
The Guilty: Pendosa by Jason Pinter

charlisbookbox's review against another edition

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This book was an awesome story. This one is the second in a series of books involving the same character, and now I am chomping at the bit to get the first one so I can get the full back story on Henry Parker.

In any case, this book took a well known American Legend and turned it inside out, which I found refreshing. Not many authors would have dared to, even in fiction, mess with an American Legend lik that. A must read!

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Shelf Life (aka how long has this book chilled on my tbr shelf): 2 or 3 years

Overall Vibe: Not a big fan–the way he treated female characters and his propensity towards pretention soured the experience for me, despite my interest in the plot (which kept me going)

What I liked:

  • One of my favorite things with these kinds of thrillers/mysteries is that even if you start midway through the series, you’ll never be behind–they come with built in previously ons throughout the first few chapters
  • The main plot! I’m into thrillers that give me a look at the villain throughout, and thrillers that throw a connection to the past in (Mary Higgins Clark’s On the Street Where You Live comes to mind)
  • Especially *spoiler alert* a connection to the wild west!
  • He knows how to write a thriller, pacing and language-wise
  • THE PROFESSOR Listen, I’m pretty sure he wrote this woman as a joke, or to make fun of her, I’m not totally sure, but I’m lowkey in love with this one character who probably has 30 pages tops. She’s wonderful. She’s eccentric. She has pictures of George Clooney in her office. She’s a national hero.

What I didn’t like:

  • The narrator was unlikable from the start–he grew on me, but he started out pretentious as hell and used the word “nubile” which… is a red flag for me
  • It seems the pretention may’ve come from the author because it came through in other aspects of the book–specifically pretention about music, which seemed in poor taste or at least misplaced, since it was almost exclusively brought up in the context of the pop star who was murdered
  • Seriously, her blood hadn’t dried and they were talking about how bad her music was.
  • There was one paragraph where a character throws out every slur they can think of. It comes out of nowhere, it’s not justified by the plot, and even though it wasn’t painted in a positive light, it ticked me off.
  • we were on page 295 before one female character was nice to another. Of 368. and the conversation didn’t even end well. I also didn’t understand most of the female characters’ motivations, even when they were incredibly plot important
  • it switched between first person PoV (w/Parker) and third person PoV (w/everyone else)– I always lilke thrillers better with multiple PoVs, but not switching between PoV types
  • Small thing, but: New Mexico isn’t the South, it’s the West. I will accept Southwest. I won’t accept this dude’s interpretation of it.

Anyway, I honestly enjoyed it through my bitterness, but I can also look past stuff like this easier when I’m reading. I won’t be reading any more of Henry Parker’s adventures, though

Trigger Warning for: homophobic and racist slurs, casual misogyny, attempted sexual assault, and other violence

Especially recommended for: people who can overlook a book’s flaws and prefer their murders come with some history 

Bonus: My goodreads updates
June 20, 2019 – Finished Reading
June 20, 2019 –  80.0% "1. I do think the thriller main plot is entertaining and enough to make the rest of the book worth it for me
2. All the female characters had seeds of goodness and could’ve been good characters
3. I’m updating here because this is the moment (I believe) where the first scene with two female characters were nice to each other (still not passing the bechdel test). And it didn’t even end well."
June 18, 2019 –  8.0% "I’m gonna give this a chance because I’m in the mood for a thriller and the plot parts of the blurb sounded interesting but the MC has already A. Used the word “nubile”, and B. Insulted his (our?) generation’s music (in the wake of a pop artist’s gruesome murder!)
Basically, I’m gonna hate him, but fingers crossed the plot makes up for it"
June 18, 2019 – Shelved
June 18, 2019 – Started Reading 

benstigator's review against another edition

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3.5 Stars

booklover81's review against another edition

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The Guilty
Jason Pinter
357 pages
copyright: 2008
isbn: 0-7783-2463-x

As I lie in bed with Amanda, ignoring another late-night call from my ex, a shot rings out in the New York night and a beautiful starlet dies outside the city's most popular nightclub. This is the kind of story I was born to chase—but I never dreamed this story began over a hundred years ago.…

Suddenly another life is taken, the bullet fired from one of the deadliest guns ever made. Both victims are highly controversial, their murders more like public executions. My search leads me into the twisted world of The Boy—a world defined by a demented code of honor and shocking, long-buried secrets of the world's most infamous outlaw.

When this assassin realizes I'm getting too close to the truth, uncovering the past could jeopardize everything I care about. Because in his world there's a fine line between good and evil, and the difference between innocence and guilt depends on who's holding the gun.…

booklover81's review against another edition

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The Guilty
Jason Pinter
357 pages
copyright: 2008
isbn: 0-7783-2463-x

As I lie in bed with Amanda, ignoring another late-night call from my ex, a shot rings out in the New York night and a beautiful starlet dies outside the city's most popular nightclub. This is the kind of story I was born to chase—but I never dreamed this story began over a hundred years ago.…

Suddenly another life is taken, the bullet fired from one of the deadliest guns ever made. Both victims are highly controversial, their murders more like public executions. My search leads me into the twisted world of The Boy—a world defined by a demented code of honor and shocking, long-buried secrets of the world's most infamous outlaw.

When this assassin realizes I'm getting too close to the truth, uncovering the past could jeopardize everything I care about. Because in his world there's a fine line between good and evil, and the difference between innocence and guilt depends on who's holding the gun.…