
Pawn Takes Rook by Lex Chase

leelah's review

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Let's start with good things:
It was action packed and campy like you would expect from this kind of novel. All action scenes were very well written and you get to see heroes use their abilities,in different varieties and in very imaginative way.
Memphis Rook is indestructible kind of hero with different powers like flying, superstrength, and some electrical shocking. Garth is a Kitsbasher (he can manipulate technology, talk to machines and create new ones only by touching them). Their romance is in background and it just kind of happened, so don't get into it if you're expecting sex scenes. Villain is predictable and a bit cliché, but maybe it was deliberate, because this whole book is like superhero comic turned into words.
Which takes us to not so great parts:
Characterization was a total fail. For example, at the beginning Garth met Rook and he is quite starstruck and he can't believe that he, Hogarth,was so lucky to meet legendary Memphis Rook. (that's not spoiler, you can read that in blurb). But, later in the novel, we find out that Rook is not the first superhero Garth met- Garth was going out with Captain Chivalry who is as famous and as powerful as Rook. Why write he was blown away he met a superhero when he already came in touch with them....?
Rook and Garth were like caricatures!
And omg, there were just too many jokes...Like if there was a hint of serious situation, author had to throw in some joke just to make sure we didn't take this book seriously.

ifihadatail7's review

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i won a copy of Pawn Takes Rook, and i'm totally happy i did. this was a fun story, i wish it were longer!

on to book 2!