
Crystal Storm by Morgan Rhodes

chainofnovels's review against another edition

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I don't think I can write a review without spoiling anything.
All I'll say is that this was by far one of the most mind-blowing ending I've ever dealt with.
And I've read many cliff hangers that have been horrible, but this..........terrifying

So in terms of my hate has indeed changed a lot.
I don't hate Lucia as much anymore. I really really dislike her, but not hate anymore. She's still one of my least favourite characters, but I don't despise her with a passion.

Also I never thought I'd find Gaius tolerable either. I don't hate him that much. He's certainly changed after the ending of Frozen Tides. He actually does something useful for once and kills someone evil.

Amara is still on my hate list, though I don't hate her as much as in the previous book.

Magnus and Cleo...........
Why can't they just live in peace. I hate that ending so much. Magnus

fatimareadsbooks's review against another edition

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hOLY CRAP what a cliffhanger!

no_gardenofeden's review against another edition

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Si me perdonåis, estaré llorando bajo una manta hasta el año que viene, cuando salga la sexta parte.

Las cuatro/cinco estrellas con las que he puntuado a las anteriores entregas no valen una mierda comparadas con estas.

Rhodes, sé misericordiosa conmigo y no me hagas esperar un año entero para saber qué ocurre en esa endemoniada cabecita tuya ((o no lo hagas, que estoy seguro de que este sufrimiento que me provocas no es para nada saludable)).

Te superas, hija mĂ­a.

thecorioliseffect's review against another edition

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Okay I don't even know what to do with myself. My children were all reunited and then they were separated. My babies were fighting, BUT THEY LOVE EACH OTHER AT LEAST. I don't even know what to do with myself. My guess is I finish Immortal Reign by Friday and spend the rest of my life crying myself to sleep MY FAVES DO NOT DESERVE THIS.

caszriel's review against another edition

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4.5 Stars

Mytica continues to be divided as Princess Cleiona Bellos must decide between her country and her heart. Magnus makes some conflicted decisions which will alter his life forever while Lucia's fate is uncertain. Worlds will collide and shatter in the fifth book of this adventurous high fantasy series.

The many storylines constantly interweave and sometimes it takes a little extra thinking to remember where each of the main characters is located. Often two or more of these characters are at the same place, making the perspective switches extremely effective as it switches from one place to another, back to that place, but with three different views. This also gives a cliffhanger effect as we switch out of one character's head and into another; sneaky but genius.

Successful relationships in Crystal Storm? Oh dear, I must say I saw none. Failed romances, arguments, fights? There were definitely plenty. I must say, I love the drama and development this tension brings though my heart also breaks as my ships sink. Their hesitant alliances gradually form into something more genuine as situation after situation forces them to work together and achieve a common goal.

As always with the multitude of main characters (or just characters with a perspective) it's hard to pick favourites when you get to know all of them about equally. That being said, I admire many of them, including Nerissa with her unwavering loyalty and acceptance of reality and the sacrifice of living without luxury, Amara who fights for women's rights in her misguided ways, and of course Cleo, the golden princess whose façade might just fool them all. I can never decide if I love or hate Magnus, as with Jonas Agallon. I respect Lucia's spirit and Prince Ashur is a mystery waiting to be solved.

Shifting allegiances and plans gone wrong bring those from the empire of Kraeshia into Mytica as rebels continue to fight against their monarchies. Searching for the four kindred becomes erratic as their importance only increases as circumstances change and some are left with no certainty about whether they live— or die.

llona_llegaconlalluvia's review against another edition

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tutti continuano ad essere innammorati di tutti e
tutti continuano a risorgere dalla morte: Amara, Ashur, Nic, Gaius ect.

bookstoashes's review against another edition

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4 Stars!

That ending! Wow what a cliffhanger. This book was so good! The ending with Jonas and you know who was SOO damn precious I even teared up. The name chosen and just....ah! Sorry I ever doubted you Jonas. He’s actually pretty awesome now.

With Nic I think I love him as a character but this poor dude keeps getting the short end of the stick. Damn!! Leave him alone 😂
I can’t wait to see how this series finishes in the next and final book!

booknerd777's review against another edition

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So I just finished this book and my eyes are full of tears. Why, did you do this to me Morgan? That was the cruelest ending ever! I need the last book now! I need to make sure my man's all right. I guess I can wait two more weeks for the last book, but it's gonna kill me! Overall, this book was amazing! I love this series so much!

raviel's review against another edition

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/not entirely spoiler free/

“I think you’ve been a rebel longer than you’d care to admit. But yes. We can be rebels together.”

This book was SO lit!! And ever since I first said that after reading this, I've been overusing that word, because I can't get over this.

I was kind of nervous going into this, I didn't really know what to expect, especially with Magnus and Cleo, I was afraid something visibly stupid would happen and we would have to deal with it, but it was genuinely just super amazing!! I love how their advancing relationship progressed, especially in front of all the other characters, that was definitely something I was worried about, considering how they're all pretty much enemies.

“It shows that everything that exists must one day change—but what is destroyed can be created again with patience and dedication.”

I wasn't too big of a fan of Lucia, I did think she became a pretty one dimensional villain and often it was quite irritating, though she was heaps better here (BUT I'm still annoyed at her hatred for Cleo, especially after all the stuff Lucia herself has done she still hates Cleo for trying to protect herself when Lucia's entire family killed Cleo's and took literally everything from her?? Does not make sense, and it's like 70% of why her character irritates me so much). I didn't even feel the need to skim any of her chapters lmao, it was interesting. Her storyline has also improved, and I'm liking the direction it is going in now.
SpoilerWill her and Jonas be a thing now? I kind of expected that but then she was supposed to die, and then she didn't so???

“I’ve named her Lyssa,” she said, looking up at him. “After a brave girl named Lysandra I wish I’d had the chance to know.”

Jonas' story is also so much better in this book, I actually care about what is going on with him and what will happen, it's like everyone's lives are permanently being tied to the Watchers so I can't wait to see how he fits in.

Also hMM seems like I freaked out about the curse thing (when the two CS chapters came out weeks ago) for noTHING.

It is never too early for girls to learn to speak their minds. It’s a habit that will make them braver and stronger as they grow up.

Idk how I feel about Amara atm, I don't think she's in for a redemption arc? Like nothing really gave me the impression that what Ashur kept seeing in her was her, I mean she didn't care about who died in that riot, she just wants power, she doesn't really care about the people lol idk what I want for her but it seems right she stay a villain, she's pretty good at it.

“I don’t think this world will survive my grief.”

OK so that whole incident at the end (not the Magnus one, the one before that in the pit). Idk what is happening but I'm so excited to see Cleo using elementia magic. I'm still a bit confused about what exactly happened in the ritual and how much her and Taran were affected.

“The only horrible memory I have of Taran is that of his blade pressed to your throat.”

Cleo murdering Kurtis? I'm here for that.

I don't want to turn this review into some analytical essay about magneo and I'm trying very hard to keep from doing that but can we just...

Spoiler“I was trying to be convincing, given that both of our lives were in jeopardy. But didn’t you hear me? I called you Cleiona—I’d hoped you would take that as a sign not to doubt me.”


“Princess . . .” Magnus said, hating the sliver of weakness in his voice. Cleo’s shoulders tensed at the sound of his voice.
She glared at him over her shoulder.
“I thought I told you to call me Cleiona.”



Something about how she said it, how relieved she sounded that it had only been Felix who’d witnessed them together and not someone whose opinion she valued more, pained him deeply.


Lucky, then, that she hadn’t given the prince all of her heart. She’d been holding some of it back, protecting herself even with no idea that she’d been doing it.

BUT THEN.... !!!!!

“What do you care of Magnus’s fate, Cleo?” [...] “I thought you hated him.”

“You’re wrong, I don’t hate him,” Cleo managed softly. Then stronger: “I love him.
I love Magnus with all my heart. And I swear, if he’s . . . dead . . . if I’ve lost both Nic and Magnus today . . .” [...] “I don’t think this world will survive my grief.”


Umm... keep my son Magnus safe from that evil conniving piece of shit Kurtis, please?

THIS BOOK WAS SO GOOD THOUGH I think I loved everything about it?? I even liked lucia and jonas heaps more, their story was so much more interesting and MAGNEO MY KIDS “I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO CALL ME CLEIONA” dead.

I'll do a full review tomorrow after I process this without screaming at everything.

bookishlovexo's review against another edition

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2.5 stars