
Coming to Hale by Marie James

darkness223's review

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Really enjoyed this book cant believe its been sat in my kindle all this time without me reading it.I loved Ian and his filthy mouth and the fact he did not run or hide from his feelings.I really liked Lorali to begin with but then she kinda got on my nerves she went from great banter and standing up for herself to feeling not good enough and not trusting him with no good reason.Other than that i loved it a super read that held my interest all the way through cant wait to start book two tomorrow.

frenchpressbookworm's review

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1/2 stars

This one was short and sweet. I loved Ian and his aloha hotness but I also liked that he was the kinda man who didn't need games and just went after what he wanted. I really enjoyed this read and can't wait for the next one

sabra72's review

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Received as an ARC for honest review.

This is the first time I've read this author, and it will not be the last! I thoroughly loved the storyline and the twists and turns in this book actually happens in real life.

Lorali and Ian weren't looking for love...just a good time. What they found with each other is amazing! Ian is a dream come true and Lorali is beautiful...she just doesn't see it.

I don't give spoilers, but I was left perplexed at the ending...WHAT THE HELL DID HE ASK????? Did he ask to move in together, get married, WHAT??? I'm hoping this will be answered in the next book. I was also impressed with the secondary characters and can't wait to see what Marie James has in store for them.

Great job Marie!!

mooncricketjp's review

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Slow build.

This one was slow going for me but then it hit around the 60% mark and all I could think about was finishing the book!

tab2004's review

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Two pages in and I am already rolling my eyes. The MFC is lusting over the MMC in a laudromat like some kind of HS girl. And the language sounds about the same.

Continuing on she's so horny all the fucking time its not funny to me, it's pathetic. This chick wants to be an investigative journalist but can't control her fucking thoughts or vagina. Yeah sure. She's a tough one: sarcasm intended. WTF said that this chick was tough? She's a fucking loon. I feel like I was sold a false set of goods based on some reviews. This book had potential for me, the set up was great, but I just couldn't like or connect with the female lead. As for the male - well... let's just say I was sick of hearing about his cock.

The real nail was the destroyed invoice from the small wine company. If they were a huge company yeah I could buy it - but I know small business owners - this type of kissing up could be so self-destructive - ugh@ It was like this book was trying to push all my buttons. I honestly shouldn't give a rating since I skimmed a lot of it - but fuck it. If I went to the trouble to track this book down at the online library then I deserve to be able to rate it.

aflv_reads's review

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Coming to Hale is a great and original story about a woman who doesn’t believe in fairytales but gets it anyway!

I really loved this story, because in some ways I am like Lorali. I believe in the too-good-to-be-true fact. Her story gives hope to people like us who don’t believe in the dream so much. And did I mention it’s original? It’s so hard to find a story that isn’t similar to another these days, which makes me cherish these unique, beautiful stories even more!

This is the debut of Marie James and I believe she has tremendous potential to become a constant in our book lives.

I’d also like to know this is an ARC and not a purchased copy, so there could be some differences between what you and I have read. This is just my opinion, so please, don’t come screaming at me later, if I am not 100% accurate or you disagree with me…

Like I said before, I loved the story. I really did. In fact, I’d love to re-read a couple of dozen times!

Mr. Hale is, indeed, irresistible!

But as much as I sympathized with Lorali at some point, she left me perplexed and speechless at others. She’s an intelligent, young woman who sometimes behaved like an immature girl who didn’t know which way was up. Fortunately, she had either her friend or Ian, himself, to bring her intelligent side back. I understand the concept and how the author wanted her character to be like, but the execution was lacking, in my opinion. Some parts should be rewritten, because her reactions didn’t seem believable to me. In other words, I see what the author wanted to write and present, but it wasn’t done the right way. (This could rely more on the editing part than the actual writing.)

Ian, on the other hand, was better developed. He didn’t have any relapses and he was always the incessantly irresistible man I came to love! There were one or two points that left with a ‘Seriously?’ in my head but I could never stay mad or disappointed at this man… Ian Hale is an epic man, for sure. He will haunt my dreams for a while!

The first 40% of the book was not as well written as the following 60%. The subtle change, or improvement, was clearly visible, as I went from going through the notions and striving to see the good parts I knew this story had to give to actually enjoying it and wanting to see more! By any means, I don’t imply that first 40% isn’t good; it’s not good enough and certainly not as good as the rest. I did have my ‘Seriously’ moments later on, but they were few and I was just too drawn to the story at that point to care.

I simply believe this story could be absolutely amazing and it wasn’t. I really loved the story, but that comes with expectations. Perhaps they were too high, but the author has so much potential. A mind that came up with this beautiful story could do so much better!

In fewer words, this is a truly magnificent story that had some accidents along the way. I think those flaws could have been prevented by the editor or a beta reading team.

Nothing changes the fact that I loved this story and I will be rereading it!

So, Coming to Hale receives a 4- because the story is incredible but not incredibly presented!

I’m looking forward to what comes next in the series and by Marie James, in general.

lilta08's review

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This book was great! I loved Ian and Lorali's story. Ian comes off as your typical bachelor. Not interested in a relationship just some hot hook ups. Until he meets Lorali. Lorali's life consists of work and thats about it. Kind of a homebody. A chance meeting changes everything for the two of them.

nbiblioholic's review

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DNF'd at 25%

I can't take this Lorali girl. She's judgmental, superficial, and lacking in so many ways that it's impossible to like her. I didn't even get to the juicy bits :(