
Water Princess, Fire Prince by Kendra E. Ardnek

meganmcculloughbooks's review

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Oh my goodness, where do I even start? This book was fantastic! Seriously, go read it. :D

The Plot
Very Narnia-ish. :) But also very unique! It revolves around 2 teens who get thrust into a medieval world and hailed as the Water Princess and Fire Prince. These aren't just normal, average teens though. They are alive with personality, flaws, and awesomeness, which brings me to my next point.

The Characters
Oh my goodness, the characters are some of my favorites in Book History! Clara is a fiery teen with a sharp temper and athletic abilities. There are other things I could tell you about her, but...spoilers! Andrew is more laid back and organized. He is also very selfless.

The Negative
There isn't much to put here. :) The only thing I saw was that there were a couple of typos (aside from the purposeful ones due to Rizkaland spelling). They might have been changed in the final version, I just read the Advanced Reader Copy.

Final Thoughts
Go. Read. It. Now. You won't be disappointed! This book has become one of my favorites, right up there with the Ilyon Chronicles, the Out of Time Trilogy, and Tales of Goldstone Wood. Way to go Kendra! I will definitely be reading the rest of this series!

annascottcross's review

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This was one of the longest books that I have read within a 24 hour time period. It was that good. When I got it, and saw that it had almost five hundred pages, I guessed that it would take at least two or three days. Twenty-four hours later, I am moaning because it is over.

It was so original, and different. A lot of fantasy tends to follow certain themes/settings/etc., but this was completely new! Even the romance didn't follow a pattern - they were literally forced to get married (or tied as they call it in Rizkaland) and didn't even want to until afterwards.

A lot of people don't love Clara's personality, which is understandable, since she kind of goes out of her way in the beginning to be disagreeable. I however liked her personality. It was different. A lot of books I've read have a sweet, damsel-in-distress-type heroine, and Clara was anything but.

Andrew balanced Clara out really well. While she was passionate and somewhat moody, he was gentle and levelheaded. He took the situation and decided that since they couldn't do much about it, they might as well make the best of it.

And my favorite part: The connections Kendra made! The teasing that Kath does in the beginning, to the coincidental talents of their parents, everything fits together and all makes sense! I loved it!

Overall it was a clean read. A little bit of kissing, but nothing bad. It was such a different book than any that I have read recently, and was really refreshing. Overall, I would thoroughly recommend this book!