YOU portray it! :)
One last note, and this is just me airing out my brain, and absolutely no offence is meant. It's about your 'head' reference (I'm sorry!!), (everyone else - I'm super sorry, but... that's not going where you think it is, lol!). I got a kick out of it at first, because it reminds me of my dad - he'd use it once in a while and it always made me chuckle. But it's your main term of reference - has anyone ever said anything? If not, please ignore me. The only reason that I probably notice it every time is because of my dad - and that's not a bad reminder of him.
"Until our next venture into the dark and disturbing..." (Great line, Jon!!)

Peace, Love & Necrophillia ♥
