
Betting the Bad Boy by Stefanie London

rosiereads613's review

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3.5/5 stars

capa105's review

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I wasnā€™t expecting to actually like this book as much as did, mostly because I knew nothing about this series or the author. But I did enjoy it a lot, and this book is different from most of my reads in one thing: the SETTING! Betting the Bad Boy is set in Melbourne, Australia.

The writing was pretty good on this one, even though it is told in dual POV in the third person, the charactersā€™ inner thoughts were different enough that I was able to always know who was ā€œtalkingā€ at a certain point. I do think this would have been even better if it was told in 1st person, but I always thing 1st person would be better in romancesā€¦

I loved Paige and Noah. Paige was an independent girl, who was fighting for the future she wanted, and wasnā€™t afraid to do whatever she had to to follow her dreams. While Noah had been burned so much in his past, that he thought he didnā€™t want to set roots, depending only on himself and afraid to be hurt by the people he loved. While Paige wanted commitment and a set plan, Noah wanted none of that. It was interesting to see how such different personalities meshed. Noah helped Paige be more open to possibilities, and Paige showed Noah how it was ok to want more from his life.

I really liked the romance, because the chemistry was very much there from the very beginning, and these two were so cute and right together. My only issue about it happened by the end of the book, and I really wish that the author had found some other way to ā€œsolveā€ their issues. But overall, I really really enjoyed Betting the Bad Boy, and I highly recommend this book. I now want to get my hands on book 1 and 2 of this series, because want to know more about the characters.

beckymmoe's review

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So cute!

I loved both Noah and Paige, and the bet motif was abso-freaking adorable. I can't imagine why I haven't read the other two books in this series--yes, it worked just fine as a standalone, but still--but you'd better believe I'm going to soon. I'm really going to enjoy watching Noah be all smug in his non-commitment-dom, knowing exactly what is coming in his future :)

Rating: 4 stars / A-

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

sarathebibliophagist's review

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Paige Thomas has her whole life planned out, and finding herself unexpectedly unemployed is not part of it. After a workplace fling goes awry, Paige finds herself scrambling for some way to make money, because going back to her parentsā€™ house in the country is not an option. Sheā€™s been making coffee as long as she can remember, so when she stumbles upon a coffee shop in desperate need of a barista, she knows sheā€™s found her calling.

Noah Reid manages the aforementioned coffee shop, and he wants nothing more than some peace. No responsibilities. No relationships. No attachments. In fact, heā€™d rather not even manage that coffee shop -- itā€™s just a temporary favor for a friend. He knows that Paige is just his type, but sheā€™s not looking to date her boss, and heā€™s not looking for any commitment. When Noah calls out Paige on her obvious attraction to him, she makes him a bet. And then another bet. And another. Surely she can resist him and win... right?

Betting the Bad Boy is the third book in Stefanie Londonā€™s Behind the Bar series, but no prior knowledge of the characters is necessary to enjoy this book.

Like most Entangled/Lovestruck books, this book is well-written with likable characters and a cute plot. Itā€™s definitely steamy, but not overly so, and Noah and Paige have undeniable chemistry.

I enjoyed Noahā€™s relationship with his foster sisters but wanted to see more of his past to get a better understand on why exactly heā€™s so opposed to any sort of commitment, be it in a relationship or at work. Paige was a good character -- very strong, but still willing to compromise -- but again, I wanted to know more about her and why she was so unwilling to turn to her parents for help. Ideally, I would have also liked Paige and Noah to act like the adults they were, rather than sulking off like moody teenagers.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and would absolutely go back and read the first two in the series!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC!