
Amber Wake - Gabriel Falling by P.S. Bartlett, Ronovan Hester

marjma2014's review

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4.5 stars


I really enjoyed Amber Wake - Gabriel Falling by P.S. Bartlett and Ronovan Hester. This pirate tale oozes excitement, the fight scenes are first class, and the touches of humour had me chuckling like a pirate!! I'd recommend it for readers who enjoy a fast paced adventure on the high seas, lots of camaraderie, and splashes and splashes of thrills. It's a very entertaining read, a well written and plotted book. Its strength lies in its thrilling passages, excellent characterisation, and sense of place. You really do feel that you are one of the crew, going off on an adventure, to an uncertain future, and perhaps sticky end. These elements make the book truly shine.

Towards the end of the middle section the momentum of the narrative slows down a little to explore the once honourable Royal Navy Captain’s motivations: Gabriel Wallace’s sense of justice, his fear that his character is changing, developing into something that perhaps he fears to become. This is an interesting aspect of the novel, suggesting his internal struggle to cast off his pirate persona, to overturn the wrongs done by Admiral Chambers. He longs to be a better man, and all the while he is changing into a man he does not recognise – a pirate! This goes more than skin deep, but is evident in his change of name: Rasmus, the changing names of the ships he captures, his pirate lingo, and his growing goatee beard, etc. This part of the novel reminded me of a kind of Robin Hood pirate of the high seas, this once respectable, gallant Captain, desires to protect those deemed to be at risk from the Admiral’s greed. I enjoyed this but I did feel that this reflective section could have perhaps been a bit shorter. I must be a bit of a devil because I preferred the fast paced excitement of the fight scenes! Ha Ha!! I confess I'm a bit of a rogue…

Also there are strong similarities to Robin Hood/Maid Marian in Gabriel’s desire to protect and preserve the innocence of women - those who may fall prey to the lasciviousness and wantonness of pirates of folklore. Though having said that he isn't an angel either!

My recommendation: Definitely read Amber Wake - Gabriel Falling, especially if you enjoy the sea…. Go on a pirate adventure, sail the high seas, taste that salty water.... but whatever you do don't rile pirate Captain Rasmus aka Gabriel or you might end up walking the plank!