
Escape Velocity by Jess Anastasi

heabooknerd's review against another edition

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I loved what we learned about the world and the war that’s going on. This is mostly a military based science fiction romance with a war between those embracing technology and those abhorring it. A little more information on the war between the UEF and the CSS would have been nice. We’re thrown into the middle of the war and there wasn’t a whole lot of context provided, it almost felt like I missed a prequel or something.

I loved Kai and his inner strength; he’s so determined to return to normal and be with Sacha but he struggles with his return to the Knox. After everything he’s been through I just wanted to hug Kai and make it all better. Sacha’s struggle was very real and genuine. She wants to make sure nothing interferes with Kai’s recovery but she also wants to embrace having Kai back in her life.

I liked that Sacha and Kai were friends who are just now realizing their attraction. They loved each other as friends but weren’t friends just because they couldn’t be anything else. Most friends-to-lovers stories have the characters already wildly attracted to each other and hiding it but this time they were just friends. Subconsciously their feelings might have been deeper but their friendship was true and honest. But personal opinion, I’m really not crazy about the best friend’s widow story line so I struggled with that. Sacha has a lot of guilt over moving on from her husband’s death; her feelings are completely warranted because she loved Elliott and it hasn’t been that long but she comes to realize that she loved Kai first, she just didn’t know it. Losing Kai also made her numb and by the time Elliott was killed she couldn’t really feel anything else. I thought compared to most I’ve read that Anastasi handled the situation really well, it’s just not my thing.

Content Warning: References to past captivity/torture, PTSD

lcmarie19's review against another edition

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I had a good time with this book. It was a primarily a romance, but there was a lot of world building and a greater concept beyond that of the relationship between our two main characters.

This book is definitely a sci-fi romance with a contemporary spin to it. And I think that's what drew me to it. I'd never read anything by Jess Anastasi before and so I was very intrigued and wanted to try something new.

This book is about a a young doctor, Sacha Dalton who is trying to rebuild her life after the loss of her husband and best friend. Both lost in battle. Only one day she discovers that her best friend, Commander Kai Yang, isn't dead. He ends up in her medical lab, where their relationship starts to build once more.

This was a cute read. Definitely more on the cute side, as opposed to gripping and profound. I did enjoy it, but mainly due to the budding relationship between the two characters. Because of this particular component, the story felt more like a contemporary romance. The setting and the world building is what made the story more of a sci-fi book.

And I think that's where my inability to give this book a five-star rating makes itself known. The book was fun. The characters were great, the romance was good. Those aspects were pretty fulfilling, for the most part. There were moments in the book where I wanted to strangle Sacha, but it was all a part of the experience and her reactions to certain things throughout the story didn't really change my liking of the story. What did was the perfect setting, perfect world building and perfect opportunity to expound upon that... and you don't get it. At all.

That's what's so disappointing for me when it comes to this book. Apparently, this was meant to focus on relationship as opposed to space adventure, but Anastasi set it up so well, I couldn't help but want more. I think I find myself waiting for the next book (not sure if there will be one, but she's given herself the perfect pickup).

That's the only thing that really got to me about this book. The thing that I didn't enjoy about this reading experience. I just wanted more. On the world and in the world. What was going to happen with the society in the book? How were they going to defeat the antagonist? When can I get more scenes like the fantastically written escape scene at the very beginning of the book with Commander Kai.

I just want more. And you know what? That's not really a bad thing, but because of the perfect set up and lack of execution, I can't give this book five stars. So a definitely four-star for a solid effort!

redhairedashreads's review

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3 stars - I liked it

This book throws us into the middle of a war and the harried escape of Command Kai Yang who has been a POW for over a year. While I did enjoy Kai and Sasha’s story, the lack of information about the war between the UEF and CSS was a bit disappointing. I want to know why this war is so important to these two sides and how it happened. 

While we do get minimal world building, the romance between Sasha and Kai was very emotional. Kai is struggling with his return to the Knox and PTSD from his captivity. While Kai is an extremely strong and resilient man, his struggle to deal with his PTSD and panic attacks was heartbreaking. I just wanted to hug Kai and make it better. 

Sasha is determined to help Kai recover and work on his PTSD but she also wants to explore her feelings for him. Sasha’s struggle felt very real and I appreciated that she didn't just fall completely in Kai’s arms or let him use her to ignore his PTSD. Sasha was a woman who is determined to help everyone around her but in the process hides herself too. Being around Kai makes her finally confront her grief over his supposed death and the death of her husband. While the best friend’s widow trope is not one I really enjoy, Anastasi does a great job at tackling the situation. 

Overall, this was an enjoyable space opera. My only real complaint was the lack of world building around this war. I am excited to read the next book and learn more about this world. 

Trigger Warnings: imprisonment and torture; death of a friend; PTSD; death of spouse referenced; grief; 

chllybrd's review against another edition

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Dr. Sacha Dalton has lost a lot. Her best friend went missing and was presumed killed in action and then a year later her husband was killed. She has been dragging along since, in a state of just living when Kai turns up injured, but alive. She never realized how much he meant to her until he was gone and now that he's back she feels a tremendous amount of guilt over her feelings for Kai when her husband died only a year ago. One of the only things that kept Kai alive while he was being held captive and being tortured were thoughts of Sacha, his best friend since childhood and his friends wife. Now he's back in her midst and wants nothing more than for her to be his.

The attraction and love between Sacha and Kai is pretty strong from the moment they are in each others sight again. Only problem was that they have way too much baggage between the two of them and they had some major communication issues. SO much stress and strife could have been avoided if they would have just opened their mouths and talked about what they were thinking and feeling instead of assuming things. They did make a really good couple when they finally got on the same page and I wish we had more book to see what happens next.

ESCAPE VELOCITY was a great mix of science fiction and romance. There was plenty of suspense with Kai's escape and the infiltration of the enemy on the Valiant Knox. I enjoyed the world, but would have liked to know more about it. It seems like we just got a glimpse. Another book on the horizon maybe to encompass more? I would read it!

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

leesarpel's review against another edition

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Compelling leads with rich emotional lives. I love how the author acknowledges that though this couple loves each other, they can't magically solve their issues with that. PTSD, loss, and grief are serious business. They have a strong foundation, and a lot of work to do. I'm looking forward to seeing them again in the rest of the series.

lonewolf6693's review against another edition

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“Escape Velocity” is a sci-fi themed romance novel. This book had me hooked from the beginning. The start was very unconventional and confusing, however, I was so confused, that it left me wanting to read more because I wanted to know the backstory. Told from Kai’s point of view and Sacha’s, the book shows their complex relationship after Kai escapes the CSS, the enemy in this decades long war.

My main problem with this story was the sci-fi element of it. I felt like there wasn’t enough world building that went on so that when romance was not the focus in the novel, I found myself at a lost for details. Nevertheless, the sci-fi element seemed intriguing, especially since it seemed that the human race was living in deep space and was in some sort of war. Even though this is a romance novel, I wish the war and everything around it had been given a more thorough setup.

The romance element in the novel was next to perfect. The bantering, yearning, and overall tension between Kai and Sacha had me happy or cringing (in a good way) at times. I was rooting for them the whole time, and when one of them did something stupid, I would hope and pray they fixed it. Now Sacha was very reluctant to have a relationship with Kai since she is his doctor, but in the end she makes the right decision. I enjoyed Sacha’s struggle to come to terms with the relationship because it is only right that a medical professional analyze the situation before committing. Adding that detail made me enjoy the book well because the author clearly thought as a professional would.

Originally I was going to give this story four stars, however there is something in the end that caused me to drop it down to three. I won’t go into details, but what happened in the end felt like a cop-out to me; it was unnecessary. The book could have taken a completely better route had this not happened.
Overall I was very satisfied with this read and I would totally recommend it. You don’t even have to be a sci-fi fan to enjoy this book.

-I would like to thank the team over at Entangled Publishing for sending me an ARC of this book for review. I deeply appreciate it.

nikkisbooknook's review against another edition

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Another fabulous romp through the SF genre! The setting may be in deep space, far into the future but the problems, perils and personalities are all very current and really well placed throughout the story!

The Valiant Knox is city in the sky...well space really. It has been on the front line, facing the CSS (think Church entrenched rebels). It is home to the best of the best, not least of whom were Kai and Sacha, friends since they were teenagers.

But when Kai went missing 18 months prior, they assumed he was killed in action. But he was actually being tortured daily and just waiting for a way to escape. After his cellmate dies, Kai snaps and decides it's now or never. He is later found, pretty much near death and brought back to the Valiant. But after his body heals, will his mind ever be able to?

Sacha was a bit of a wunderkind and Kai was her saviour. When she lost him and then 6 months lost her husband, and his best friend, she kind of shut down emotionally and just existed for her medical duties. When Kai is returned to her she is caught between acting as his doctor or as his friend, she really can't be both. But as her feelings of relief settle she finds herself releasing some deep held feelings for Kai. But can these friends see past their friendship and joint loss to what could be the start of something very different for them.

A wonderful read! Tortured souls and strained loyalties, mix with survivors guilt and PTSD to become a superbly written and well researched story dealing with love, loss and guilt. Would it have been nice to know more about the CSS? Sure but it didn't detract from the story and I can't wait to see what nastiness they unleash next! With a great cast of supporting characters, I can say this was well worth the read!