
Jupiter Jet, Volume 1 by Jason Inman, Ashley Victoria Robinson

crookedtreehouse's review

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This might be a good adventure to pick up for a young reader who hasn't read many comics or seen many adventure or superhero movies. [a:Ben Matsuya|17432772|Ben Matsuya|]'s art is solid, and the story is easy to follow. Everything about it seems really familiar and non-threatening. There is nothing wrong with an all-ages comic that holds tightly to adventure tropes but there needs to be some sort of hooks, be it an unusual premise, a protagonist or major character who isn't based in cliche, or even just really engaging humor. I didn't connect with this book on any of those levels. The children of dead parents need to earn money to fend off the mob feels like an almost forty year old plot, and the one interesting tweak to the story comes almost at the end, which is a shame. I think exploring the premise that seems to set up a second story is far more interesting than the entirety of this volume. I hope this book is successful enough to give them the option to tell that story.

I recommend it for young readers, parents looking for something to read to their kids while allowing them to check out the art, and people who enjoy adventure stories that make them feel comfortable rather than excited.

jordannedunn's review

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Minor spoilers ahead.

Writing Quality

I loved the writing! There was a nice amount of dialogue, it made me laugh and the Olympic Heights dialect was fun and consistent throughout. I like the story itself too, full of action and adventure and it was well paced over the 5 issues with some nail-biting cliff-hangers that made me grateful I had waited for the trade paperback and didn’t have to wait for the next one to come out!

Image/Illustration Quality

The art in this is fun and captures retro/aviation/sci-fi/slightly-steampunk-victorian-inventor-y aesthetic in this really intangible but prevalent way that makes Olympic Heights feel like a real and separate place. The characterisation is really great too, especially Jacky and I like her costume (and how easy it will be to cosplay!). There is also this really amazing double page space landscape spread towards the end that I want on my wall. Like, so much.

Character Development

Jacky and Chuck’s relationship and development throughout the book feels so real and, to me, so relatable. Without going into too much detail, my little brother and I didn’t have it that easy growing up and a lot of the time it really did feel like us against the world and all its bad guys and everything - from Jacky and Chuck’s financial troubles and struggling to get by to their partnership through to the scene where they argue over the Flying Girl’s future – hit me right in the feels. Chuck even looks like my brother did at that age!

Favourite Moments

  • I mentioned the double page space landscape before but it’s awesome enough for a second mention

  • The Scientific Method with Chuck Johnson

  • “Stay back! I got a cat!” – and pretty much all Puddles related dialogue

  • Just Chuck in general

  • Imagining the parachute dress roulette Jacky experiences every morning

  • Issues

    No page numbers! – this is something of a non-issue for most people, but I like page number to track my progress.
    I wish we’d had a smidge more bad guy coverage because I like to understand a bit more about my villains but again, it wasn’t a huge deal and the story didn’t suffer for it so.


    Overall, a fun, action-filled, sci-fi adventure that I can’t wait to start recommending and buying for readers of all ages – especially my baby brother (he’s 3) as soon as he is old enough! Bring on volume 2!

kristick's review

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Really enjoyed this comic about Jackie "Jupiter Jet". The second volume ([b:Jupiter Jet and the Forgotten Radio|54960853|Jupiter Jet and the Forgotten Radio|Jason Inman||85728151]) is every better.

daniof616's review

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A great story with a fantastic plot twist. The art was beautiful and the writers created a world I was invested in.