
Storm Siren by Mary Weber

burstnwithbooks's review against another edition

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2nd time: ~3.75 stars
It’s been a couple of years since I read this book, so I’d entirely forgotten its contents. I do, however, own the sequel, so I figured I’d pick it up again. And, lo and behold, I ended up rather enjoying it! It was pretty fantastic. Cheesy, absolutely, a little too perfect sometimes, of course, but it was fun... and quite a ride. I’ll definitely pick up the sequel shortly!

juliebihn's review against another edition

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This is a much darker book than I expected, with a heavy dose of attraction between Nym, the lead character, and her trainer. Nym is troubled, even depressed, but Weber's often beautiful and intense writing allows her voice to shine. The ending is one of the more brutal cliffhangers I've ever read, which isn't something I enjoy. Overall, the dark storyline and aforementioned attraction weren't really my style. It's a well-written book, but it just wasn't written for me.

A too-long review, and detailed information about content that parents might be interested to read, is at

(In conjunction with the CSFF Blog Tour, I was sent a free copy of this book.)

mb_booklady's review against another edition

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Set in a land of fantastical beasts, treachery, and magic, Nym must learn to control her curse.

Nym has the honor of being the cheapest slave ever sold. Her current owner can't wait to get rid of her because IT happened again.

Nym is an Elemental, a person who can control the elements based on her will. Without training, Nym is dangerous as she causes destruction and death when righteously angered. After her outburst, Nym feels deep guilt and remorse. She considers herself a freak anyway because all Elementals have been exterminated and Elementals are always male.

Her latest owner wants to train and use Nym as a weapon against the country determined to obliterate Faelyn.

As Nym trains, she makes friends, learns restraint, becomes aware that death is not the only option for the enemy, and maybe even falls a little bit in love.

Weber has done a great job of building a fantasy world. Readers will be able to see the feared bolcranes as Nym faces them down.

At first, I thought this story was going to be too much like Marie Lu's Young Elites trilogy with a heroine who is dark. There were also some similarities to Victoria Aveyard's The Red Queen trilogy. At heart, this story stands on its own merits as one of good's triumph over evil. . . at least until book two.

pinkpumastar's review

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the main character is beautiful. beautiful. beautiful. YES. WE GET IT JESUS.

i read this a long time ago, and i recently bought it again because of how good it was the last read. but it didn’t bring as much to the table as i thought it would. make no mistake, this book is amazing but there were a few things that steered me off the path.


This dark-skinned man with black skin the color of the richest onyx. This dark haired-haired, dark-skinned man.

i was super hyped about having a love interest that wasn’t some skinny white boy for once (we love diversity), and was even more hyped when i found out he was black. but, alas, the author failed me.

eogan is dark-skinned. he’s the darkest color. he’s dark. WE GET IT HES A DARK BLACK MAN JESUS (i’m not joking about the amount of times this author describes his skin it gets uncomfortable after the first 20 times. the way he was over-sexualized by the main characters kinda made me uncomfortable (because, y’know, black men are over sexualized in media and are always seen as sexy and muscley and powerful = basically Eogan). but the thing that tipped me over was the hair.

this dark skinned man. this onyx colored messiah (that has green eyes which didn’t bother me because the mc has white hair and this is a fantasy novel. characters can have different colored eyes - and his happen to be green and brilliant and described so many times throughout this story.)

if eogan is this dark-skinned black god, why the fuck does he act white?? i don’t know how to explain this but several times in the story his hair has been described as ‘jagged black bangs’ which i interpreted as —-> dude has dreadlocks (the proper term would be locs but most of you know them as dreadlocks so that’s the only reason i’m calling them that).

but no. i’ve been deceived into thinking that this dark-skinned man has beautiful dreadlocks and green eyes. his “jagged, clammy bangs”. no, no. Eogan can run his hands through his hair. he doesn’t have black hair, even though his blackness has been described so many times throughout the story. no, no. when the mc says jagged bangs, she doesn’t mean a few skinny dreads falling into his face in the shape of bangs.

no. dude has straight hair. 1a. not even 3a.

note: i’m reading through the book again and it’s fucking insane how many times the author points out his blackness. the phrase don’t bat an eyelash? nah, it’s ‘don’t bat a black eyelash’ for Eogan. and even then the author constantly describes Eogan as attractive and handsome. yeah, he’s an amazing character but his entire character is built off of being a handsome darkskinned man.

i’m honesty upset i spent my money on this

robinmara96's review against another edition

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ulrikedg's review

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What does it mean when book 1 in a series has a waitlist several months long at your local library, but books 2 & 3 are always available? DNF @ 18%. Skipped to the last 3 chapters and didn't even make it the rest of the way to the end.

Audiobook narrator Christine Stevens is barely tolerable. I had to bump her speed up to 1.4, which I don't think I've ever done before. If the story had been worthwhile, I probably would have powered through, but Stevens herself brought nothing to the already poor narrative.

cupcakegirly's review

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This cover is GORGEOUS and I spent a ridiculous amount of time staring at it after it showed up at my front door!

If you follow my blog, my reviews or hang out with me on social media, then you know my oldest son, aka, "The Teenager" loves to read almost as much as I do. Almost. He's even done a few guest post/reviews on the blog under threat of no ARCS ever again when I've asked nicely.

STORM SIREN review with The Teenager.

Describe STORM SIREN in five words:
P: Well-written, fast-paced, witty.
J: I see what you did there. Okay, my five words are: You. Want. To. Read. This!

Favorite character and why:
P: Colin. I liked his humor.
J: I would have totally been BFFs with Colin! But I'm going to go with Nym. She's a tough cookie with a good heart and the best of intentions.

Least favorite character and why:
P: Adora. She was a jerk the entire book.
J: Adora. She creeped me out.

One word that describes your feels about the ending:
P: Shock.
J: This --->

If you could possess any one of the elements, which one would you choose?
P: Definitely the ability to control the weather like Nym.
J: I would like to be able to block the elements. Snow storm? No thank you. BLOCKED.

What other books does STORM SIREN remind you of?
P: I can't think of any off the top of my head. A sign that it was original perhaps?
J: Leigh Bardugo's, GRISHA TRILOGY which happens to be my favorite fantasy series.

Why should people read STORM SIREN?
P: Because it's a gripping story with a few crazy plot twists and a heck of a cliffhanger at the end.
J: Because I said so! Oh wait. That only works on you, P. But seriously, people should read this book. It's beautifully written, masterfully crafted with a heart-wrenching romance and plot twists that keep you on your toes until the last page!

Brownies, cupcakes or pie?
P: Since Cremè Brûlée isn't an option, I'll take a Nutella S'more cupcake.
J: You had one job, Price. ;)

carina_shephard's review against another edition

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Actual rating: 3.5/5

Talk about a rollercoaster ride.

bookishlizz's review against another edition

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This book started as a two star book - the phrases were cliched, the storyline predictable, and the characters two-dimensional. I probably would have stopped listening except I was painting and my hands weren't clean enough to choose a new book.

About half way through this became a three star book - I started to really like the characters, the world was growing on me the more I learned about it (although I still want more) and Colin was making me laugh.

The last few pages is where this became a four star book - another reviewer nailed it on the head when they said it was "crueltastic". Seriously you have to finish this book even if you think it is lame because ... wow.

christygsp's review

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I honestly have such random and scattered thoughts on this so…. Spoilers and chaotic answers ahead: 

- Reasons I don’t like it 
    - Too much magic
    - Love triangle?? What was the point? 
    - Danger to kids - them being killed at almost every turn
    - Too many gorey descriptions of death 
    - Killing everyone (and I do mean almost everyone of the good guys!) is not a plot device 
    - too many mentions of the main love interest being “unfairly attractive” ugh, please

- What I liked 
    - The explanations of Nym using her elemental powers, sense the killing and death 
    - The banter of an independent Nym
    - Interesting world 

Honestly, why even bother creating a cast of characters we learn about only to kill all of them anyway?? I feel betrayed by the author - you strung me along only to yank away every person I connected to in the story, save one. Boo you. 

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