
Beating the Odds by Ivy Wild

bookaddict_fanatic's review

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I can honestly say that this is a MUST read Trilogy that will have you captivated by the characters, seduced by the chemistry and enthralled by the story. This final book shows us the lengths Connor will go to in order to protect the woman he loves and the strength Sophie finds in herself to fight for what she wants.... her life back from those that tried to destroy her! Connor and Sophie's story was a beautiful journey about finding who you truly are and being grateful for a second chance at love!

barnysbooks's review

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After the cliffhanger of the previous book, I’m so happy with the way this one started! Connor and Sophie’s love story is beautiful- they experienced so much in such a short period of time.

Connor will stop at nothing to ensure that Sophie is safe and in control of her own destiny... and the ending! Im in love with these two.

Oh, and my gosh. The steamy scenes are not in short supply here - get ready to blush. Connor is in control, and Sophie LOVES it.

I kinda want a mini epilogue set a few years after - just pure happiness!

currant7's review

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Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest and voluntary review.

Sophie Stronglen (aka Sophia Strong) is a pop singer whose music career was abruptly cut short after her music label assigned her to another music management. After learning that running away from her problems and the public finding out her whereabouts in her hometown, she decides to go back to face the music in Los Angeles to protect Connor from her own scandal. Sophie starts finding out how deep into trouble she is by trusting the wrong people.

Sophie walked off and looked out the window at the city below her. She hated it. She hated everything about this place and just being here made her angry. Los Angeles had stolen everything from her.
— Sophie, Beating the Odds

Connor Driscoll knows he’s in love with Sophie. He’s been waiting so long to claim her as his own. After bumping into her and coming back into his life again all those years, he is not letting her slip his fingers without a good fight. As he learns more about what happened to Sophie five years ago, the more he is stepping up his game to win her back. He is ready to risk it all for their relationship because, at the end of all this, they will be beating the odds for their HEA.

If he was being honest, he worried that if he did let her leave, he would never see her again. He was unwilling to entertain that thought.
— Connor, Beating the Odds

The story takes readers after Running from Fate‘s scene of Sophie seeing Connor in her sleazy music agent’s office. She learns a lot about what happened and how deceit is bigger than she first thought it to be.

I am in pins and needles as I read through this final chapter in Connor and Sophie. I am also in a dilemma in trying to savor the book while wanting to get to the end at the same time. I cried ugly when secrets during the missing years between Connor and Sophie came out. It felt very unfair and cruel but I know that is why they are fighting harder and with a vengeance this time for themselves. Connor does a superb job with his wit and foresight of helping Sophie take back her life again. Also, Sophie has matured a lot since she started in the first book. She’s more confident and very brave. She did so well for herself in being true to her heart and protecting her and Connor’s relationship. What do you expect from a man who flipped a dying business into a thriving billion-dollar company within a few years?
He’d cut down everyone that had made her suffer. She was his and he’s to protect her. Nothing would ever change that.
— Connor, Beating the Odds

The bedroom scenes are as steamier and more than ever! Sophie, who is so used to looking out for herself, starts exploring what it means to give control over to Connor who has been very willing to get it and protect Sophie. Connor is turning into an alpha dominate partner to Sophie and I couldn’t be happier. There are a few darker scenes in this book versus the previous books so the connection between them on trust and control is solidified to make up for all the lost years.

There are also more interesting characters in the mix that will make Connor’s and Sophie’s lives a test of how far each will go. Good thing that there’s also good friends and resources like Skylar and Gus to help the couple along…plus some unexpected ones in the end. The old and new cast of allies and villains all came together for this book’s finale.

This book series is great! Readers are very fortunate not to have to wait too long between three books since Ivy released them close to each other. She does an absolutely wonderful job of engaging her readers through “the good, the bad and ugly” of Connor and Sophie’s story. Explosive on paper is all I can say since I'm happy and at the same time, surprised/shocked with how it all turned out! All the revelations and exposed secrets that do come out in the end that is woven and wrapped so pretty like a gift to readers. It is Ivy’s ode to all loyal readers who stayed on till the very end…please do stay till the end.

Thank you, Ivy!