
Imprinted by Jim C. Hines

kitstercronk's review

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I adore this series and wasn't ready for it to end... So I was SUPER excited to see there was a novella set after the events of the last book! This is a lovely short story following Jeneta working at New Millenium with cameos from all our favorite characters. I really loved reading it... only con is that it was over too soon!

molokov's review

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A short novella about Jeneta from the Magic Ex Libris series, this is set post book 4. Given that Book 4 ("Revisionary") was a complete change of 'world' from the previous books, this one is set in this new world (in New Millennium) and although familiar characters from the earlier books appear, it's most definitely Jeneta's story. I think this could have done with a few more layers to the plot, just because I would have preferred something a little longer. But it's quite satisfying.

queerbillydeluxe's review

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My only complaint is that it's so short! I need more Magic Ex Libris and fire spiders in my life! But also, can we talk about the awesome representation of therapy, trauma, and mental illness?!!

drtlovesbooks's review

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What it's about: Jenetta has been learning how to use her powers, and is now poised to show the world that libriomancy is not something to be feared, but something that can bring practical wonders to the world. But things go sideways during the internationally-televised demonstration, and Jenetta finds herself wondering if she'll be able to fix the damage and show the world that after her possession by Meridiana, she's capable of bring good into the world.

What I thought: Well...

Why I rated it like I did: I really like Hines's Magic Ex Libris series, so I'm on board to read pretty much anything he creates in that world. This short story was interesting in how it built out the world he has been creating, but it also was strange in that it felt both over- and under-developed as a story. It felt like there was a lot of padding added to make this more than a super-short story. And I think this could be turned into a full-fledged novel if the conflict was developed more. But as it stands, there's one main problem that seems like it could have been wrapped up in half the space that was used here.

kikiandarrowsfishshelf's review

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Jeneta gets her own novella. So awesome!

errantdreams's review

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In Imprinted, Jeneta is going to do a great feat of magic for a crowd now that magicians are becoming more public and organized. She’s going to pull a device out of a huge screen–the magicians are working on interplanetary travel and communication! Naturally something goes wrong and she ends up haunted by mysterious creatures that only she can see. To make things more complicated, someone is trying to steal the technology that they’re working on!

I’m such a fangirl when it comes to the Magic Ex Libris tales that I can’t help wishing for a longer story just because. That said, this was the right length for what it was. I just can’t wait for more. It’s fantastic to see more of young Janeta and her abilities as a prodigy with book magic. Isaac, the main character of the series in general, is here, but it’s definitely Janeta’s tale to be told. Isaac is there to help, but no one really knows the extent of Janeta’s abilities or how they’ll end up working on the whole. We also get to see more players in the game, opening up the possibility of more tales to come.

Original review on my blog:

countdeworde's review

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Na tuhle knihu jsem v životě narážela znova a znova, ale roky jsem se nemohla rozhoupat si jí opravdu pořídit a začít číst.

Jenže od té doby, co znám EAH, jsem posedlá pohádkovými příběhy a když jsem hledala další dobrý materiál, připomněl se mi Hines. A brzo na to byla akce v jednom e-shopu. Skočila jsem po knize jako babička po zlevněném cukru. Rozhodně toho nelituju. Vlastně by kniha stála i za víc, než jsem zaplatila, ale tak co, aspoň jsem ušetřila na další četbu. :D

Je opravdu škoda, že se do Česka dostal jen první díl. Teď s vlnou knih jako je Ever After High a Škola dobra a zla by se Princeznám dostala jistě větší pozornost, než tehdy. Stejně jako se na vlně upírů a dystopií svezly i starší kousky. Ne fakt, nakladatelství zauvažujte nad znovuvydáním, ale dejte si tentokrát víc záležet na reklamě.

Silné ženské hrdinky, ale každá jinak, takže tvoří zajímavé trio. Dostatečně zajímavé a dobré v tom, co umí, ale realistické ve svých nedokonalostech. Nechybí tu ale ani trocha toho škorpení mezi přáteli z party. Jde o drsnou verzi pohádek. Ne, temnější, ale drsnější. Jako rozdíl mezi hladkým povrchem vyleštěného zrcadla a štěrkovou stezkou.

Spojení žánrů pohádky, detektivky, sword and sorcery a thrilleru je něco, co člověk nečte často.

librarydino's review

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My only complaint is that it's so short! I need more Magic Ex Libris and fire spiders in my life! But also, can we talk about the awesome representation of therapy, trauma, and mental illness?!!

simsbrarian's review

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Very short but complete short story (novelette, really) that will let you dip back into the Magic Ex Libris world for a very brief adventure; this time from the Point of View of Jeneta (spin off series with her; please!!).