
Herrin des Windes, by Christine Feehan

magolden13's review against another edition

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adventurous lighthearted


i_hype_romance's review against another edition

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The affection between the two protagonists was too contrived. It did not work as a believable premise. Frankly, the heroine annoyed me.

loverofromance's review against another edition

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Originally Posted At Addicted To Romance

Airiana has had special gifts, and her gifts are seeing patterns in the air, whether it be clouds or fog, she can manipulate air to suit her needs. When she was fourteen years old, her gifts put her in a government program, one that resulted in the death of her mother. So Airiana flees and runs and finds herself living on a farm with five other women who have suffered as she has, who also have special gifts, and have created a unique sisterhood. One evening a fog rolls in, and she ends up captured and held aboard a ship by Maxim Prakenskii. Maxim Prakenskii, one of the brothers, has his own gifts and they also deal with air patterns just like Airiana. Maxim had been separated from his brothers as a boy, and trained to be a Russian assassin. Maxim is on a mission, to protect Airiana until he can deliver her safely to her father. But soon both Maxim and Airiana are on the run for their lives, danger at every corner, and only together will they be able to survive and have a future...together.

Air Bound is the third book in the sisters of the heart series. I want to say that this series has a warm place in my heart. Every book I have read from this series I have fallen in love with and Air Bound is no different. I have to say that when I had read Jolie's story with Ilya Prakenskii, I was really intrigued with these brothers. And now we get to see all of them get their happy endings. Maxim Prakenskii, is one tough man that you don't want to cross, and he has a protective streak a mile wide especially when it comes to Airiana. Airiana has issues she needs to deal with and has vulnerabilities, but she has incredible inner strength and I loved seeing her come into action and fight by Maxim's side when he needed her to be strong. Max and Airiana are one hell of a pair, and they work in sync with each other, and even though Maxim is like all of the Prakenskii men-Alpha to the extreme, they also have tender soft spots for their women, and even though their lives are in danger Maxim lets Airiana fight with him and it creates a unique twist to the story.

There is such a strong connection between Airiana and Maxim, and I loved every moment. One thing I have loved about this series, is that there is such a perfect balance in her plots, and you never feel unsettled and having a hard time catching up. In Air Bound there is a balance between plot, development of characters, steamy scenes, and those sweet romantic moments you just want to keep in your memory forever. We see a strong focus on the emotional connection between Maxim and Airiana, it makes the other more heated moments, even more sexy and powerful and intense.

I will say that this book may be one of my top favorites from this author. It has such a splendid combination of heated sensuality, action packed scenes, characters to adore, and a plot to mesmerize you until the last page. EXPLOSIVELY BRILLIANT!!!

dat_gyul's review against another edition

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He's no Ilya but I do believe Maxim is my second favorite Prakenskii brother. He's serious but funny, tough but tender, he fricking screwed up but still manages to be a pretty awesome dude.

Airiana is not the usual wimpy girly heroine, not by a long shot, she is tough and yet feminine, my kind of gal. She has went through so much and she still got back up to fight again, I do believe I have developed a woman crush.

The chemistry between the two were believable but my only gripe is that it seemed to have happened over night, it felt kind of rushed to me. I would have liked a little bit more time for it to have built between them but love happened different to different people eh.

All in all, this was a good book and one I'm sure I'll be re-reading again in the future.

sewcialist_librarian's review against another edition

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I'm sort of fascinated by this series because I keep wondering just how tortured Feehan is going to make her characters. The biggest issue I have with these books is the repetition. Feehan could shorten the books by 5+ pages if she would quit telling her reader all about how the hero was trained.

macwolf01's review against another edition

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This is book three in Christine Feehan's Sisters of the Heart series, and I LOVED it!! I give it 5 stars, it made me laugh, brought me to tears and the adventure was fast paced.

Airiana Ridell has a brilliant mind, she see patterns everywhere; she's also an elemental controlling air. She and her sisters own a farm in Safe Haven that allows them to share the burden of their pasts and flourish. When men show up and kidnapper her, her first thought is to keep her sisters safe.

Maxim Prakenskii is a killer, an assassin, a bad guy ... but he has a tender spot for Airiana and the 4 kids he manages to save from the ship of horrors.

I can't wait for the next in this series ... just wish I didn't have to wait another year.

jazzrizz's review against another edition

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Back to Sea Haven ... it's been a while since I've visited.

This one started out with a bang and was pretty much high octane throughout. Airiana is a highly intelligent air talent. Maxim (who kidnaps to protect her) is also an air talent.

I love how quickly she picks up Maxim's tricks with working with air. Her talent improves immensely over the course of this book.

This one is another reluctant hero, who fights the inevitable. Which makes the realization that he's totally hooked scene so much sweeter.

Another Prakenskii is in Sea Haven ... I think things are heating up to explosive levels. Especially since it appears that the Drake sisters my all be heading back to town.

On to [b: Earth Bound|11690470|Earth Bound|J.A. Taylor||16637155]

cocktailsandbooks1's review against another edition

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Sea Haven, how happy I was to be back in Sea Haven, I had been waiting for the next book in this series for a long time. I was so happy when I saw Air Bound was available. I love Airiana, she’s strong and confident and a great heroine, even if she does come to love and trust Maxim Prakenskii really fast. Though since there is a bit of a fated mate’s aspect I overlooked and let some of that quick love and trust go.

This story is full of action, and a lot of death, but at its core it’s a beautiful love story. Airiana sees Maxim for them man he truly is and not the man he shows the world, and Maxim does his best to protect and love Airiana.

I enjoyed that even though it’s been awhile since I read the others in the series, and some of the events from that spilled over, that the author did a good job of reminding and introducing me to those events again, so that I could easily pick it back up again. I think this allows the story to be read as a standalone if necessary, though I did enjoy the first two in the series and would recommend them too.

Overall, I really enjoyed and recommend this story, it has magic, action and enough intrigue to keep you guessing and the story hopping and moving forward.

Reviewed by Sheri for Cocktails and Books

cranberrytarts's review against another edition

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I've been anxiously awaiting this book since the last, Spirit Bound, was released in 2011. I have no idea why Feehan goes so long between releases in this series. She's quick to put out Dark books. I wish she'd focus more here since I feel this is the stronger of the two series.

I absolutely adored the first book, Water Bound, and I had similar happy feelings while reading this one. Airiana and Maxim were a solid couple and the story was fast-paced and exciting. Non-stop action from page one. Though the plot was tense there was a surprising amount of humor. I actually laughed out loud a couple times.

Full review to come at, but I will say this was a good reminder why I read Feehan. When she hits, she hits big and Air Bound landed out of the park.

ssejig's review against another edition

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I have no good reason as to why this got a three instead of a two. I had many, many, many things that irked me about this book. Many things. Many. It may be the fact that most of these things should have been caught by the editor that made me less annoyed. That, or the fact the story was so, so beyond ridiculous that finding these little gems (hid in the spoilers below) actually became a fun game. Yes, it was definitely a two-star book with an extra star for absurdity points.

Just one example: the use of the phrase skid marks. After sex. Um... I go on a little more behind the spoilers but how did no one catch the double meaning of this one? And why would either one be in use at all? That is just not a happy-sounding description of sex.

This is not up to the level of the Drake sisters by any means. Most Feehan readers will enjoy this book, but if you're a new reader or been away from her for awhile... I would definitely start at least at the beginning of this series, if not the Drake Sisters series.

Story description and irritations behind the spoiler.

So... the hero kidnaps our heroine for the father she never knew. Along the way they pick up four orphans (this is while they're on a sex slavery ship), two of whom were horribly abused, and the h/h kill off most of the other characters appearing in the book. This continues even as they meet her father who doesn't want her because he loves her but because of her giant brain (which we are told over and over that she has but we never see it). Maxim (hero) is determined to take Airianna (air element, see what they did with the name? Didja? Huh? Huh?) there anyway because he loves her and thinks that's best. Oh, and they fall in insta-love and his giant wang makes sexxing times good for her, a virgin and her sparkly vagina makes him never want another woman.
Can we talk about the part where he's hanging like a spider and then is compared to a spider. In the same sentence? You couldn't substitute "arachnid"? Would have worked just as well. And then it's Airianna's turn to be a spider on the very next page, only she's a curled up like a dead spider, not hovering like one waiting for prey.
In one shower scene, Maxim is described as being so much taller than her that his shaft is between her breasts. I may have missed the part where she was seated (nope, just went back and checked) but... good, god, how short is she? Four feet tall? And he's seven?
And the part where his penis is so big it left skid marks inside her? How, in this day and age, did this book make it past what I can only assume is a good number of editors and none of them knew the colloquial term? Just... not a good term to use in describing post-coital feelings. In either meaning of "skid marks"
Loved the fact that we kept getting told that Maxim was a trained killer with no emotions. Except that all this man did was emote everywhere. He was one big emotional nerve. It was very disconcerting to keep having one of our main characters tell us something about himself (that we were clearly supposed to believe) but have something completely different occurring on the page.