
The Hunger by Susan Squires

pauliree's review

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I feel like I missed something here. Everything says that this is book 2 in the Companion Series, but it reads like it should be book 1. The set up and the story is set just before book 1, the evil Asharti, who we met in Book 1, is here again, but as we know her final fate and what happens here is hinted at in Book 1, there was no real suspense, plus we knew that the main character would survive her ordeal. Unsure of whether this is a mistake or I am just not seeing it. Anyway, I found myself skipping over all the flashbacks in this book. i was just not interested at all in the sexual exploits of a nasty piece of work and how that would affect the peace of mind of the main character. I preferred the events happening in the present, which is what I read, and enjoyed, and found that I didn't really need those flashbacks at all. To me, this says get rid of them. If they don't affect the story, they aren't needed, and when you come right down to it, this is a paranormal romance set in the Regency era, and that is what we want to read about, not about some sexually deviant vampire and her lust for power in the middle ages. And again with the humiliation of the male lead with rape and buggery. I'm beginning to see a theme. If I see this again in the third book I may have to give up. The only thing making me continue on is the characterisation of the male leads. It continues to be one of the strengths of this author. Hopefully the next book won't have these horrendously long flashbacks but I am not holding my breath.