
The Silent Touch of Shadows by Christina Courtenay

proudlocks's review

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Enjoyed this once I got into it. Easy read. Would be ideal for those who like period books.

norahs_books's review

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I dnf'd it at 100 pages (30%)

First of all I didn't like the writing. It was too simplistic, which isn't always bad but in this case a twelve year old could've written this in English class. I hated how some sentences were structured.

I also didnt like how the author chose to write the characters. They were all annoying. The main character was bland and didn't have any personality just like her kid. (and all other characters tbh) The ex husband was portrayed to be a bad person. But he was written how a child would write a bad person. The author kept throwing him in the story and made him say or do things that were bad and it was just annoying. All the characters and the story lacked a lot of depth and I doubt that if I kept reading there would be much character development.

I also didn't like the flashbacks very much. It didn't give mee 1400's vibes and it was very off putting. The fact that every chapter had a flashback made it hard for me to keep reading.

Maybe I should've kept reading but I didn't. The story didn't pull me in for the first 30% of the book so I have no intention of reading it further.

antithesis90's review

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I was hoping to stumble upon a writer comparable to Susanna Kearsley, but unfortunately I found the writing simplistic and overly dramatic, the protagonist unsympathetic, and I was not engaged in the "flashback story" ~ I felt it struggled to define itself as a murder mystery and/or a romance.

Easy, quick read, I didn't want to leave the book unfinished.

suze_1624's review

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Good read, 3.5*
An intesting mystery about what happened to Roger and Sibell in the 1460's, told through very short flashbacks but mostly through their haunting of Melissa and Jake, and Melissa's genealogy research into Jake's family (though how she missed the surname similarities!)
I'm glad I wasn't around in those days, though Sir Gilbert and Maude were good sorts.
Did skim read some of the earlier parts but once the mystery got going, enjoyed it.

blodeuedd's review

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At once I knew, this could not end well. Ok so not Melissa, but the other story. If there is a ghost there can't be happiness and I raced to see what had happened.

The book is two stories in one. First we have Melissa, a single mother trying to get by. A history lover (and this made me like her even more) who goes to live with an aunt. And yes in a spooky big house. I should also mention a nice neighbor who is a widower ;)

Then there is the story set in the past. During the War of the Roses a young woman falls in love, but he is not meant for her. I really liked this story even I knew there could not be happiness. But I wanted to know what happened, why the ghost is around. Also the setting for it was nice. Even if I guessed something would happen it was not a sad book, it was just meant to happen and I liked the idea of seeing memories from the past. I always loved that idea ever since I read my first book dealing with it.

The sad and past mingled with each other, and Melissa tried to solve the mystery.

A good lovestory that gives you a bit more than the usual things. It's not romance, it's passion, hope and despair.
