
Forbidden Fling by Skye Jordan

bananatricky's review against another edition

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I received a free copy of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

I just don't know how to rate this book, it reads like I have missed a few books from a series but now I see it's the first in a series, so the unexplained just gets more irritating.

Delaney Hart has come back to her home town, years after she ran away, in order to save her family's sole asset - a run down bar - from demolition. She has a hot and steamy one-night stand with a gorgeous guy, one who knows her but she doesn't recognise, only to find out the next day that not only is he the building inspector but also Ethan Hart, son of the family which blames her for the death of his cousin Ian in that same bar years ago.

This is a novel about small town prejudices and overcoming the roles which society assigns to you as a teenager.

So, I liked the story but it was too focused on Delaney and Ethan, we never really know what happened the night that Ian died. Also I don't really understand how Ethan's family can blame both Delaney AND Ethan for Ian's death. In fact, overall there was a whole lot of plot that just seemed to get junked at the end, as if Skye Jordan ran out of time and just decided to write "The End". I read the final chapter three times because I couldn't believe that I had missed the resolution of so many plot threads, but no they are just left hanging - maybe for the next book?

sgrizanti's review against another edition

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Delaney and Ethan have the sort of shared past that happens in a small town. Where you know of each other, even if you haven't personally connected. Unfortunately, their shared past is full of tragedy and their families hate each other. Their cross purposes don't stop them from acting on their intense attraction for each other.

This was ok. I really enjoy Jordan's writing and I like the characters. The characters are almost too likeable, actually. It's angsty, but I didn't feel like it was completely warranted. The deep dark past isn't all that dark. Mostly though, the book just dragged for me. The "solution" at the end seemed pretty obvious from the beginning, but it took a long time to get there. Also, it seemed like the ending was rather abrupt to me.

*Thank you to NetGalley for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.*

nikkisbooknook's review against another edition

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Delaney and Ethan are complicated and lovingly written characters.

Delaney ran from Wildwood, leaving as a wild child and has returned trying to claim back her family legacy, a local watering hole. But it is in worse shape than she thought and neither of her sisters seem interested in helping.

Ethan is the son of the Mayor and can't seem to get clear of the family's shenanigans and machinations. he just wants his brewery to get off the ground and then he can get from underneath his fathers thumb for good.

Both characters are strong willed and determined with a less than pristine family life. They have a shared tragic event and both deal with the trauma in their own way. The plot is well written and the characters are engaging although I felt Ethan was just a tad wimpy - I usually like my heroes a bit more alpha! Hoping to enjoy the rest of the series.

beckymmoe's review against another edition

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A new-to-me author I'll definitely be reading more from in the future!

I really liked both Delaney and Ethan, and the angsty they-can't-be-together aspects of their relationship were nicely done. The chemistry between the two of them was great; they probably could have shown a tad bit more restraint but on the whole I'm glad they didn't ;) I loved that she was in construction and that she got where she was without a fancy college degree, too.

The omniscient small-town atmosphere and the longstanding family feuds were very believable. I also enjoyed the families you're born with vs the families you choose for yourself theme, and the one of choosing to start over. There were some very enjoyable secondary characters--Delaney's Aunt Phoebe, her sister Avery, and Ethan's grandfather especially--to keep things interesting.

All good stuff!

What did make me a little crazy though, was the lack of communication between the hero and heroine. I don't quite understand why Ethan didn't tell Delaney about his brewery idea (and why didn't it occur to her? It kinda seemed like the next obvious step for him to this reader). Other than helping out with the relationship black moment, what was the purpose of that? I also still don't understand why
Ethan didn't keep his appointment to inspect her work site. It felt like it was totally out of left field, and he never really gave any reason for it. WTH??? Made. No. Sense.

Really, though, the fun parts of this one far outweighed the aggravating ones. It's first in a new series (future heroines to be Delaney's sisters, I hope? Since most of Ethan's family are less-than-heroic...), and on the strength of this one, I'll definitely be in line to check out book two.

Rating: 4 stars / B

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

cheryls's review against another edition

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This story is about Ethan Hayes and Delaney Hart. This story is full of misplaced anger and responsibility, unreasonable family members, loyal family members and a man that only wants to hurt as few people as possible. The chemistry between Ethan and Delaney is out of control but being on opposite sides, can they work things out between them?

This is another fantastic story with great characters from an amazing author!

Received a copy in exchange for an honest review.
I was not compensated for my review.
I was not required to write a positive review.
The opinion expressed is my own.

lauraanne9's review against another edition

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***ARC Provided by the Publisher and NetGalley***

Also Published on "I'm A Sweet and Sassy Book Whore"

Delaney and Ethan were interesting characters. They both were living lives that were forever changed by a night that happened years ago. Delaney responded by leaving the town and building her life elsewhere, Ethan responded by building his life in the town and focusing on trying to hold his family together.

A few years later, there is a broken down, abandoned bar. The Bad Seed. The scene of the bad blood, so to speak, and a threat of demolition. Both Delaney and Ethan have different desired ends for the bar, and different ways to achieve them. This sets them up at a cross purpose that is complicated further by their attraction to each other.

The pacing is strong, the attraction between Delaney and Ethan is believable and relateable. Their chemistry is hot, and you believe that they want to be together but are not sure how to get past those things keeping them apart. The writing was great, it flowed well, and the dialog felt authentic.

The secondary characters felt authentic and they added to the story in interesting ways. I am looking forward to the next book in the series.

nbiblioholic's review against another edition

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Copy given in exchange for an honest review

3.5 stars!!

This was the first book I've read from this author and not only was it well-written, it was primarily light-hearted and fun. The intimate scenes between Ethan and Delaney were sexy, sensual and intense.

I liked the idea of the feuding families, even though the hate wasn't rational. It gave the story the drama and edge it needed. I wonder if the open ending was deliberate and whether we'll see more of this couple in the series. Otherwise, this couple will remain in limbo because there were still issues to resolve.


animation's review against another edition

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Forbidden Fling is the first book in the Wildwood series. It's the story of a "bad" girl coming back to town to face her demons, and the town "golden" boy finally standing up for himself. When the two meet up again, chaos ensues.

The interaction between Ethan & Delany is HAAWWTT!! Even when they are just having a regular conversation, you can feel the chemistry between them leap off the pages. The secondary characters really help move this story as well. I was either laughing or wishing someone would get stabbed in the eye, and that's a good thing, because if you don't care about the supporting cast, reading the book becomes tedious. There's a LOT of history between the main characters, and their respective families. This not only threatens the relationship between Ethan and Delaney, but also the family dynamics that have been in place for years.

Ultimately, this is a love story. At the end of the day, Love always wins. I honestly cannot wait for the next book in this series and to see where the author takes this story. Great read.

ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.

tiggerreads's review against another edition

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4 1/2 out of 5

This is was such a great read. I'm sorry I put it off for so long. Delaney and Ethan were such full characters. There were such complications, but there was nothing that was done stupidly by either of them to throw up a wall. And, very refreshingly, they communicated! I had read a review that called this a sort of Romeo and Juliet sort of story and it was, but it was so well done. I'm very happy I read this and I look forward to more in this series.