
Breathe by Sloan Parker

karlijnmerle's review against another edition

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Wow, this was intense. It was a pretty tuff subject. It isn't a subject where everyone will agree with and maybe some people will find it far-fetched. But for me it was beautiful. Of course, the event what effect both their lifes is horrible. Lincoln paid for his part, but can't forget it. Jay want to forget it, but his family don't let him.
Their feelings flooded from the pages and I was immediately grabbed by it. Until the end I was feelings all their emotions and I was crying big time when I finished it. It was good, it was beautiful, it was emotional AND I want more!

"I wanted you to know…to see…we can both live beyond our pasts. Together."

ezichinny's review against another edition

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What a touching story about moving forward after a tragedy. This book had a lot of pain but there was hope and forgiveness too.
I am always amazed at the mental damage that results when people hold onto painful things and refuse to allow others around them to heal. It's also hard to see one child favored over another.
Jacob and Lincoln really had to man up and take control of their lives. They had to live for themselves despite their past mistakes. Forgiving oneself is the hardest thing to do but it's necessary.
I really appreciated Paul in this story, what a kind man.

ciannait76's review against another edition

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An amazing, sometimes heart breaking and sometimes scary story about second chances and forgiveness.

jerseygirl2912's review against another edition

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Great story, believable characters, wonderful writing.
I loved this beautiful, heartbreaking story.

suze_1624's review against another edition

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This had me engrossed from the out set - it is amazing how much housework you can do one handed when needs must! A good solid 4.5* for me.

I liked Lincoln - he has obviously been very affected by the accident that cost Jay his wife - and really in lots of ways, we are all one swerve away from this scenario. And I think it takes a strong amount of guts to go back to the community where the accident happened.
Jay was a bit too good to be true in his forgiveness, but I think the suffocating way his and Katie's family were portrayed would have anyone screaming forgiveness just to get away.
Jay's mum seemed at bit OTT - more devastated than anyone else, even when the reason was revealed I still thoughtit was odd and she needed a stern talking to by someone.
I did have the note writer down to two suspects, one of whom got more favourite and correct - but I did fail to see the sting in the tail too.

Liked it lots and will be on my reread list

6.11.18 reread - a good reread book. Four and half years later and I couldn’t recall the note sender until it became more and more obvious. Would have liked to see more aftermath of the fire this time round.
Jay still too good to be true but his mum, oh dear she really had me annoyed, especially as Katie’s mum was quite gracious by the end.

maya56's review against another edition

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I'm having a hard time writing a review for this book. It is so very well written and the characters have depth and substance. It is a story of forgiveness and redemption and second chances...all things I crave in a book. But somehow I wasn't "feeling" it. Somehow, I felt removed. I fear it is a lacking in me rather than the characters in the book or the ability of the author. I fear I could not be that forgiving...

iphigenie72's review against another edition

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I don't often get swayed by a book's high rating, but I got interested in this one because of it. I thought it would be kind of weird, I mean a widower falling for the man who caused his wife's death? Come on, that couldn't be that good? Well, I did give it a five and I did read it in one sitting so I guess we can say I loved it. I loved the characters, the writing was really good. There's only a couple of things I really got 'uh' about. In a small town everybody would know who either of the guys were and so I don't think there first meeting in a public place would have happened and it was really easy to guess who was threatening Lincoln (really easy). That said, I'm picking at unimportant things, even perfection has flaws (I know perfection isn't suppose to have flaws, but really life isn't built that way, I think we put too much pressure on "perfection"). I loved this so much, I can't wait to forget it and read it again! It's late now almost 3:30am and I want to go to sleep and dream about Jay and Lincoln, that would be a good night (and a great dream!). I hope everybody who like the genre will give this one a try, you cannot go wrong with this one.

liza5326's review against another edition

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This was my 2nd read of Breathe and it was even better the second time around. This is a story of forgiveness, acceptance, letting go, moving on, and love conquering all. But there's also the craziness of revenge and people who can't let go. I'm not sure what I would do if I was in Jay's shoes. Hopefully, I could forgive and move on, but I might end up being the crazy, vengeful one! I love the romance and heat in this story, and I was moved to tears more than once, just the way I like it! This is definitely not the last time I'll read this.

kaje_harper's review against another edition

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Lincoln went to jail for his role in a car crash that killed a young, married woman. In his guilt, self-loathing and the mechanics of the trial, he's lost his race-car job to the driving restriction, his money to a civil settlement, his lover to his mix of depression and self-flagellation, and a year of his life to jail. His sister has been at the mercy of an abusive husband, and her kids are doing without because money is tight. Lincoln should leave town, but he won't leave them. So somehow he has to start over.

Jay has spent a year grieving for his wife Katie, killed in that crash. Around him, the members of his family and hers seem to have rapidly gone from grief to a vicious, unending anger at Lincoln for his culpability, but Jay is trying to figure out what his own emotions are. Katie was his confidant, his friend and the one person who knew all of him, including the fact that he is bi. He doesn't know how to move on, but he needs to. The sight of a man with sad, dark eyes suggests a new way to do that. Perhaps he has an unspoken thought that it is less like cheating on his dead wife to be with a man than to date another woman. Perhaps it's just Jay grasping for something he never had with Katie, but he makes a move toward that man and they have an intense sexual encounter.

It is not until their next meeting that Jay and Lincoln each figure out who the man they have been dreaming about a rematch with actually is.

This book has the potential to be a major emotional overload, and for some readers it may feel that way. To me it seemed more like a thriller. The writing is smooth for the most part, and the pacing is good. There are enough suspects to keep some aspects of the plot a puzzle until nearly the end. The guys' relationship begins as primarily sex but moves forward quickly (almost by necessity otherwise there is more to drive these two apart than keep them together.)

I am not someone who should really talk about an OTT plot, since my first book pretty much pegged the meter on that aspect. But I did feel that this book had almost too many major plot twists, which were not exploited to their full romantic/emotional potential.
Spoiler The last scene at the grave in particular would have been more effective to me with less physical drama and more emotional conflict. I'm not aware of any tranquilizer that doesn't take several minutes to take effect from anything less than an IV injection, and Lincoln successfully throwing himself at a man who was holding a gun firmly pressed to his head reduced the believability for me. And then moving directly from Jay's hospital admission to his release without looking in on Lincoln's emotions in between seemed like a wasted opportunity. I just wanted a bit more of internal conflicting emotions from these guys - I'm sure it is my odd perceptions that I felt like it wasn't quite there.
This book has all the ingredients to satisfy most readers who like a thriller plot, two against-the-odds lovers and family drama.

reviewerlarissa's review against another edition

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Review coming soon!