matterofmichael's review

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Great, but not wonderful
++past x-men checking out their new digs, yes please
++Kitty Pryde is a breath of fresh air in Cyclop'a world
-X-23 felt a bit disjointed at times, other times it meshed.
+fun new suits
+++that ending
-little too much villain exposition here.

m0thermayi's review

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3 stars |

renatasnacks's review

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I read this and [b:All-New X-Men, Vol. 5: One Down|19539377|All-New X-Men, Vol. 5 One Down|Brian Michael Bendis||27665932] in the same day and now they blur together. They were both fine but confusing, due to time travel and the fact that I didn't read the Age of the Atom event (I THINK?) I don't remember which volume had the cute alternate realities? Maybe 5? anyway that was my favorite part.

nathanaeljs's review

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I know it's a long-running tradition for every single member of the X-Men within a mile to be obsessed with Jean, but honestly why even put a female character on your team if she's just their for the guys to fight over? Entirely too much of that, plus the truly hokey religious fanatic anti-mutant faction made this volume a slog. On the plus side, someone finally remembered X-23 exists after the debacle that was Avengers Arena.

jlevans's review

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(I've read all-new x-men 18-22, and because GR didn't have them singularly, I thought I'd just add this book) The comics were great! My only niggle is that there's yet another crossover, this time with Guardians of the Galaxy. I have no intention of reading that comic, so I hope I can still follow. Issue 23 seemed fine, so everything should be aaaalllrrriiiggghhhttttt.

venerablemonster's review

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There's the possibility for something interesting.

antsneversleep's review

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Soooo, this volume skips issues 16 & 17, which clearly contain some important plot points. Rather than include key elements of the story, Marvel stuck some of the UGLIEST comics I've ever read in at the end. Awesome. Thanks for that (

jmanchester0's review

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The storyline continued in the New X-Men was decent. Probably 3 stars. But it only collected 4 issues, and the random stories from X-Men Gold #1 were hit and miss. You can especially tell when Stan Lee writes. That's when the writing gets really crappy.

caoimhin42's review

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Just keeps getting better! I'm back in X-Men!

tashalostinbooks's review

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