
Silver Skye by Jocelyn Davies

cancourtneyread's review against another edition

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Oh my freaking god! First of let me say I normally hate books about or involving angels but for some reason I fell in love with this book! I read it from cover to cover in about five hours. I didn't have time to eat or even move from my spot on the couch until I devoured this book. And normally when a book has a love triangle I always favor one guy or another. In this book I was so back and forth I'm still not sure who I love more. I think Devin but in about five minutes I'll change my mind again. I hardly ever write reviews and I enjoyed this book so much I just had to write one and convince people to read this amazingly beautiful tear jerker book. BUY IT!!!

thecozyreaderwbo's review against another edition

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eARC from NetGalley.

My Grade
Plot: 3
Setting: 4
Writing: 4
Originality: 3
Characters: 3
Romance: 3
Overall: 20/30 = 66% D :(
Title/Cover Bonus: 5

A subpar love triangle with the light and dark forces represented by two teenaged boys and one special girl.

Shelfability – NEW Category!
(Thanks to Kristi at The Story Siren)


First Line
I don’t have this in front of me at the moment! Will fill in later.

Most Memorable Scene
The avalanche.

Eh, I wasn’t impressed with the plot at all. I can’t pinpoint my actual feelings on why only that it lacked in keeping me interested. The mission of the characters just didn’t sit well with me. I found them to be completely cheesey at times. When it comes down to the story centering around a “good” boy and a “bad” boy things can go astray and wonky if not handled well. I don’t think this one was handled well at all.

A ski focused town. Skye’s high school. Nothing awesome except the one scene of the avalanche. I enjoyed that one.

I must say that I had a hard time finishing this book. It has a lot to do with the characters and their mission. Told completely by Skye’s point of view. There were times when it was just too cheesey for my tastes. I wish I would have made a note of a scene to share but I didn’t.

I kept thinking how alike this was to Personal Demons by Lisa Desrochers. Now that book was awesome and this book in comparison: lame. Link to my review of Personal Demons. This is your average two boys fighting over one clueless girl. It has nothing special to seperate it from the likes of other similiar books.

Skye is the main character. She lives with her mother’s best friend because of an accident that claimed the lives of her parents. She had a weird attitude at first but I did grow to like her.

Asher is the good guy.

Devin is the bad or rather naughty guy.

I didn’t like one better than the other. I actually disliked them both equally.

Eh, it was decent at points but nothing amazing.

Title/Cover Bonus
Gorgeous cover. The title is kinda bland.

MAJOR cliffhanger here people. Even though I didn’t love this book I may still follow up with the sequel just to see how things develop next. I don’t see any info on the next book yet so I can only assume it’ll be at least a year before book 2 is published. I’d say wait for reviews of book 2 before purchasing this book.

Again, no information on the status of a follow up book. With an ending like this though one can only assume a sequel is in the works.

janewan's review against another edition

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I honestly don't get why people gave this book such bad ratings. Maybe its because I'm such a sucker for cliches but this book isn't even all that cliche. I've never read a book about angels and what not, its usually about vampires and I bet no one could have predicted what was going to happen in the end. I finished this book in one day and I couldn't put it down. The summary is also very captivating and well written so to whoever who may be reading this review, you should definitely give this book a try!

abartley73's review against another edition

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I'm really undecided on how I feel about this book. On one hand, it's just like every other YA love triangle with paranormal aspects in it. But on the other hand, it has me so intrigued that now I have to finish the trilogy.

Skye is just like every other female protagonist. I like her but she's so cliche and overdone. Same with the 2 male "love interests". I didn't dislike the characters, but they were just average.

I also feel like nothing really happened in this book. She spends half the book learning that she's different, the next 1/4 of the book with them barely telling her what's going on, and the last like 10 pages had a little action that really didn't make a whole lot of sense.

With all that being said, it was an easy read, and I somewhat liked characters. I wanted to finish the book to see where the story line was heading. I think the author had an idea with this book that could have been very unique and interesting, but it just didn't get there in this one. I'm really interested to see where this trilogy is going, and I still believe it has potential. Looking forward to reading the second!

pearlagcalo's review against another edition

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Last 10 pages it probably got interesting.

maryam162424's review against another edition

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So I wanted to reread a novel I read when I was 12/13 and see what I thought of it in my 20s… and I’ve realized my standards were very low when I was young LOL.

The concept of this book might have been what attracted me to it initially but rereading it has shown a few flaws with the novel that confused me a lot. The main character’s mind is all over the place and the two love interests just didn’t really have a personality other than being complete OPPOSITES.

I have this a 3 stars - okay read. Okay because the plot was promising but wasn’t delivered well

bookladysreviews's review against another edition

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So...when Skye turns seventeen,she meets two mysterious boys who are completely different but the only mutual thing between them is that they want to protect her...Asher is dark, wild and he does whatever he wants when he wants and he never follows the rules...but Devin is shy,sweet and everything he does,he does it according to the rules...after their appearance strange things start happening...and Skye starts having doubts about why they came and what they want from her...she seems to respond to Asher's attractiveness but she keeps changing her mind and suddenly finds herself attracted to Devin...she doesn't even know what she wants and when she learns that those two boys, or better angels are in different sides and that they want to teach her how to use her powers, her world turns upside down...and every time she is angry, something happens...but in the end, when she meets the two boys with their "bosses",she understands that, they were just using her to use her powers to their advantage and make her go with one of them...she thinks that no one really loved her but, truth to be told, both of them had feelings for her even if they didn't show it...especially devin who does something always he follows the orders he was given and he finally does what he was supposed to do a long time ago...he stabs Skye and leaves her with Asher, who is also heartbroken and tries to heal her...
A beautiful dark is an amazing book and although i don't like love triangles, i liked this's really amazing, the whole thing with the story of angels and all that stuff that happens...i really liked the boys and i think skye's going to end up with least that's what i want...the romance thing was amazing and i liked where asher told the story of her parents while they were all sitting around the fire but i would have been pissed 2 if someone was flirting with me and gave me the impression that he loved me, only because he wanted me to go with was really stupid,what the both did because they left her believe some things that weren't true and that was so not okay...but the worst part was devin's betrayal...i wasn't expecting him to do it but he did it...i can't wait to read the next one because i'm so curious about what happens next...if she ends up with devin, i don't know what i will do..seriously..the guy stabbed her while he was pretending he liked her...alright i don't know if he was pretending or not but he still stabbed her and that's what matters..

novelheartbeat's review against another edition

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From my blog Auntie Spinelli Reads


This one just wasn’t for me. I typically despise love triangles, but have been trying to find a story with one that I can get into, maybe even pick a side. But this one…ugh. They both came out of nowhere and had some creepy insta-connection (instalust? hmm) with Skye. And she starts pining for both of them at the same time, even though she doesn't know them AT ALL. She attached to both of them immediately, despite her charade of trying to fight the ‘connection.’ And she pretty much tells Asher off, then gets jealous because he talks to another girl. Skye just irked me. She was a weak and vapid lead.
The romance, or whatever the hell it was, came on a little too strong for me. I don’t really dig the creepy-stare-at-you-stalker type. Or the flirt-with-everything-that-has-a-chacha asshat type. Sorry.

I don't feel inclined to continue reading. Even my mom picked up on the fact that I was hating it (you know, due to heavy sighs and 'ughs'). I'm not officially rating this because I only read 170 pages, but if I had to? It'd be a 1 star performance at best.

katezz12's review against another edition

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I mean it did drag on with the love triangle and all but there was suspense the whole Time and I loved it!!!!!!!

amarylissw's review against another edition

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I actually did debate on giving this five stars, but I reconsidered and decided it just wasn't worth it. On the whole, I enjoyed the book a lot, but after a few moments of speculation after that horrible ending (okay, not horrible, but CLIFFHANGER! Cliffhangers just mess with my head), I looked deeper into the aspects of the story.

Plot-wise, it wasn't that horrible, and I even had a few moments of, "What's going to happen?" It is a much-used plot these days, though, so a few fractions of a star down for that.

The characters were, like most books I've read, my biggest problem. Skye, our protagonist, is just . . . blah. I know it's hard to write a good protagonist, I do. (I usually end up heartily disliking mine.) But still. Skye falls into every cliche ever made. (Although I think she did make me grin one time — yay, points to you.) We have our oh-so-typical love interests. However, this was by far not the worst love triangle I've read; it's actually one of the better ones, in my opinion. If it weren't for the unoriginality. . . .

We don't have a ton on setting, but it worked. The writing was mediocre. There were a few introspective moments, which I enjoyed. So . . .

4 stars, people.