
Grace by Elizabeth Scott

bak8382's review

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Born to be an Angel and die for her cause Grace has always known what she is supposed to do. Yet when the moment comes she turns around and walks away. She then finds herself on a train unsure if she can trust her companion Kerr. As they hurtle towards the border and freedom Grace discovers that some things are truly worth fighting for.

Grace's thought provoking and fast paced story captured me from page 1, and I was hard pressed to put it down. Grace and Kerr are well drawn and realistic characters making difficult choices in this frightening dystopian world.

trin_ney18's review

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My friends and I kind of set each other up on a blind date with a book. When they picked me out this book I was really wary. I'm really picky about the look of my books and this one didn't look too appealing. I was wrong. A complete wild ride from start to finish. Well, to be honest the beginning was a little confusing with all the names but as the story unfolded I was dazzled. I'm a little shocked this wasn't more popular but maybe one day it'll have its time to shine.

I would've loved a little longer and more developed story but I do love the short sweetness of it.

lumos_libros's review

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That cover is what just captured me. You can tell that those eyes hold a numbness but have a tinge of hope. Her face is transparent showing you what she sees: smoke, fire and destruction. She sees what an angel should see but she doesn't visualize triumph at a scene like this, but death. Grace breaks her vow to die serving the People. She wants the unthinkable, she wants to live.

Now, when I first started reading I was confused. I didn't get what the time frame for the events or what exactly was happening. A good third of the book flips back and forth between certain events. We start by seeing her on a train trying to escape. At this point she already failed her mission and is trying to run away. The story goes back to tell us just how she came to this point. Her travel companion is a young man around her age named Kerr. This is real intriguing character and has a big secret and burden he's hiding.

The book was not as suspenseful as I expected, but the fear Grace feels is apparent to the reader. Since the story is told in prose you aren't given way too many details, but just enough to see the world Grace and Kerr live in. It's scary but believable. Towards the end I felt like I was getting banged with the book on my head with the message. Ok ok I get it no need to be so abusive, *rubs head*.

The message is a powerful one and speaks the truth of how we all in some way want to survive and not be alone.

catladylover94's review

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a little strange, I could not figure out who she was talking about half the time, even what country she was from. but a good story

books_plan_create's review

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Sadly this book did not capture me quite like Elizabeth Scott's others did. I spent part of the time confused, the other part disinterested. I felt no connection to any of the characters, but I think part of that was meant to be.

ninatest's review

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I wasn't impressed with this book at all. The cover drew me in and I was intrigued. The synopsis seemed kick ass. Not much happened in this story and it was a huge let down for me.

I understand this was supposed to be dark and have a message but it just wasn't well written.

The whole book I was waiting for some epic take down.... spoiler it never happened.

abigailbat's review

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Grace was supposed to kill the Minister of Culture by detonating her bomb as she stood in the front of a crowd, listening to him speak. She was supposed to go in a blaze of fire and drift up into the arms of the Saints. But as she looked up at the blue sky that day, she realized that she couldn't die.

So, instead, she runs.

WOW. This book was utterly un-put-down-able. It's intense and surprising and compelling. Highly recommended for fans of edgy YA fiction.

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rray_'s review

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I'm really not sure what to think of this one, to the point where I don't know if three stars is giving it too much credit or severely underrating it. Consider it a placeholder rating until...umm, probably forever, really.

Elizabeth Scott (aka Elizabeth Spencer) is one of my most favorite authors ever, especially with YA contemporary or YA Urban fantasy (which I *guess* is what this is?) which are two of my most favorite genres. I really like her writing style and it's certainly present here, and she does a good job building up her characters and doing world-building and still feels empty and pointless, like I'm still waiting for a resolution. I guess the theme of the book is you should always choose life instead of death? That everyone has a right to live? I mean, I dig those themes just feels like we're getting a very narrow slice here which, I guess is the point. Hence why I'm...not quite sure how to rate it.

sarahpyt's review

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3 or 4 stars. I really liked it, but there were some plot holes that prevent me from giving it a higher rating. One of the largest ones is that Chris intended for Grace to get caught, yet their alibi was that she was Kerr’s/Jerusha’s sister.

ghumpherys's review

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Probably more like 2.5 stars for me, but I'll round it up today. This was a pretty quick read and while it had a good message about the importance of choice and the importance of life, it was a bit too violent and disturbing in parts for my taste.