
Till I Kissed You by Laura Trentham

novelesque_life's review

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(Cottonbloom: #3)
Written by Laura Trentham
2016; St. Martin’s Press Paperbacks (320 Pages)
Genre: series, fiction, contemporary, romance, small town

Rating: ★★★ 1/2

Finally, we get Sawyer Fournette and Regan Lovell's story! These childhood sweethearts both had their heartbroken by one another and have made it their mission to make the other suffer. Regan is the Mayor and Sawyer is the Commissioner, each is trying to make their side of Cottonbloom the best. As the days get closer to the festival the sabotage gets meaner. The two discover they may not be the ones behind the pranks so they team up for the good of Cottonbloom.

I loved the chemistry and banter between these two characters. And, like the second book it also had better characterizations. I also liked that there was a bit of a mystery aspect and wished that part would have been drawn out more. While this third book rounded out the Fournette family saga, there is more in these series with new characters.

***I received an eARC from the PUBLISHER via NETGALLEY***

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kbranfield's review

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4.5 stars.

Till I Kissed You, the final novel in Laura Trentham's wonderful Cottonbloom series, is a beautiful second chance at love romance.

Regan Lovell and Sawyer Fournette's complicated past is a major factor in their tempestuous relationship in the present. Their teenage romance ended due to parental interference and a major misunderstanding and although they have avoided one another for years, Regan and Sawyer are joining forces to discover who is trying to sabotage their upcoming festivals. They are currently embroiled in a heated competition to win the contest that would provided much needed funds for projects for the winner's town. Every time they seem to make progress in putting their animosity behind them, their unresolved issues and personal baggage put Regan and Sawyer at odds time and again.

Regan is the mayor of the Mississippi side of Cottonbloom which is much more affluent than the Louisiana side. In addition to her mayoral duties, she also owns a thriving interior design business. Regan is down to earth, smart and dedicated to improving conditions for her town. She is a little unreasonable when it comes to her failed romance with Sawyer and she is quick to blame him for the vandalism that seems to be targeting the upcoming festival. Their previous relationship remains a sore spot for both of them but until they discuss the most troubling aspects of their break up, misunderstandings frequently arise.

Sawyer is charming, persuasive and well-liked by most everyone who knows him. Although he has come a long way from his humble childhood, he has never quite gotten over feeling like he is not good enough for Regan. While he has put the most of these insecurities behind him, he is surprised when these uncomfortable emotions return and he is never quite certain where he stands with Regan now they are back on speaking terms. Sawyer and Regan frequently walk on egg shells trying to maintain the fragile truce between them. This sometimes leads to each of them jumping to conclusions about the other and their relationship remains quite volatile.

As Sawyer and Regan spend time together, both of them are surprised by the resurgence of those long ago feelings. There is plenty of sexual tension between them and their intense attraction results in some explosive encounters. However, as soon as their passion is sated, uncertainty returns since there is little in depth communication between them. Old hurts and misunderstandings lead to some ugly scenes as Sawyer and Regan lash out in anger which then leads to a cycle of making and breaking up. Childhood insecurities are also a problem for both Sawyer and Regan as is their conviction the other is at fault for their painful break up all those years ago. Who will finally work up the courage to broach these uncomfortable subjects? Will their fragile peace hold long enough to work through their issues? And equally important, can Sawyer and Regan put aside their personal differences long enough to uncover the identity of the person trying to sabotage their festivals?

Till I Kissed You is a poignant novel of healing for both Sawyer and Regan. Emotional, vibrant and filled with passion, this final installment in Laura Trentham's Cottonbloom series is a heartwarming romance between two wounded yet lovable characters. A sweet epilogue wraps up all of the loose ends and although it is difficult to leave Cottonbloom and its inhabitants behind, this final novel is incredibly uplifting and heartfelt. A must read for fans of small town romances.

anabelsbrother's review

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2.5 - a close 3 stars

I would have enjoyed this more if miscommunication isn't used as the main cause of conflict I mean everything would have gone a whole lot smoother and easier IF YOU JUST FUCKING TALK TO EACH OTHER like it gets tiring after the 3rd time

but Sawyer and Regan are cute tho

paddlefoot55's review

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ARC received via Netgalley for an honest review

It is always a bit sad when you come to the end of a series. Till I kissed You is the 3rd and final book in the Cottonwood series, but I do hope that somewhere down the line we do get to revisit.

To me this was the best in the series. There is just something about Regan and Sawyer that spoke to me.

I love a good second chance romance, and this love-to hate-to lover story was all that and more

Maybe it was the fact that even though it had been years since they had been together, they never really had that distance since they lived across the bridge from each other? That might be what made their relationship more intense than the others in the series.

They toed that very fine line between love and hate, but all those years snipping at each other just felt like extended foreplay!

Till I Kissed You is full of spark and snark. There is heat and tension, with a bit of a whodunnit trown in there for good measure.

Cottonwood was a fun, sweet, sexy and moving series, and I can't wait to see what Ms Trentham brings us next.

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westgurlie32's review

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Did not finish

tiffster's review

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I won this book through Goodreads giveaways! Thank you!

I have to say, over the last couple of years, I have developed a like for the romance novel. I know. I never saw that coming, but alas, here I am.

'Til I Kissed You' is a fun, light read. I enjoyed the characters. I liked that they had a history, it gave a nice backstory to what was happening in the present day, within the book. I never really appreciate when the characters hit it off straight away. It is always so much more exciting when they have to work for their love. This book is filled with miscommunication and assumptions, which string you up and down emotionally as you read along.

The setting is in two quaint little southern towns, separated by a river. One side supposedly represents all that is classy and the other... trashy. The characters are brought together (despite past grievances) in order to solve some crimes that are threatening festivals that are to take place in both towns.

Can the main characters be reconciled? Can the towns work together to pull off successful festivals? I suppose you'll have to read to find out!

kimmylovestoread's review

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full review to come soon.

gerireads's review

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4.5 stars!

Loved this second chance romance between Reagan and Sawyer. Their story was the one I wanted to read ever since they were introduced in the first book.

As you know, I'm a sucker for a good second-chance romance trope, and Laura Trentham delivered a heartfelt one with Till I Kissed You.

The first time Reagan and Sawyer came together, you get a sense of doom. Everything is stacked against them. Sawyer was from the wrong side of the river, and had no business being in the same room let alone have a relationship with Reagan. The fallout was inevitable. There are many instances in romance where the couple breaks up for nonsensical reasons. While this book did have the "misunderstanding" device, it developed organically. Both were young and easily manipulated. Plus, Sawyer does have a big chip on his shoulder which made him an easy target for Reagan's meddling mother.

Their second at romance was very different from the first. Aside from the fact that they were now older, they've also lived a little. They're more aware and certainly more capable of handling adversity. I loved the contrast between the young Reagan and Sawyer and the present day, older and wiser, Reagan and Sawyer.

What didn't change though was their physical response to each other. The sexy times in this book was just perfect, and their chemistry was palpable.

Laura Trentham is someone I would highly recommend for readers who love sweet, small town romances. There's something about her writing and her characters that resonates with me. I definitely would recommend her books.

ARC provided by St. Martin's in exchange for an honest review.