
Strangled by Simile by Kelley Kay Bowles

ladilira's review

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I’ve shared the journey of Emma Lovett and Leslie Parker for three books now. This female duo solve murder mysteries that keep happening at their school. At the same time, they quote Shakespeare like they eat it for breakfast. It’s a light read that keeps you guessing as you uncover the truth. Cozy mysteries are not my genre, so to speak. Which is funny, because I love cozy mystery TV like Father Brown. However, I have never chosen this genre in book format on my own. I’m finding with each story by Kelley Kaye, I am liking the genre the more I read.

Kaye is a good storyteller. Her stories are efficient at telling the tale without drawing it out. Every ending and revelation is a surprise to me and I never see it coming. I especially enjoyed the third book because it began to delve into deeper themes like health and the effects of disease on the body and mind. In this case, I have a personal connection to the situation. As a result, I was able to relate on some level.

If you are looking for a story that keeps you on your toes and makes you suspicious of every character that appears, then this might be a story for you. As long as you don’t mind a southern flare with campy flavor, Emma and Leslie’s teaching adventures might delight your reading taste buds. With each story I grow fonder of this team of English nerds. And I use nerds as a term of endearment.

avoraciousreader68's review

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Book source ~ ARC. My review is voluntary and honest.

Emma Lovett has moved from South Carolina to Pinewood, Colorado to teach at Thomas Jefferson High. Her first two years there started with a murder, so she’s hoping year three will just be about teaching English alongside her best friend Leslie Parker and her boyfriend Hunter Wells and there will be nary a murder to be had. Too late. I spoke too soon. Emma finds Coach Charlie Foreman strangled and if that’s not bad enough, Leslie is suspect #1. Uh, oh. Time to kick the sleuthing into high gear and maybe when she has time, she can figure out why she’s become so clumsy and her eyesight is so messed up all of a sudden.

I’m really enjoying this series. The writing is great, the world building detailed, and the characters are well-rounded. The plot is twisty enough to keep me guessing and there’s humor and a dash of romance, too. There’s also something going on with Emma that she has to deal with and it’s nice to see a main character have to stop and take stock while life keeps revolving around them. This is a great book to read on a lazy afternoon. Or, well, any time, really.


briarsreviews's review

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The Chalkboard Outlines series by Kelley Kay Bowles is one of my personal favourite cozy mystery series. There's drama, quirky humour, a pinch of romance, and lots of intrigue as the mystery unfolds. Being able to pick up Strangled by Simile was an absolute pleasure and I'm still reeling and grinning from all of the hijinks. It ranks up there as one of my personal faves, and I do occasionally jump back into this series with a wicked grin on my face. It's a lot of fun!

So it's time for round three - Emma Lovett and her best friend Leslie Parker are back teaching at Thomas Jefferson High School and MORE murders happen. Emma's boyfriend Hunter Wells is back too! This poor school can't get enough of these murders, and Emma always appears to be linked somehow. But, don't worry folks, Emma and her band of misfit teachers will save the day (somehow or another...).

One of Emma's worst nightmares of a colleague, Charlie Foreman, is found dead. It's quite awkward this time, since yet again Emma seems to be a suspect... her and her friends are in for a treat as they unwind the tangled mess that is this murder mystery.

My only negative of this book was that I wanted more Hunter Wells! I love romance books, so I wanted a dash more of that handsome fella, but it didn't affect the story at all so it's just a personal preference. This book was absolutely marvellous without the extra dash of handsome man floating around.

The side quest/story of this book pulls in Emma's health issues. I really like how the health issues were tackled because they felt real and helped me understand Emma more as a character. I won't give away the ending on what was going on, but it really made me respect and appreciate Kelley Kay Bowles. Adulting and health issues are real and scary, and seeing a book character experiencing true and honest issues in a real and honest way was honourable. While I normally like light, fluffy and avoiding all negative things in my book (my life has been quite the tornado/hurricane/tsunami of un-fun), this one really made me nod and go "Yes, Kelley Kay Bowles gets it." I respect and highly recommend this series because of it. It's brave and important to share health issues stories like the one in this book and not make it super depressing or scary. It's just real. I like it.

Before I tie up this review (pun intended... Strangled... Tied... Get it? Dad jokes, anyone?), here are some notes I took while reading the book. Take what you will, but my play by plays are quite fun while I'm reading away and oohing and ahhing at the book:
1. This book gives me high school flashbacks with how great the writing was on reflecting back on a high school experience.
2. Delightfully funny with lots of Shakespeare quotes! I dig it!
3. Why are there so many murders at this school? This whole city feels like it should be on a lockdown.
4. There is lots of foreshadowing in this book about what is going on with Emma.
5. Teenagers acting suspicious and oversharing... Yep, that holds up.
6. Teachers being called "lounge lizards" is one of the best things I've ever heard. I will be using this in my everyday, common vocabulary from now on. Someone copyright this line quick!
7. Prank wars!
8. The writing style of this book is fun, sassy, up-beat and full of references. It really kept me hooked!
9. Wizard of Oz reference!
10. The reference of going to an ER being like dropping your money in a food processor... Yep, only in America.
11. The pain of losing one's parent... That one hit home. Too hard. Too many feels.
12. I've got theories on theories about what's going on... Gotta love a book that allows my inner theorist to come out!

And now, time to finish up the show!

Overall, this book is fantastic, fabulous and fiercely fun! I seriously love it and highly recommend it to my cozy murder mystery loving readers. This book is where it's at (well, the whole series really). Pick up this book and give me a ring - let's chat about this hilariously awesome book!

Five out of five stars!

I received this book for free from the author, Kelley Kay Bowles, in exchange of an honest review.