
My Father Drank My Lover and Other Stories by Ashok Banker

b00kr3vi3ws's review

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Well, I have to admit that I was taken aback by the title of the book. It sounds a bit odd, doesn’t it? At the same time, it is sure to get your attention too.

There are 11 stories in the book where each story is different from the other. Yet they are connected by the bizarreness. The author touches upon different genres of mythology, religion, history, sci-fi, dystopia, fantasy and satire to bring together these 11 stories that simply blow your mind. The very first story of the book is the title story of ‘My Father Drank My Lover’ which combines historical and mythological elements and deals with the Ausras and Devas. After finishing each story my thoughts were that of how could the author possibly top this one. And each time I was taken by surprise. My favourite stories in the collection have to be Tongue and Blood Mangoes.

The USP of the book has to be the way the author has reflected the realities of our world through pure and tangible fiction. It is a book that will feed your mind with each story and then put it to work. None of the messages are delivered in an ‘in-your-face’ manner even though they are very clear. Stories that highlight the way our society looks at women made me smirk through them because it actually highlights the ridiculousness of the thought process of the society that we live in.

There is no doubt that Ashok Banker is a master story teller after delivering a number of best sellers. But through this book he reminds us how a master storyteller can tell a fantastical story that everyone can relate to if they are being honest.

An engrossing collection of stories that are must read for people who like meaningful stories and for people who appreciate a masterful story telling style. It will make you keep wanting for more.

pavi_fictionalworm's review

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Also Posted on For The Love of Fictional Worlds

Disclaimer: A physical copy was provided via Pan Macmillan India in exchange for an honest review. The Thoughts, opinions & feelings expressed in the review are therefore, my own.

The title of the book itself had me in stitches, so I definitely went in with high expectations and honestly, I really wasn’t disappointed.

My Father Drank My Lover & Other Stories is a collection of stories that will blow your mind – the foundation of all these stories are actually realistic but its the way that they have been handled, that will keep you engrossed right till the end.

All the stories will have a fantastical theme – from a mythological one, to science fiction, to dystopian yet they will all have a message and a lesson for you!

As with all the collection of stories; there are some that I absolutely fell in love with and others I enjoyed – but all of them had my interest and my fascination; from start till finish. And every story also showed how immensely creative the author’s imagination actually is.

But every story in this book could have fallen flat if not for the writing style of the author – which simple in it’s execution but has the ability to engross the reader from start till the end!

This was a wonderful read, especially for the times when I wanted to something new to cleanse my reading palette!

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