unwrappingwords's review

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Other reviews have pointed out that this book could have done with a bit more editing. However, I didn't think that when reading this. The stories in it are maybe a little raw, but it adds to the feel of them rather than taking away from it. These are stories about sex and relationships, in different forms. No two stories in this collection are the same, and they all touch on different aspects. They're nicely written, and probably because they haven't been polished to perfection they feel that little bit more real. It's an entertaining and interesting read, and I really did come away from a couple of the stories with the feeling of "Oh, so it's not just me then." A good book, and one I really enjoyed.

audaciaray's review

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Usually, I don't rate or review books that I have pieces in - it just seems wrong somehow. But I'm making an exception for Coming & Crying. This is a truly great and different collection of stories - I feel like I've been spoiled by reading stories like these online, but realize that there isn't much representation of sad, disturbing, and true stories about sex (and feelings) in print. This book changes that, and it's something that "sex positive" culture, which is all too much about sex being great! and hot! needs quite desperately.

Coming & Crying is full of unflattering self portraits. But somehow, it's not "confessional" in the secretive, shamed sense. Instead, the pieces are very matter-of-fact, but in an artful way.

The book also has an improbable number of huge cocks.