
Catwoman (2018-) #3 by Joëlle Jones, Laura Allred

quirkycatsfatstacks's review

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And so the Catwoman saga continues. All along we’ve been getting bits and pieces of the story, and while some are probably starting to make guesses about the situation at hand, we have yet to have anything confirmed. Personally, I’m really enjoying the intrigue happening in these issues, so I’ll be almost sad when everything is fully revealed.
This issue has a couple of odd revelations, one of which I’m still processing. It was interesting, but as of yet I don’t see how it’ll connect to the main plot. Sure, I have theories, but nothing concrete. That should probably bug me more than it does, but considering I’ve enjoyed most of the other elements of this plot arc, I’m willing to let it slide. At least until I see the big picture.
Also, am I the only one that adores the side characters that have been added here? They’re cute, sassy, and for the most part seen to truly care about Selena. Their family unit may function rather oddly…but I can also see it fitting Selena’s lifestyle perfectly. Potential ideal family situation for her? I hope so. Because let’s be honest here, she’s a strong, independent and capable woman, but sometimes she needs to be taken care of. It happens to the best of us (look at how often Batman needs Alfred!).
The artwork for this issue is as stunning as ever. I honestly can’t get enough of it. Actually, I have something I need to confess. I may have looked online to see if I could buy any (legit) cover prints. Can you blame me though? They’re so pretty!

anthroxagorus's review

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this art tho

samhain's review

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Please let this be the real reason behind Selina's departure of Gotham. Bane using her sister to manipulate her makes a lot more sense than her leaving Bruce because "ohmerged he can't possibly be happy and be the Batman" which is the shittiest reason and the most ooc thing for Selina. This comic is already quite good on its own and I love Joëlle Jones forever for giving us a good Catwoman series, but I'd be extra grateful if she could single-handedly save the Batman's debacle.

As for the plot itself, I'm enjoying the fact that the villain is nonredeemable, rotten to the core since forever. It's a nice change, compared to most villains in comics who have gone through stuff explaining why they snapped. And this one is quite scary, too! She's clearly capable of anything to survive and preserve her lavish lifestyle. It's been a long time since I was genuinely worried for the hero of a comic, it's refreshing. The supporting characters are also promising, I hope we get to explore them a bit more in the next issue.