
Bound by Night by Larissa Ione

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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*I received a free eARC of Bound by Night from Pocket Book via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review*

This and all my other reviews are originally posted on my blog (un)Conventional Bookviews

Bound by Night first got this reaction from me when I finished reading: This. Book.Was. Made. Of. Awesome! That was all I was capable of thinking and feeling and sharing. It has taken me a little while to actually form coherent thoughts, I just fell in love with the characters, the mythology and the completely different take on vampires that were depicted in Bound by Night.

The prologue explains how vampires are slaves in this universe, they are snatched by humans and forced to work for them, taking care of mundane tasks as being a nanny, prepare food or care for the garden. The only thing they get in exchange is room and board. As well as violence. Their human bosses use them in every way - their blood is used to cure disease, help people stay young and generally to control the vampires. They are treated worse than animals, and most of the humans think they have no feelings, and no soul. Not so for little Nicole, who really loves her vampire nanny, and believes the vampires are not treated right. At eight years old, nobody wants to listen to her, though, and when her whole family is murdered in the vampire rebellion, she is sent abroad to be groomed to take over her parents company.

Because of that fateful day, plus another episode when she was privy to vampire violence, Nicole grew up not feeling as friendly towards vampires as she were when she was a child. Little does she know that the vampire who scared her the most - because she saw him bent over her dear nanny with a knife the was she was killed - is on the warpath, and Nicole is the prize he is looking for to save one of his own. Bound by Night has it's share of violence, but it is really easy to understand where the hatred comes from. I especially appreciated having vampires who are not really seen as a threat, even if they evidently are a very big threat. The humans think the vampires only act on instinct, and when Nicole is kidnapped, she is surprised to see how organized and protective they are of each other.

While in captivity, Nicole realizes more and more just how right she was when she was a child, but it seems like there is really nothing she will be able to do to convince people how they should be dealing with vampires through cooperation rather than coercion. And she is in for a lot of difficult twists during Bound by Night, as she understands the vampires better and better, all the while learning that the few people she thought she could count on to have her back would rather stab her in it than help her out.

An emphatic and strong female protagonist doubled with a physically strong, but emotionally broken hero, Bound by Night caught my attention from the very first line of the story to the end. I loved the character development, especially how both Nicole and the vampires had to re-adjust their beliefs when they got to know each other. The mythology is a mixture of native American and something that might be made up, and I was really intrigued and drawn to it. The way the vampire leader communed with spirits, the ancient language he could speak, and the sacrifices he was willing to make for his clan made for a secondary character that is truly worthy of notice as well.

There is plenty of action, both in the bedroom and out, and I enjoyed learning more about how the clans are not working together, but are still able to protect all vampires when the need arises. The scientific parts were well done, too, even if I am no science-geek myself. Nicole explained things very well to her new friends, and as a reader, I was thus able to follow the more complicated things that happened. With plenty of serious things happening throughout Bound by Night, there is still a certain playfulness among the vampires, and I love the characters' sense of humor as well.

If you're a paranormal romance fan, you should definitely run and get your copy of Bound by Night when it is released in ten days! It's well written, the pace is great, because the story slows down then speeds up when needed. The intricate world-building is well done because everything is explained little by little, even if the most important part is shown to the readers during the prologue. I know I have a new favorite series to add to my list now, and I really look forward to seeing where Ms. Ione will take this wonderful new world of hers in the future.

Like all the servants, he'd always kept his eyes downcast - "secured his gaze," as her father called it - in the presence of humans, but not this time. This time, he looked at her the way her dad looked at the Thanksgiving Turkey.

Nicole's therapist was a huge fool if she thought vampires were more afraid of humans than humans were of them. Dr. Bhatia was so fired.

Dear God, what would sex with him be like, if just holding him still gave her muscle strains? And why in the world would her mind go there?

"Can Riker come out to play?" Myne asked. "Depends," Riker narrowed his eyes at his friend. Myne often had a skewed view on what was fun. "What are we playing?" "Poach the Poachers." Cool. Riker liked that game.

He started to pour more vodka into the glass, but screw it. A bottle was glass, right?

Lexxie signature (un)Conventional Bookviews

laurenjodi's review against another edition

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Bound by Night
3 Stars

After witnessing the massacre of her family at the hands of their vampire servants, Nicole Martin swears to do everything in her power to eradicate vampirism and destroy every last bloodsucking fiend on the planet. Unfortunately, she cannot extinguish the intense attraction she feels toward Riker, the vampire that she despises most, and who has sworn vengeance against the woman he blames for the death of his mate. As Nicole and Riker struggle against hatred and temptation, circumstances force them to work together or lose everything.

Larisa Ione's take on vampires and vampirism is original. However, there are some illogical elements in her world building, and the romance between Nicole and Riker does not ring true.

The idea that humans have enslaved vampires is interesting, yet Ione fails to explain how exactly the physically weaker race of humans managed to subjugate the stronger species. It also doesn't make sense that people would allow beings that they fear and abhor to serve them as domestic servants.

Moreover, Ione does not provide sufficient details on the exact origin and nature of vampires. There are numerous rumors and stories, but the actual explanation only comes at the end and it is hinted at rather than fully outlined.

Nicole and Riker's relationship is just as confusing. They go from hating the sight of one another to falling in love in the blink of an eye. One night out in the woods on the run from poachers and they get over decades of prejudice and mistaken beliefs. I don't think so!

The chemistry between the couple also feels forced and their moments together lack true intimacy and emotional connection.

There are just as many inconsistencies in the development of the secondary characters. Hunter, the leader of the MoonBound clan, is a born or pureblood vampire (is this even the same thing), who is more interested in playing video games than solving his clan's problems. Katine, the only female warrior, is initially kick-ass an threatening, but deteriorates into a gossip mongering matchmaker. Myne, the defanged and tortured vampire eager to kill any human with a pulse, seems to accept Riker's fascination with Nicole without any qualms. Lucy the mentally simple clan member who prefers candy to blood is sweet, yet she disappears 1/3 into the book and never returns.

The villains in the piece are just as one dimensional. Whether it is Nicole's scheming brother Chuck whose evil machinations are obvious from the start, or Kars, the misogynistic leader of the rival clan, whose threat is never fully developed. There is little development or follow up on these points and one can only hope that the next book with provide some resolution.

All in all, this is not one of Ione's better books. Nevertheless, there is a lot of creativity and potential in the premise and I'm willing to give book #2 a chance to compensate for the shortcomings of this one.

lynseyisreading's review against another edition

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Bound by Night

A fresh take on vampires - something you may think is impossible - is what Larissa Ione is trying to achieve here, and I, personally, am putting her down for a win. It didn't blow my mind or change my world - I honestly don't think one could any more, I've just read so many - but of the ones I've read recently, this is shinning a little brighter than the rest.

Why? Okay, here's what particularly stood out

  • The origin story of the vamps. Each original vamp (of which there are only few) stems from a tribal clan that either followed the Raven or the Crow, who are enemies still.

  • The different spin on the human/vampire power dynamic.Vampires enslaved by humans? I didn't always see how this was logical given their greater strength. It seems to be just a case of greater numbers, better weapons, and once they're caught, a collar to keep them under control.

  • The camaraderie between the boys. Yes, this is another one of those paranormals where they all live together (aw). I actually like this. I like meeting the other players in the background and guessing who's up next.

  • There was hardly any brooding. I liked the fact that they were modern, cool vamps that play computer games and whatnot. And although they were clearly up to speed on all-things modern and their speech reflected that, there was no cheesy dialogue or over-the-top "bro"ness. (There's a small chance that last sentence doesn't make sense outside of my brain).

  • The way the heroine had her horizons broadened and her eyes opened. Vamps really are seen as second class citizens, sometimes not even that - more like animals. It was good to watch Nicole comes to realize how "human" they are, how family-oriented. Points for Team V.

  • The medical angle. Vamps are experiencing an all-time low birthrate and face extinction. Good thing out heroine here is a doctor, huh...

  • The side story of the laboratory boy. I can't elaborate on this much, but a subplot was introduced that I can't wait to see continue in the next book.

  • The sexah. Ione writes good sex. We know this. It's still true here.

  • Things I wasn't as keen on:

    1. A little slow to get going. Because our hero and heroine are natural enemies of the highest order, it took a while to get the romance going.

    2. The downside of the vamps being persecuted. Of course this naturally makes humans the Bad Guys. And they really were. I would be ashamed of us if this was real. I imagine this "humans are so evil" thing might get old after a bit, however. If Nicole had to realize there was more to vamps than she'd been brought up to believe, the reverse should have been true as well, and it so wasn't.

      So there you have it. And on a frivolous sidenote, the romance, once established, was kinda cute and squishy:) I liked it a lot, and will definitely read book two since that's been set up brilliantly at the end of this book as well.

      Looking forward to it:)

      4 Stars ★★★★
      ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

    angie_stl's review against another edition

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    I got a copy of this book for an honest review through netgalley.

    I've never read anything by Ms Ione as far as I can remember. But I will most definitely be continuing with this series! There were little issues here and there throughout the book, but nothing that made me want to stop reading. The story was original and had some Native American mythology as the basis of where the vampires came from. And I'm a total sucker for any mythology based stories. The one thing I didn't care for was the explanation of how the vampires game to be doesn't show up until the epilogue. Of course there are many books that never explain how the first vampire came to be, so again, not enough to upset me much.

    This book was about Riker, a made vampire, and Nicole, a human whose family had enslaved and done all kinds of atrocities to the vampire race. They had known each other when Nicole was a child, since Riker's mate was Nicole' s nanny. Nicole thought Riker had killed Terese, the nanny and his mate, while Riker blamed Nicole and her family for Terese's death. They have to overcome the preconceived notions before they can get on with their relationship, after Riker had kidnapped her to save a female vampire. If I go into the story any further, I'd start giving out spoilers, and I don't like doing that.

    There was tons of things going on in this book, making it much more interesting than most I've read recently. It made me not want to put the book down, because I never knew if some big event was about to happen. It's definitely an edge of your seat type of book, and I really am looking forward to the next book in the series, which I believe has been set up nicely in this book. I'd recommend this to any fans of paranormal romance, with the warning to not go in with ideas from other books. The only thing these vampires have in common with the majority of others is that they drink blood.

    thegeekyblogger's review against another edition

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    Read for Review (Edelweiss)
    Overall Rating: 4.50
    Story Rating: 4.50
    Character Rating: 4.50

    First Thought when Finished: Bound by Night is how you start a series! Plenty of character development to go with that world building-I APPROVE!

    Story Thoughts: To start with, I put off reading this because I wasn't sure if I was up for more vampires right now. I love them but lately I have been in a shifter mood. However, this delivered with the kind of action and in-depth storytelling that I have come to expect from Larissa Ione. The romance didn't really click for me until halfway through but I am guessing that was by design. The story was strong enough that the lack of romantic feel didn't bother me at all!

    Character Thoughts: Nicole & Riker were very similar characters in some ways: had skewed views of each other, had hard lives, and were both brilliant at what they do. I think Nicole was more open than Riker but the slow burn romance helped them work through that. I was impressed that Larissa let the love build while acknowledging the attraction and the lack of wanting that attraction. Side characters (future leads) rocked. I could wax poetic about the next couple but I think I am going to let you experience that on your own :)

    Final Thoughts: Now I need the second book! :)

    dragon_lion64's review against another edition

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    Bound by Night
    By Larissa Ione
    MoonBound Clan Vampires #1

    Can I just say how much I love this cover? Yes, of course, I can say it. I’m writing this review. Silly me. There is something about it that catches my attention. One of the first things I notice is the color of the font. Isn’t it funny how when an author is well known, their name is larger than the title? Then, there is that gorgeous man lying on a....whatever that is, a coffin, a crypt or stone slab….and he contrasts with everything. I think this is one of the best covers that I have seen in a while.

    I usually wait for an author to have at least three books out of a series before I start reading it but…this is Larissa Ione! And I’ve read all of her books in The Demonica/Lords of Deliverance series and all of her books she wrote as Sydney Croft so how could I resist?

    After vampires revealed themselves to humans, humans enslaved them and experiment on them. It’s crazy that such powerful beings could allow a weaker species to take over but it happened. But some vampires have not let themselves become victims to the humans. They live in clans in the mountains and deep woods. The MoonBound Clan lives in the mountains outside of Seattle. They have spells that hide where they live so humans will have a harder time finding them.
    Nicole Martin was a victim of a vampire uprising when she was 8 years old which was quickly squashed but not in time to save her mother or father. Nicole was also attacked and almost died. Since then she has studied the physiology of vampires to try to find a cure for vampirism. She moved to France and let her half-brother take over her parent’s business, a business that exploits vampires but she doesn’t know about that until she is kidnapped by wild vampires.

    Riker is second in command of the MoonBound Clan. He hates the Martin family because 20 years ago, his mate was enslaved by them and she died because of it. Plus, the Marin’s business is responsible for the disappearance and deaths of many vampires.

    When a visiting healer from another clan is taken by poachers and sold to one of the Martin’s secret experimental labs, Riker kidnaps Nicole to get leverage to get the healer back before the other clan wages war on the MoonBound clan for losing her.

    Nicole hates vampires and Riker hates humans but after spending time together, they begin to change their minds. Nicole sees that vampires are not the monsters that humans make them out to be…well, most of them. There are clans out there that are violent and dangerous.

    There was a lot going on in this book. At first, I had a hard time believing that humans could get the upper hand on a species that was so powerful but with the advance technology of the humans and the vampires limitations, it seemed more plausible.

    I was really into this book and the developing plot. I was intrigued by the secondary characters and can’t wait to see what happens with them, especially a purebred vampire named Myne. He’s scary and a bit crazy but something about him makes me think he’s going to become a big part of this story. We shall see.

    booksabrewin's review against another edition

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    I received an e-copy of this book from the publishers at NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

    I randomly found out about this book when going through Edelweiss searching for new and interesting books that I could read and review for my site. It is no secret that I have a fondness for paranormal romance and usually seek those type of books out first above all others. When I read the synopsis of this book I was immediately interested. I requested the book and dived into it as soon as I got a small break in my review books. I was like a kid in a candy shop.

    Bound by Night opens on the traumatic event in Nicole's life where all the vampires of her rich household turned on their masters and slaughtered all in this path. Nicole herself was attacked by a vampire chef that she used to be friendly with. Nicole was never one to look down on vampires or treat them as slaves since her vampire nanny was the best maternal figure she had in her life. After the attack, Nicole was weary of vampires, but she still kept her hatred of the species as a whole in check. She still felt the loss of her vampire nanny.

    Riker, who was the lover and mate of Nicole's vampire nanny, has sworn revenge on the Martin family for enslaving his people and forming a company bent on keeping vampires in their chains for as long as possible. When he takes Nicole prisoner in an attempt to get her to release one of his people from her company's lab, he has to confront the fact that the woman he is determined to hate may not be the devil he believed her to be.

    A rude awakening is had for both Riker and Nicole. They start to realize that what they believe of humans and vampires alike may not be the exact truth of the matter. They also have to confront an overwhelming attraction that seems to almost be destined by the cosmos, despite their determination to fight it all costs.

    It has been a long time since I found a book that stuck with me. I set the book down two days ago and I realized I am in a major book hangover. I know there are dozens of books I need to dive into before their review deadlines come up, but I can't pull my mind out of the world Larissa Ione created. Her twist on the whole vampire/human dynamic is impressive. Normally you see humans as the slaves since vampires are clearly the superior race, not in Ione's world. It is always interesting to see how two races, destined to hate each other, end up coming together despite the odds. Nicole and Riker's relationship was a little weird since there were flashbacks where Nicole was a little girl and was seeing Riker interact romantically with her nanny, but it worked out with the story.

    To put it mildly, I loved this book. I was scrambling to Goodreads to search out the release of the next book the very second I finished this one. August 1st, 2014, Larissa? That's too far away! What am I to do without my Moonbound Vampire Clan?!

    Bound by Night draws it's readers into the world of vampires as slaves to humans and shows how despite what society dictates, love can blossom in the most unusual circumstances.

    hannas_heas47's review against another edition

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    Mixed feelings on this book. I like the twist on the whole vampire angle, but parts of the book bored me to tears. Thanks netgalley for an arc in exchange for my opinion.

    lucy_qhuay's review against another edition

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    Holy shit! This was such a fantastic roller coaster ride!

    I love Larissa Ione! Really, she is definitely in my top 3 best paranormal romance writers.

    Wow! She has such a talent for romance, comedy and drama, that my mind is blown away all the time.

    Bound By Night wasn't different. I loved everything, from the writing, to the plot and the characters.

    The society Ione created was just fascinating.

    In this world, the humans are fully aware of the existence of vampires and, not only that, but they also enslave and experiment on them, so that they can develop human medicine and other fields that will bring all sorts of advances to the human species.

    Our heroine, Nicole Martin, comes from the Martin family, one of the most powerful families and great supporters of this system of enslavement.

    When she was 8 years out, all the vampire slaves rose up and rebelled, her family was massacred and she was brutally attacked, nearly dying herself.

    From that moment on, she devoted her life to finding a cure to vampirism, in an attempt to finally get some closure and bury the terrible memories from that night.

    Enter Riker, a battle-scarred, hardened warrior from the vampire MoonBound Clan.

    He is tormented by memories of his own. Twenty years ago, he tried to save Terese, his beloved pregnant mate, from the clutches of the Martin family, but she ended up dead.

    Now, he lives entirely for revenge and to punish all those who hunt and enslave vampires.

    When a female vampire from another clan is captured and Riker hears about Nicole's great comeback as the heir of the Martin family, he decides to capture her himself to get to other female.

    Nicole was only a child back then, but she recognizes him as the mate of her dear Terese, the nanny who was more like a big sister to her, and the very same who passionately kissed and then killed her.

    She should hate and fear him, yet she soon finds herself battling a growing searing attraction.

    Riker is not indifferent to her either and he soon becomes enthralled with this hot-blooded, fascinating woman, but how can he feel what he is feeling when that means, not only betraying the vampire race, but also the memory of Terese

    I gotta tell you, I was completely sucked into the relationship of these two. I knew from the start theirs was a story of everlasting, desperate love.

    Nicole was such a fantastic female lead, that I don't know if I can explain how much I loved and admired her.

    Even though she had been born in the midst of a terrible family, she was nothing like them. She never understood their despicable behavior toward vampires and even grew to love them, as was the case with Terese.

    And even after the vicious attack she suffered, she didn't change.

    Sure, she became frightened of vampires and lost a lot of the love she had for them, but I never felt like she started hating all vampire species for the sake of being vampires.

    And most important of all, she didn't hate Riker just because he was a vampire.

    But what really made me love her was the fact that, it came to a point when she stopped fighting it, admitted that she loved Riker and started fighting instead for him.

    She didn't accept he didn't give all he had when they were together and fought like hell for that chance at true happiness. And she eventually succeeded.

    You gotta love a woman who knows what she wants and fights for it!

    Now, Riker, Riker, Riker! What can I say? This sexy ass piece of vampire ass tangled me up in knots.

    He is just my type of guy. Battle-scarred, hardened, vicious, silent, brooding, yet loving, caring and terribly sweet.

    I was constantly pissed with him, because you knew he knew Nicole was the one for him, but he kept getting excuses not to be with her, blaming her for something that wasn't her fault, which was Terese's enslavement, torture and death and refusing to let go of the past.

    He refused to let go of Terese's memory and he made Nicole suffer a lot for it. It seemed he resented her for his own feelings and he kept punishing himself and Nicole for it.

    And the fact he didn't want to let go of all barriers when he was with her, not even when they were making love? Damn exasperating!

    I'm so glad he finally saw reason. He would have been a fool if he had let Nicole go.

    But it weren't just Nicole and Riker that I loved. I also loved the secondary characters, especially the other vampires in the MoonBound Clan.

    I can't wait for Hunter's book! And Myne's! Oh, yes, those two are definitely on my list. xD

    Really, what more can I say about this wonderful book?
    Oh, I know. HOT SEX SCENES! :P


    Larissa Ione,

    michellesantiago's review against another edition

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    Really good! I'm glad I have book 2 waiting so I can keeping going and extend my stay in Ione's MoonBound world. Full review to come.