
Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life by Joseph Deitch

toriarocks95's review

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Elevate is a self-help book unlike any you may have read before, with a genuine push towards personal growth and development. You can tell from the first paragraph that Joseph Deitch has put a lot of time and thought into every sentence, really crafting a voice that sounds confident in the knowledge he shares but also like a friend who is excited about what they've learned and longs to share it with you. I'm often put off by the air of superiority that comes from many self-help authors and the constant barrage of "if you just do this, your life will be better." It's annoying and, frankly, unhelpful. I don't make it through a lot of self-help books because of that, and so I was weary of Deitch's book as well, but I kept an open mind going in. I found it to be exponentially better than I had hoped. Upon finishing it, I knew I would return to it again and again throughout life and all its twists and turns. I think this book is great for a wide range of people and could be applicable to just about anyone in any point of their life. I'd highly recommend getting a copy of this book into your hands. I think you're really going to enjoy it.

hannas_heas47's review

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Im fascinated.

Mar 12 2018 – 17:02
By jsawyer
Who hasn't picked up a self help book because they have felt frustration. Self help books lately have fascinated me. I'm in the category get busy learning or get busy dying. I correlate the learning process with staying healthy. An idle mind is the devil's playground.
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.... All right, I'm ready. This isn't a one sitting type book but a book to read stretched out over weeks while you do your own inner diagnosis. I'm completely fascinated with myself but I constantly am being frustrated. The author has his own ten steps to help you come full circle and begin to explore how to truly elevate your life. I'm constantly frustrated by things I can not control and he puts a positive spin on this. Instead of being frustrated try being fascinated. Well its worth trying. I loved the amazing quotes throughout the book and a few of them I have directed at coworkers and even my kids. My curiosity level has always been high so its not a big leap for me to pester people with questions. I think the author has an amazing perspective on life and like I said it would take awhile to fully immerse yourself in all the steps of this book but it certainly adds a certain clarity between where you are and where you want to be. I thoroughly enjoyed the book. Thanks Bookish First and the author for allowing me a copy to read and self help myself.

zigalayho's review

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I won this book from Bookish in exchange for my honest opinion.
Ok, so I'm one of those people. I listen to motivational videos, hype songs, and speeches. My bookshelves are full of books to help me grow as a person. I'm always looking for a new way to look at an old concept. Elevate is a perfect addition to my collection. The writing is clear and precise, the author is easy to understand and relate to, and he reminds you of those things you already wanted to change in the first place.
This book is meant to Elevate your thinking, which will, in turn, elevate your life. If you're looking for a new idea to slap you in the head, this isn't the book for you. But if you're looking for a book that will remind you of all those ideas and changes and things you meant to do and already knew you needed to do, this is it. Is it worth buying? Yes, it is. Would I have bought it if I had not won it in the raffle? Yes, yes I would have. Now does that mean everyone will love this book? No, because we are all different and we all have different perspectives on the world. But from my perspective, this was a good read.

energyrae's review

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For me, Elevate started off similarly to The Celestine Prophecy, in that it had insights, and its goal is that of CBT, to change the way we think and process our environment. He also talks about the energy that is exchanged when we are dealing with others, another predominant aspect of Redfield's book. But that is where the similarities ended, as Elevate is not a work of fiction, rather a guide for personal growth.
He presents the reader with various insights for awareness in ourselves and our relationships in the first part of the book. In the second part of the book, we are presented with Action, reflecting on the insights with ways to go out and apply our new-found knowledge to what we are striving to change and achieve. Deitch pulls in dozens of quotes from authors, philosophers, and the like, tying them into the material he is presenting. He also weaves in examples from her personal life to give the reader context and application.
Deep down, we want for more out of our lives. By understanding ourselves and how we react to word, situations, and exchanges, we are better able to process what is happening, and get more out of life. The reader may stumble upon concepts that they may have heard of, but Deitch gives the reader more, by explaining how to deal with these concepts and how to apply them to your life. With topics ranging from introspection, love, work, and interpersonal relationships, Elevate is a great read with a very practical application for our lives.

dinoentrails's review

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One of the worst self-help books I've ever read. It reads like a high school term paper struggling to reach a designated word count.

garlandpubliclibrary's review

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The best self-help book I have read in years! Full of practical information and motivation to become the best version of yourself. This book will help you dig deeper and reach higher. Elevate your life through applying the basic principles taught in this book.

karlabranson's review

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I received this book from the publisher via BookishFirst in exchange for my honest review. -- I am a sucker for a good self-help or motivational book. My collection started when I was doing my undergrad and my college had a slight obsession with adding them to the curriculum of all the business classes. That being said, I need a book that is easy to understand, relatable and has the capacity to bring me some real-life applications. This book does that and then some. The format of the book is easy to understand and I found it easy to flip back to areas that I wanted to revisit. I did not need to re-read the text n order to understand exactly what the author was trying to convey and while we aren't supposed to judge books by their covers - this one is modern and simplistic and I really liked it.

thogek's review

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I've read a number of life-improvement frameworks presented in various books over the years. Some of 'em make for good solid tools, some decent and worth considering, and some a waste of paper and time. This one's closer to the upper end of that scale: not profoundly world-changing IMO, but good enough in that it pulls together a number of useful concepts—broken down into five perceptual "insights" underlying ten practical "skills"—in an understandable and usable way to be a useful read to anyone who's looking for self-improvement frameworks to learn and compare and consider using.

elfstone's review

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Elevate is a book worth a second read. It’s written in an engaging narrative, author’s personal examples are provided, and the structure makes it easy to follow advice and progress.

This book provides concepts and follows those concepts with steps and advice.

There are some self help books which are wordy but without meaning or practicality. Elevate is not one of those books. The realizations provided by Deitch are relateble and worthy of assisting the reader in not changing, but elevating.

Thank you to the publisher for letting me win Elevate in a Goodreads giveaway.