
Cassie Scot: Paranormal Detective by Christine Amsden

ssung's review

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entertaining but argh, evan, 'doing this all for your own good' is a terrible idea

hyperashley's review

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I'm not going to lie I did not expect this book to be good, maybe it was the cover because it looked so childish. I don't know why but I just didn't think it would be good but boy was I wrong. This book was so good! Cassie was pretty much the black sheep of her family because she couldn't use magic and it made you feel for her.

Cassie is the only one in her family that can't use magic. She opened up her own office as a detective and because of her "famous" last name magical jobs kept finding their way to her. She gets a job to serve someone a subpoena and that's when her world changes forever. By the end she is all alone and owes a huge debt to her oldest and dangerous friend, Evan.

There were so many ups and downs about this book for me. I liked Cassie and I really liked Evan. So of course I liked them together, even if their families didn't approve – I think that made it better. It annoyed me that so many people kept getting into their business and telling her he was bad news. I liked how strong she was and how protective he was, in my mind that made them good for each other. I could be wrong but I was rooting for them.

Cassie's family was horrible to her, (except for Nicolas) disowning your own child is never okay. I don't blame Cassie for not wanting to talk to them anymore even if it was to protect the rest of her family, that is still not okay. I'm hoping in the rest of the series their relationship will grow back to normal, somewhat normal anyway.

Even though this was a magical book that had vampires in it. It wasn't your typical vampire book –thank goodness. I liked how different it was because the whole vampire thing is kind of played out.

The ending was annoying but that's because it's a series and has to leave something for the rest of the books. This is one series I will definitely finish and look forward to reading on.

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melodicfate's review

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*I received a copy of this book from the author, in exchange for my honest review.*

I love urban fantasy, and I love those that have a touch, or more, of magic. So when I saw this book's description, I immediately knew I had to have it. I thought that a protagonist with no powers, but who's parents were very powerful sorcerers sounded cool. And I was definitely right.

Cassie was really great to read about. She was fiercely independent, and I liked that a lot about her, even though this did get her into a bit of trouble.. I could definitely understand why she did the things she did though, and I think that this speaks to the skill with which the author painted her character. I loved how Cassie made sure that she used all that she knew about the magical world to help her in her line of work, even if she couldn't do anything magical herself. Cassie was an intelligent, brave, and stubborn heroine who I always routed for.

There were a few interesting side characters throughout this novel. There were Cassie's parents, whom were different than I expected. It was a refreshing change, having Cassie's parents love her even though she wasn't exactly what they hoped for in a daughter. However, they did eventually make me really angry, and I am wondering what effects their actions will have later on in the series. Then, there were all six of Cassie's younger siblings, who were very interesting with their various gifts. There was also Cassie's friend, Kaitlin. I really liked her. As a totally normal girl in a town overflowing with sorcerers, she held up really well, and I loved watching how much she cared about Cassie. I also have to say that I really liked Cassie's cousin, Jason. He was just so cool, and i loved how he told Cassie secrets of his trade, without really doing so. I definitely want to learn more about him.

However, the character whom we spent the most time with aside from Cassie was Evan. He was very interesting, what with his dark reputation and strong magical power. I thought he was really a good person, and I can't wait to see what happens between him and Cassie, especially given the events that went on at the end of this book.

All good urban fantasies must have interesting world-building, and I am happy to say that this one doesn't disappoint. This story was set in a small town in Missouri, made up of humans and an overabundance of sorcerers. The sorcerers aren't necessarily hidden, there are just people who believe in magic and people who don't. There are also different creatures, although with this being only book one in a series, it's not clear what all exists. I do think that this book did give a good basis for an interesting world though, and I'm really excited for it to be expanded upon.

Overall, I thought this was a really good urban fantasy novel. There was a really likable protagonist, interesting side characters, and an intriguing world just waiting to be built upon. This book had a myriad of elements, ranging from romance, action, and an overarching mystery plotline. I thought it was well-done, and I'm really interested in reading the sequel.

setaian's review

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I bought this book because of the rating. It has a rating of 4.38 Stars after 85 people rated it. 90% of the people who rated it, rated it either 4 or 5 Stars. I look at that, and then I look at Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor which has an average rating of 4.08 and think to myself, 'wow...this book must be pretty amazing'.

Was it good? Yes.
Was it amazing? No, not really.
A look through the average rating of the first 20 reviewers (listed below) tells me where I went wrong. It kind of reminds me that when I rate a book 5 Stars, I'm telling people to spend their hard earned money on it, and I need to be careful that the book really deserves that endorsement.


marisas1985's review

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Creating characters that the reader actually feel connected to is something that not all authors can do, especially in this genre, yet from the very first page I was glued and I ended up reading nearly half the book in one sitting.

The story is fast paced and had me glued from the very first page. Though it is obviously embellished from what the real practicing Pagan does it is my opinion that this story was well researched and well thought out and isn’t just another paranormal novel that was written on a whim.

I definitely recommend anyone who enjoys a little bit of love and a little bit of paranormal read this book. It’s an absolute treasure!

carolsnotebook's review

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A good mystery with a paranormal twist, but to be honest Cassie herself is what sold me on the book. She's real, well if the only non-magical child in a family of sorcerers can seem real. She's struggling with gaining her independence and needing her family's support, love, and, let's be honest, protection in a town where magic can, and usually does, rule. She's smart and funny and I liked her. I'd like to be her friend. She's loyal, perhaps to a fault, and tenacious, even when the odds are against her.

Her love interest, Ethan, is probably one of the most powerful sorcerers in town. He's the one that drags her into the investigation. It starts with his cousin being killed, but quickly spirals when a local sorceress is found dead and changed into a vampire, something that should have been impossible. It's dangerous when magic's flying, vampires are stalking you, and your crush has the "kiss of death" (not actually as bad as it sounds).

I was worried the paranormal aspects of the book would overwhelm the mystery, but it was fairly well-balanced.

Cassie Scot leans a little to the YA side, but I really enjoyed it. It's light, fun, a good summer read for me.

wulfwyn's review

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I was pleasantly surprised by this book. As a young girl I loved Nancy Drew. I read and reread that series. I never really thought I would come across another detective series that I would love as much. This book has changed that thought. Cassie Scot is another Nancy Drew. I have already begun the second book in this series and the writing is holding up. This series is going to become a favorite of mine. Cassie is 21 and, of course, times have changed since Nancy Drew was written. Expect that sex will be mentioned and possibly part of the story at some point. Because of this, I would say the book is best for teens and up. The sex so far has not been graphic. The books are not erotica. The sex spoken of is at a level of what I would expect for a YA book. The author incorporates it without going overboard. Very tastefully written and, so far, safe for teenagers. The mysteries are interesting ones that involve the paranormal world. Cassie is, so far, not magical though she was born into a magical family. Evan, her partner who would like to really be her partner all the way, is magical. Extremely magical. The pairing of these two is brilliant. I love their relationship and spend a lot of time wondering how it will work out and even, if I want it to work out. I absolutely adore both these characters. The paranormal aspect so far is mostly magical but includes heavy vampire, in this book at least, and possibly ghost in future books as a sibling talks to the dead. I suspect the series will have many books to it, just as Nancy Drew does, so there is definitely room for loads of paranormal activity. This book has it all really. Mystery, a love triangle, family issues, magic and the paranormal world, the " normal " world, friendships and enemies. Characters are relatable and easily become your friend or your enemy. Story lines are tight; well developed, interesting and end well enough that each chapter in this series doesn't leave you lost or frustrated. Over all, in my opinion, this is a 10 star book that is easily developing into a 10 star series. I envision this series becoming a classic for future generations.
I was given the first two books of this series for review purchases. I do not know the author. I had never heard of her before I requested to review the book the second book. The author, generously, sent both books upon learning that I had never read her. (Added bonus she signed them - Woot! Woot!) I enjoyed them so much I purchased the Kindle copies of both books. I will, most likely, continue to purchase both forms - a sure sign of exactly how much I love this series. I want complete collections of them. For me, that is the highest honor a series can get. Usually I only purchase one form or the other. All opinions of this book are my true impressions. When I requested it, I was expecting a lighter version of Sookie Stackhouse, (True Blood), a series I have a love hate relationship with. I was blown away with jaw dropping awe when I realized I was reading a series that will share space with my much beloved Nancy Drew books. I can't believe I hit gold with a modernized Nancy Drew! If you loved Nancy Drew you will definitely need to read this. If you haven't read Nancy Drew then you really missed a treat and shouldn't miss out on this series. Seriously, if you love mysteries, if you thought Sookie Stackhouse had too much sex or the writing got a bit unwound when it hit the screen, this series may be the one you are looking for. I can't recommend it enough.

The dates read on this are a bit deceiving. I was seriously ill while reading. If not for that illness, this book would have been read within 2 days, max.

thenia's review

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That was one awesome book or perhaps the perfect example of excellent timing: the right mood for a particular story at the exact right time!

I hadn't read the description of the book before starting it, I'd only heard a small sample of the first chapter and loved it - from the narrator's interpretation to the idea of a non-magical daughter in a very powerful magical family. Intrigued by what I'd heard, I started the audiobook and several hours later it's finished and I want to jump right into the next one!

I really liked the magical world the story's set in, Cassie's family,
Spoilerdespite what they did
and even Cassie herself as a character. I hadn't realized at first how young she was and her age showed in a few of her reactions, but I was so immersed into the story that any misgivings I might have had about her were overshadowed by my enjoyment of the book in general.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how things develop between Cassie and the mysterious Evan and discovering the various secrets that were not revealed here
Spoilerfrom the reasons for her parents' actions to the confirmation of my suspicions that she does have a gift of her own to many many others
, hopefully soon in [b:Secrets and Lies|17972727|Secrets and Lies (Cassie Scot, #2)|Christine Amsden||25195135] that follows.

leapinglizard's review

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This review first appeared on my blog, Read Books and Live Green

Received as part of a blog tour which in no way effected my review

In the interest of full disclosure, I ADORED this book. From the first page I knew I was going to LOVE the main character Cassie.

I have a lot to say about this book. All good things of course.
To begin this is probably one of my top books for the whole year...Not even kidding. (So far I've read around 90 books...)
First off Cassie was fantastic. She was a character who could fend for herself in a world full of dangerous magic people. She wasn't a damsel in distress, she was just plain old AWESOME!!!!
I loved Cassie's family, sure they were messed up and by the end I was pretty mad at them, but they were a bunch of great characters!
The idea for this book was just awesome. I haven't read anything like this and going into it, I wasn't sure it was going to be a book for me....but I ended up loving it!!!!!
There was a Harry Potter reference....just saying.....It fit so well with the part in the book that I was definitely impressed..... :)
I also loved the author's writing style! I was so real and something that I could easily connect to.
Okay I have to say that the end was just kind of killer. I NEED to know what's going to happen next, but the next book isn't out yet......I needed it like yesterday...... :'( And the Epilogue was kind of torturous! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME, CHRISTINE AMSDEN!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!
I also loved the love interest....I thought it was great how the romance took a backseat and Cassie was always able to focus on the job at hand instead of daydreaming about a guy....even when they were working together!
And the villain was a surprise!!! I was sooo not expecting that person, but looking back I could definitely understand it!!!!!
And Cassie was a reader!!! She also posted on blogs!! That made me happy! :)
This was an amazing paranormal detective novel!!!! IT WAS PERFECT IN EVERY WAY!!!!!
Last comment I have to make is that I loved EVERYTHING about this book, (I kid you not) EXCEPT for the cover, which I'm glad I was able to look past...(I am so that person who judges a book by it's cover...sorry..)
YOU NEED TO READ THIS BOOK.....NOW!!!! That is all I have to say.
WOULD I BUY THIS BOOK: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOULD I RECOMMEND THIS BOOK: To mystery lovers and paranormal lovers alike!
WILL I REaD MORE BY THIS AUTHOR: YES! Especially because I love her writing style!!!


booksuperpower's review

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Cassie Scot Paranormal Detective is a May 2013 release, published by Twilight Times Books. I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author in exchange for an honest review.

Cassie comes from a large magical family. This was by design. Her parents wanted 7 children for a reason. Cassie, however, may have put a kink in the plan by never developing any magical skills. Although it wasn't for a lack of trying. Cassie desperately wanted to be a fully engaged member of the family. But, it wasn't meant to be.
Now, Cassie is working as a deputy, still living at home though. She has a boyfriend and a few close friends, but her home life is till uneasy.
When a young woman is found murdered and another girl goes missing at the same time, Cassie is on the case. But, to her great surprise, her old childhood friend, and a cousin of the murdered girl, shows up out of the blue.
Evan is mysterious and good looking and Cassie had a crush on him when they were in school together. But, she doesn't really trust him. He has a reputation for mixing love potions and using them to his advantage with the ladies. Cassie still finds him very attractive, even without a potion. So, she's on her guard around him. Evan makes it clear he intends to be a part of the investigation, since it was his cousin that was the victim.
Cassie's parents, especially her dad, do not like Evan, and don't even bother trying to hide it.
When another body is found, and it is obvious a vampire is involved, the case takes on another dimension.

Cassie is a young woman that has been plagued with self esteem issues her entire life because she is different from everyone in her family and to many others in this odd little town. She is easy to relate to. Her humanity and obvious care for others makes us root for her when it looks like she doesn't really have a lot of support from her other family members and her boyfriend doesn't really want the magical side of her family to be obvious.
Cassie is in search of her place and looking for her niche. Being a detective is something she is good at and she doesn't need to be "gifted" to do her job.
However, there are things beyond her control that hold her down and hold her back. The family dynamic is a mystery in this first book. We get the feeling there is more going on than we know, but for now, we are left feeling that Cassie is better off being with Evan, no matter what others may think of him.

I don't read a lot of YA novels. I am just way beyond the audience these books are geared toward. But, once in awhile there is a novel that, although it is labeled a certain way, can appeal to a universal audience. This is an Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance that features a young adult, single woman try to find where it is she belongs. That is a feeling we all have at one time or another. The themes are mature, but there is no explicit sex scenes and no harsh language or graphic violence. The writing is above average, as is the story. I was really moved by Cassie. I felt her emotions jumping off the page at me. I was riveted to the story from the first page to the last. This author is one to watch. I recommend this one to readers of YA, New Adult, Urban Fantasy, and Paranormal Romance.
Overall I give this one a A+