
Hiding Cracked Glass: Trade Edition by James J. Cudney

skyfox24kd's review against another edition

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Coming soon!!!! Get the first book while you can so you can be all caught up and start on book 2!


marjma2014's review against another edition

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I received an ARC from the blog tour organiser.

This is a brilliant sequel to the first in this series: Watching Glass Shatter. Both books can be read as standalone novels but I would recommend reading Watching Glass Shatter first before Hiding Cracked Glass. It is clear from reading the second book how confident a writer James Cudney is. He introduces the characters and the storyline from book one in an effortless way – I was really impressed. Particularly, as I know how difficult it is to write a series (I am currently in the process of doing this myself and finding it mighty hard!)

The second book has a different feel to the first. The emotion I experienced when I read about the death of the father in book one was intense. Here, the tone is slightly lighter to begin with and more focused on the threat of a blackmail note, secrets, and the possible parties who may be involved. Various possible scenarios are eked out about who the blackmailer might be and with all the secrets in the Glass family it’s not surprising that many are feeling vulnerable and worried.

As with the first book in the series, the strength of the writing lies in James Cudney’s ability to create great characters complete with flaws and weaknesses.

This is why these two books truly do grip you. The characters are so believable, engaging and authentic. I love character driven stories and the mystery aspect completes the story in such an engaging way.

My rating 5 stars. Highly recommended.

candacerobinsonauthor's review against another edition

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When I heard there was going to be a sequel to Watching Glass Shatter, I was super excited and ready to see what Cudney would bring to the table next! And! He did not disappoint!

As always, the writing was astounding, and it was a page-turner from beginning to end. It was good to be in the Glass members' heads again! I love that it is multiple POV, like the last book, so we can truly see what's going on! I'd say it's very character driven which is right up my alley, but there is also the perfect mystery and atmosphere as well!

I'm a big fan of secret letters too so when that came in to play, I was ready to find out what exactly was going on! And yes, there are twists, but that is expected from Cudney who seems to be a master at those! Overall, this was an excellent sequel and if you enjoyed Watching Glass Shatter, you will definitely be pleased!

mistysbookspace's review against another edition

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I was sent a final copy of this book from James via Digital Reads Blog Tours but because I have been in a slump for over a month I wasn’t able to read the final version but I did beta read this book for the author and he told me there weren’t any major changes but I just wanted to make that known.

As I have mentioned before Jay has become one of my favorite authors and I have loved everything he has written and that’s no different with this book. He always draws me in and keeps me guessing until the very end. He’s also becoming really good a breaking my heart but I’m not so sure I am happy about that.

You would think that after the events in the previous book that this family would have learned their lesson but apparently that’s not the case because once again everyone is keeping secrets.

This book is told in multiple POV’s just like the previous book. We get real time story as well as flashbacks that explain what has happened to lead to where each of the characters are. I will say that even though everybody is hiding something I loved how when the letter was read out loud they all came together as a family. I also love how none of the characters are perfect. They each have their own flaws but you can definitely see growth in each of them from where they started from in book 1 especially where Olivia in concerned.

I highly recommend this series especially if you love family drama. This book could be read as a standalone but I recommend reading them in the order they were written otherwise you will get spoiled for what happened in the first book. 