
Never Been Kissed by Molly O'Keefe

kbranfield's review

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4.5 stars.

Never Been Kissed is another captivating romance in Molly O'Keefe's divine Boys of Bishop series. While it is a heartwarming love story between two incredibly complex individuals, it is also a wonderful journey of healing and self-discovery for the characters as well.

When Ashley Montgomery is kidnapped and held for ransom by Somali pirates, her brother Harrison reaches out to the only man he trusts to bring her home: their former bodyguard Brody Baxter. Although it has been ten years since he worked for the Montgomery family, Brody does not hesitate to rescue her from her captors. Needing a secluded place for Ashley to recover from her injuries, Brody takes her to his small hometown, where the two fight their simmering attraction for each other.

When the opportunity arose for Ashley escape the limelight and distance herself from her political family, she eagerly set out to make a difference in a poverty stricken African village. Her return home highlights the fact that nothing has really changed regarding her troubled relationship with her family. After spending time with Brody in Bishop, Ashley also comes to the realization that her long ago crush on him has deepened into love. She is a strong, independent woman who is not afraid to go after what she wants, but Brody has a long history of avoiding any kind of emotional entanglement. He might be willing to give into his passion short term, but he does not plan on sticking around any longer than he has to.

Brody is emotionally damaged from his childhood and although he loves his adoptive father Ed and brother Sean, he is not willing to risk getting hurt again. He returns to Bishop for short visits, helps Sean out around the family bar and leaves as quickly as possible. In order to protect his heart, Brody never asks for anything that is not given to him and it is heartbreaking watching him keep himself on the periphery of his family's life. It is a huge step for Brody when he finally admits he wants Ashley, but he refuses to trust that what he has with her will last and he runs at the first sign of trouble.

Ashley and Brody's relationship is slow growing and full of sexual tension. While at first Ashley is eager to send Brody away, he takes his duty to keep her safe very seriously and he resists her efforts to get him to leave. He is very reluctant to open up about himself, but Ashley manages to sneak past his somewhat formidable defenses. Their resulting romance is sweet and sinfully sexy but Brody refuses to admit that his feelings for Ashley run deeper than desire.

In addition to Brody and Ashley's storyline, there is a secondary story arc with Sean and his romance with Cora. These two have been locked in an antagonistic relationship since their first meeting and as their interactions become a little less hostile, a surprising attraction develops between them.

Never Been Kissed is a fast-paced and engaging novel with a charming cast of likable characters. The characters are imperfect and dealing with realistic, easy to relate to issues. Ashley and Brody triumph over their individual problems with little angst and although they stumble a little along the way, Molly O'Keefe gives them happily ever after they so richly deserve.

Never Been Kissed is an splendid addition to the Boys of Bishop series and I cannot wait to read Between the Sheets, which is scheduled to release in a few weeks.

mandy_pandy's review against another edition

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I liked this book but didn't love it. I really loved the whole idea behind the book - bodyguard and the girl he protects falling in love. The problem for me is that I just didn't feel the connection between Brody and Ashley. I felt like Brody was kind of a jerk for the first 80% of the book and I just didn't buy his reasons as to why he acted the way he did. Ashley is supposed to be this strong woman who survives pirates and helps in underdeveloped countries but puts up with Brody pushing her away. On the positive side, the steamy scenes were hot and I also liked the supporting characters.

**ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley in exchange of an honest review**

bectoria's review against another edition

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Lovely lockdown mental health book. (Disappointingly whitewashed cover?)

cdb393's review against another edition

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4 1/2 stars

jonetta's review against another edition

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Originally posted on The Book Nympho

Molly O'Keefe is an auto-read for me. I know her stories will always have something "more" and this book is no exception.

Quick summary
Brody Baxter is a professional bodyguard and was on an assignment when he's contacted by Harrison Montgomery to rescue his sister, Ashley, who's been abducted by Somali pirates. Brody has a history with the family (especially Ashley) and doesn't hesitate. The abduction wasn't pretty and neither was the rescue so when Ashley needs a respite from her high profile family and the world, Brody takes her to his hometown of Bishop, Arkansas to recuperate.

The issues
Ashley's not the only one with family issues. Brody has a fractured relationship with his father and rarely comes back home. His brother, Sean, works hard at trying to be the peacemaker and maintain a relationship with Brody, who he admires and adores but it isn't easy. Brody has some deep rooted issues he's struggling with, one of them being his feelings for Ashley. As for her, she's been in love with him since he first worked for her family.

What I loved, loved, loved
There are so many layers to the story and the characters! There are family dynamics - Ashley's with hers, Brody's with his and Brody's with the Montgomerys - that complicate Brody's ability to accept what Ashley wants to offer. His path to personal freedom was tough, maddening at times, but also incredibly interesting and honest. Each character, including Sean and father Ed, becomes three dimensional through Brody's exploration, giving the story texture and flavor. All of this just makes the relationship that develops between Brody and Ashley much more endearing. She fights hard for him, a reflection of her character and what she brings to the story.

Sean's romance with Cora, a diner owner who at first was a bit prickly with him, is an added bonus. Theirs is an unlikely relationship that is pretty special. I'll leave the details to be discovered as I did.

The bottom line
The writing is just superb! The characters are well crafted and the story complex. Don't let the cover mislead you in thinking this is just another typical romance. It's a contemporary novel of substance that happens to include romance. You'll want to take the time to read this one when you can pause and reflect. O'Keefe never makes it easy and I for one think that's a wonderful thing.

(I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review)

cocktailsandbooks1's review against another edition

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3.5 Stars

It was cute~ish, since I'm not sure you can call an ex-Marine, turn bodyguard broody alpha cute. Full review to come.

prgchrqltma's review against another edition

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Characters: Famous kidnapped aid worker, bodyguard
World Building: Small town
Plot: Internal, family dynamics (famous, aging)
Sex: Medium
Read another: Yes

Emotionally intense.

booksuperpower's review against another edition

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Never Been Kissed by Molly O'Keefe is a 2014 Loveswept publication. I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
As the daughter of a wealthy politician, Ashley Montgomery has had enough of her parents’ expectations for her future and is going her own way, volunteering to work at a refugee camp in Africa. But her act of charity turns dangerous when she takes a boat trip and is abducted by Somali pirates. Enter Brody Baxter, who was a bodyguard for the Montgomery family ten years ago and doesn’t think twice about coming to Ashley’s rescue. Handsome and tough, Brody has always done what needed to be done. So he swoops in, saves Ashley, and brings her to a place where she can rest and recuperate without the glare of the press and her demanding family: Brody’s small hometown of Bishop, Arkansas. But Ashley soon realizes that she’s not the only one in need of healing.

Holed up with Ashley in a tiny apartment over his brother’s bar in Bishop, Brody is tempted and torn in ways he never anticipated. Beautiful Ashley, vibrant despite her ordeal, fearless enough to love him beyond his wall of self-punishment, is now determined to save him. But with a little faith and a lot of love, they just may find happiness in each others’ arms.

Ashley should be given a pat on the back for: 1) not giving in to her mother's ideals, 2) for the volunteer work she does without asking for anything in return, 3) for putting up with Brody when he was one of the most hard headed men on planet earth.
Brody is not the easiest person to warm up to and I found I wanted to slap him around a few times. However, I don't know if anyone was harder on Brody than himself. He never was really nurtured growing up and while he was grateful he was adopted he carries around a lot of baggage. It's easy to judge someone when we don't know all the facts and as Brody's story unfolds it's plain to see there was a lot more going on than what appears on the surface. Brody desperately wants to let go of his fear , bitterness, and pain and open his heart up to give and receive love, not only from his father and brother, but from Ashley.. the kind of love and pain he fears the most. I hate the moniker- " You deserve better than me". Ashley hears this and Brody thinks it a lot. Ashley is sort of a goodie goodie type , but she has her own set of family issues having grown up in the ugly world of politics. Ashley's mother makes Brody's father look like an angel in comparison.
This was a really great story that proves love is indeed patient and can conquer all if we let it. Class and money differences, past mistakes, misunderstandings, fear, heartache and years of resentment made the work Ashley and Brody and his family have to do much harder, but perhaps it is more rewarding as well. The side characters included Brody's brother and a young lady he was in competition with business wise in the small Arkansas town. The two had been less than friendly toward one another for several years, but finally realized that by working together instead of against each other, they could accomplish so much more, including a little romance of their own.
This book will appeal to adult contemporary and women's fiction and chick lit fans. This one will get a 5 star rating!

jessicaisreading's review against another edition

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This book's title/cover and the content within definitely don't match up. The cover makes it seem super fluffy (which is okay! I love fluffy books), but the actual story and writing is complex and covers pretty serious subject matter. I've noticed this with other books of this author's and wonder if she just doesn't have much of a say in it?

Neither here nor there, I guess. The story itself was very good and I loved seeing an interracial couple spotlighted.

kame's review

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Brody - ahhh - I really loved him as a hero

A longer review to follow - just get this book!