
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

winemakerssister's review against another edition

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I love Rainbow Rowell's writing so very, very much. This is an absolute classic and I'm glad I finally read it. I guess I'm doling her books out to myself slowly so I can make them last.

My only criticism is the end. It was just too abrupt. I looked up, said "huh?" and had to play it back to make sure I got it.

Cover: Adorable. And a forerunner of the current trend in covers.
Narrators: Both are terrific. Maxwell Caulfield is great with his posh/tongue-in-cheek/traditional-British-narrator voice.
Hogwarts Sorting Hat: So appropriate! Cath is a Ravenclaw and I think Levi is probably a Hufflepuff. (Reagan is a Slytherin, of course.)

Themes: book within a book, college, twins, abandonment, writing, fan fiction, manic syndrome, fantasy/paranormal writing

richarzo's review against another edition

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I haven't read in so long and this was the perfect book to pick up. HOW DID I NOT READ THIS EARILER. I did not expect to LOVE it as much as I do. It's my new favorite. I relate to Cath and this book so much gahhhejdniwbe I just can't. I cried multiple times because of how similar Cath and her situations are to me and my life. I don't remember the last time I cried in a book so that's saying something. Also, I need a Levi in my life please.

forwalaka's review against another edition

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Прелесть, конечно.

theatretenor's review against another edition

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Loved it! Absolutely loved it. The characters, the plot, the plot within the plot! It was a very compelling read. I was entertained and enthralled from start to finish. I'm a Rainbow Rowell fan even if Eleanor & Park pissed me off. I still like the way she writes. These characters in Fangirl were fleshed out SO well! I cared about them. A lot. And I'm glad it had a good ending! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 stars!

sommyreads's review against another edition

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Rating: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ (3.5)

This book is relatable for anyone who's ever felt wrapped up in a book or a fandom. The story follows Cath, a college freshman who's super into her favorite book series and writes fanfiction. It's all about her trying to navigate her first year at college, which is as scary as exciting.

The author nails the feeling of being a fan and the passion that comes with it. Cath's struggles with her identity, making friends, and dealing with family felt real, and many people could see themselves in her. The way the book handles her relationship with her twin sister, Wren, and their dad is also really touching and adds much to the story.

That being said, sometimes the pacing felt a bit slow, and some of the side characters weren't it. The romance didn't really grab me.

angevba's review against another edition

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Con todo lo que se dice sobre este libro es medio difícil formar una opinión propia. Pero aquí les va...

La historia de amor de Fangirl me gustó mucho. En general siento que es ligera, bonita, de esas que te dan calorcito en el alma y que básicamente te hacen feliz.
Levi es un personaje hermoso, me encanta su vibra. Me gustan los personajes como el porque le traen vida a la historia y definitivamente es un pedacito de pancake y me lo quiero comer con crema, muchas gracias.

Cath................ NO PLEASE NO MAS. Este es mi pet peeve principal con esta historia. Por más que quise que me gustara Cath, no pude terminar de conectar con ella. Y uno pensaría que es un personaje con el que es fácil conectar porque es una fangirl y AREN'T WE ALL?? Pero es que quería matarla en varias partes del libro, sobre todo porque WHERE'S CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT?
SpoilerAl final tenemos la misma Cath que al comienzo solo que con novio y con una amiga?? que realmente es su amiga porque eran compañeras de cuarto y LA OBLIGÓ a que fueran amigas..
Siento que en ciertos puntos su actitud fue a little bit too much for me.

La historia familiar en su mayor parte me gustó. Siento que al final fue dejada un poco de lado y siento que no se terminó de cerrar el círculo completamente.
SpoilerNo me gusta que Cath jamás haya solucionado las cosas con su mamá, o al menos intentar hablar más a profundidad o que exploraran un poco más como quedó eso.

Las partes del fan fiction me parecieron originales, a muchas personas no les gusta tanto y sienten que esas partes enlentecen un poco la historia pero en lo personal me gustaron y creo que le agregaron mas emoción a la trama principal.

Definitivamente es un must-read si te gusta la temática contemporánea-romántica Young Adult.

daury_ramirez's review against another edition

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emotional funny hopeful inspiring


Live, laugh, Levi <3

jessicahcasey's review against another edition

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I was excited to read this book. I had eyeballed it at the bookstore for a long time before finally getting it and reading it. I really liked the cover! I give it 3.5 stars. I enjoyed it a lot. The storyline was really good and I liked the characters. The only thing I really didn't care for was the bad language. I understand that it might be how a lot of people talk, but it is not how I talk and it is not something I like to hear or read in my entertainment. If it hadn't had the language problem I would give it 4.5 stars.

belwood303's review against another edition

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I don't know where to start... my issue with the thinly veiled Harry Potter/ Twilight series of Simon Snow... the fact I had to read in the story about fanfiction the actual fanfiction... the profanity, drinking and sex in a teen novel (especially when you consider that students typically want to read about characters that are 3 or 4 years older then themselves so the actual audience for this novel is not freshman college students but 8th or 9th graders)... or the fact I just learned on goodreads that the fake book the fake character is writing is now a real novel... gag me...

syl_val15's review against another edition

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5 out of 5 magical and nerdy stars!

2nd time read

How is it possible that the 19 year old me and the 24 is still very much in love with Levi? I guess some things never change.

This book remains one of my favorite comfort reads of all time!

By Rainbow Rowell

This is the second book that I've read of Rainbow Rowell, and I loved this book more than 'Eleanor & Park', I mean I have nothing against 'Eleanor and Park', but this book spoke to me completely.

In this book, we follow Cath (the main character) and her twin sister Wren, who are off to college. Cath feels betrayed by her sister because, for the first time in 18 years, her sister Wren does not want to live with her sister anymore. She wants to explore, have adventures and meet new people while she's in college. Cath feels very isolated, deals with insecurities among other stuff and the only thing that makes her happy is writing fan-fictions about Simon Snow, posting regularly about them on fanfic websites with her Simon stories. Cath's personality was very accurate to the crowd she was depicted as, and relatable.

About Cath and her roommate Reagan's friendship, despite being the complete opposite of each other they became good friends, in a very unique sense, and I really liked that Reagan took the initiative to get to know Cath. These days, people don’t do that anymore, they always stick with the people they know. So, I’m glad they end up together in the dorm and that they eventually became friends. It’s funny how different they are from each other, but still fit quite well together. I've always liked ‘weird friendship combos’.

About Wren, I wasn’t so sure what to think of her in the beginning. I just couldn’t understand her. She basically left her twin sister to deal with everything alone. But, I like how the story turned out and near the ending I got to liking her. She’s amazing and it's always incredible that you have a sister to rely on (I still prefer Cath, though).

Levi reminded me alot of Cricket from Stephanie Perkins's “Lola and the boy next door”, with his appearance, personality (although Levi is more extroverted than Cricket) caring for their love interests and so on. I think every girl deserves to have a Levi in her life. I loved Levi, because he was adorable, caring, happy-go-lucky, kind and a perfect human being. And what made him sweeter than he already was he asked Cath to read her fan-fictions to him. Why guys in books are so much better than guys in real life?

I can’t believe why I haven’t read this book any sooner, but I’m glad I did and it was pure perfection.

If there were more than five stars I would’ve given to this book. I think this book became one of my favorite books of all time. Our protagonist Cath had so much to deal with. Her mom (who out of the blue wanted to contanct with her daughters after leaving them on 11th of september 10 years ago, I mean what kind of a mother leaves her family behind to 'figure herself out'?), Nick (didn’t like him either, he kind of used Cath for his benefit), her teacher, her dad (who has psychological problems), I don’t know how she dealt with all of that, but she did it somehow. She has a lot of insecurities, but she’s so strong at the same time.This book was very realistic, it dealt with so many issues.
And it was kind of cool to read another story in a story, there were times that the fanfiction of a book series’s main character Simon Snow (which is a Harry Potter kind of story with twists on its own) which Cath was writing, sounded boring to my ears however eventually it grew on me throughout as I was reading those parts with wide eyed.

I lived every moment with this book, it’s like I was already in the book and it was happening in real life. I agreed with everything Cath did, as she shared my line of thinking. I probably would've done the same. I felt very connected to that her. Although I did wish to know more about what happened between Cath and her mother, did she really forgive her? Did they started talking to each other? That was the only minor thing that I wanted to know more about.

5/5 Stars.